Bitcoin's next victim

This has to fucking stop. that was the last GPU to offer modest performance at a decent price. I was planning on paying no more than $250 for this exact card but now it's fucking priced to shit. soon the 1050 will get the bullet too because these miners are too retarded to go for an actual peice of mining hardware that is so much more effective like

I was so close to getting the build but now I have to fucking wait for crypto to crash or the cards to be too old for use on newer and more modern games.

Other urls found in this thread:

>tfw bought a 1060 6gb for 270 americos a week before black Friday
Haha, suck it fag.

>these miners are too retarded to go for an actual peice of mining hardware that is so much more effective like
they're not mining bitcoin you retard

thats still more expensive than it should be without this bitcoin bullshit

I got a 1080 for 490 dollars summer 2017

>fell for 6gb meme when both perform exactly the same
glad you spent the extra buck to show your stupidity, do some research before you buy next time.

>muh vidya gaymens
Wow I'm so sorry for you

the 6gb literally has MOAR CORES than the 3gb model you know

Enjoy spending almost twice as much for half the memory. Maybe you can research how to stop being a retarded faggot.

I can't wait for 1060 3GB to rise in prices. I want to be able to sell mine for at least $200.

>both perform exactly same
No they don't

Buy a fucking xbox if you want to game, you stupid manchild.

I avoided this by getting a 980Ti for $250 second hand. The guy I bought it from was a miner, go figure.

>being poor

>buying a miner's card
enjoy your burned-out electronics and screaming fans

Did you manage to up your pussy game with that mentality yet? Because that's not how to do it, not by pretending you're too cool for some arbitrary bullshit.

>he thinks anyone actually makes profit from actual mining anymore
>he doesn't realize the entire fucking factories of mining equipment that China has which is why GPUs are still priced so high
>he doesn't understand greed at all
>look at him, look at him and laugh

who are you quoting?

>Donald Trump is president

who the fuck mines with a GPU

It came from his personal PC, my dude.

>it came from his personal personal computer
Well aren't you just so smart

That GPU gets you $2 profit a day mining etherum you fucking moron. Buy it and mine ETH while you're asleep.

You can still get them for a little over $200

for hashing they do and that is what matters

>look at ebay GPU prices (UK)
>More expensive than brand new
miners are literally mongoloids, if i could program electricity i would seek them out and destroy their precious """""farms""""""

Ripple will put an end to this nonsense soon. The banksters are about to finish the buttcoiners off once and for all.

What if I got a pc specifically because vidya is better on pc?

>mfw GPUs cost less here than in the USA

But it has dual fans

would pay 600

>paying $300 for a inferior experience

You're confusing bitcoin mining with other coins. Bitcoin mining is dominated by chinks running thousands of ASICs in a warehouse. Other coins are still profitable for home mining.

t. nocoiner

No one was supposed to buy the 1060 3GB ever

Nvidia proved it didn't need to be gimped so hard with the release of the 5GB 1060

>commercials with starving africans "these people live on less than $2 a day"
>Sup Forums: bro, it's $2 a day PROFIT

It won't.
3GB isn't enough RAM.

lol you're pretty uninformed, ignorant even.

>wanting to buy the hardware for what it was originally invented and designed for is bad
Shitcoin miners, everyone.

Ethereum's price has spiked so a bunch of people are jumping back on the bandwagon.
Proof of Stake still isn't a thing.



I just looked on amazon and 1070's are like $600. What the actual fuck.

Just accept that graphics cards are overpriced and make up for it by mining when you aren't playing games . You'll more than make up for it in the long wrong.

There are plenty of coins that are still good for mining with a GPU dumbass. Some coins can't be mined with ASICs

Thats a better use for those dumb cards anyway

dumb animeposter

Hold up.

This stupid fucking mining meme is what drug up the GTX 1080 TI up to 300 bucks?

When is it supposed to stop? I just wanted a fucking upgrade, but if it's going to cost me damn near half a grand I may as well just buy a fucking car.

pic related to all miners

miner here.

suck a fat one cause gpu compute is more important than your need to play virtual women in 4k.

supply and demand.

anime website

If you guys are still talking about gpus in terms of Bitcoin mining this board is shittier than I thought and you're all next level fags

I have an rx480 8gb, I hate miners. Couldn't beat them so I just joined them. I just have one GPU, but I mine I mean might as well have it do something when I'm not playing games. Not upgrading for at least 3years with the current rate shits going for.

ITT: poorfags

I can't believe gamers would rather whine than save for a damn good card like a 1080ti or say, buy a card like 1070ti before miners get a chance to benchmark then buy them all. I built a bulldozer rig for VR last year and have built a pretty solid collection of cards because of mining. You could have been an early adopter, but no, you're bitching because you're late to the game.

Why the fuck are Sup Forums babies so mad about other uses of GPUs. The prices are ADJUSTING to their correct price because their use cases are increasing. Deal with it?

AMD has one chance to claw back market share when they release their Ryzen APUs soon, they better load up hard with OEMs and get starter 1080p systems out to the masses, I doubt miners will give any fucks about desktop APUs

Because most people buy GPU's for gaming yow fucking autist, what board do you think you're on?

Could've sworn I wasn't on Sup Forums

Holy shit I bought this for $200 in November, I got lucky

Suck it faggista.
The gaymar has no money for his games because of big bad crypto.
Would momyyy save him...
I can buy more than 200 of those cards if I wished to.

