Excuse me sir, please hand over your phone to pass go

And the policy