>meanwhile Vega 64 costs 500 dollars and is more powerful than a 1080 ti

Ngrillia and shilltell on suicide watch

Why would buttcoin care about 3GB v 6GB ram? Not even most games dont care about that shit and if they do, its barely minimum differences.

The main difference is core count. Its got ~10% less core count since its a cut down. It performs 10% worse as a result.

I have been mining for 2 months with a GPU rig and it has an average of 2k per month profit. That's double the average salary here.

>no resale value at all
>delivery can take so long that the miner is obsolete when it arrives
>notoriously shitty quality
>can only mine like 4 coins
>less profitable than GPU mining

It's kinda funny to see people raging about GPU prices, just buy used when Volta comes out and all the miners sell their old cards.

>just buy a used gpu that has been running on close to 100% cycle for months

Ethereum, the 2nd most popular coin after bitcoin, can't be mined with less than 4gb vram.

That being said, other coins like Zcash, can be mined with only 2gb, but they're not worth as much. But that's to be expected with newer coins. Eventually, you won't be able to mine those with

>he thinks it is bad now

Just wait thanks to the Intel bug ,+,monero no more cpu

>gamers pretending to like technology again
technology board....

Guys what if the jews are doing all this on purpose to kill off desktop PC's for good and force all the goyim sheeple into the ((mobile cloud)) for good

>mining Bitcoin on a GPU
What did he mean by this?

>buttcoin miners going to nvidia now.

I don't care I bought a 1070ti like a week ago and I sitll have no idea what games to play because I never play anything.

At least I can use it for cycles in blender.

Late to the game because still saving for a desktop in the first place dumbass.

>people who game dont have other interests
God i love people too shallow to understand what a stereotype is.


What's with this FUD? You can absolutely run Ethereum on 1060 3GB.

The performance scaling between 3GB and 6GB is within 1-2 Mh difference.

>tfw based miners are solving the Sup Forums problem


on a board full of larping programmers and people who can't stop screeching about who's cpu is better for posting on a chinese cartoon imageboard do you really think it's reasonable to assume people actually know anything about computers?

MAL isn't an anime website!

>Sup Forums has "anime" in the name
You literal nigger

Someone I know started mining recently, they bought 8 GTX 1080TI's just to mine some currency. Not sure if it's a meme or not.

I bought myself a gaming rig.
I thought: man, these miners sure are faggots
Then, I tried it myself and now my hardware's paying itself off :D

Usually more like a year but that's irrelevant GPUs have a way greater lifespan. Miner's used cards usually only has a worn out fan which is easy to replace.

It's about right, you need the best and a lot of the best lot to get a lot



You do know what 2chan is, right?

Chan is literally a japanese word. Technically.

Fake post, Hiro is the Admin of Sup Forums.

>he actually still believe the "bitcoin miners buy all dem cards" bullshit

I have an AMD 7790 (which I can't control the clocks and voltage as a headless 2nd card) and a 1050Ti and no budget or wish to spend several hundreds on a better card for this purpose.

I know, I absolutely know it's shit for mining. But what should I be mining with them? Anything is better than nothing starting out with, well, nothing. I lost the 215k of dogecoin I used to have from letting my account expire at a now closed exchange because "it's never going to go ANYWHERE" and I won't let that happen again.

Not bitcoin but miners kinda are. I bought 39 1070Ti at the beginning of this year and I'm a pretty small time miner.

Did you make a profit from mining them or are they a net lose for like 3 years?

I just bought them from last year's Litecoin profits, haven't set them up yet. Need some mobos that are currently out of stock.
I do have a 19 GPU rig that makes about 2k per month worth 40 bucks cost in electricity.

Issue is memory wear, especially with HBM which is what Volta GPUs use.

Which is why underclocking and undervolting is the most cost effective choice.

Hit the sweet spot of hash/w with downclocked memory and a card can easily last a couple years, provided it is mining 24/7 and you keep VRM temps below 85C

Not the current Gen though and Nvidia works best with Lyra2RE which isn't memory intensive.

Y’all mad poorfags? Got these last month for ethereum

Mining is the new vidya op deal with it.

nobody mines bitcoin anymore with gpu's, you are retarded

Allow me to let you retards in on a widely known topic. Niggers will buy 10x0's because they are profitable as fuck. With a 1080 alone I get nearly 9 dollars a day. All it takes it to set up a batch file, a miner, and a pool to mine to. GPU prices will never stop rising due to the crypto boom and mining trends. Use and check the profitability yourselves. And no, mining doesn't hurt your gpu unless you're a troglodyte nigger that lets it overheat (85+). It MAY cause the fan's to wear out after a FEW YEARS (liquid cooling is possible too), but they are replaceable for cheap cost.

godspeed, but it's more profitable to mine equihash algo's. From there you can move it to ethereum on an exchange. Check

Mining is such a fucking meme. I mean I'm all for decentralized currency, I bought weed and salvia off of silkroad and I support the idea of no banks currency. Why do people threat it as an investment though? The crypto instability is what's scaring people from using it, not the fact that 95% of the actual transactions that aren't investment are for drugs, weapons and kiddie porn. I used to know a bakery that actually accepted bitcoin. I bought a croissant there every morning for what would be $24000 today, because I left my PC running over the night.

>GPU prices will never stop rising due to the crypto boom and mining trends.
>Pick prices will never stop rising due to the gold rush and mining trends

...'re making my point. How much was a pick after the rush?

nvidia needs funds to drive their r&d, mang.

let the miners have their gpus.

but crypto is infinite gold because there are always new coins to mine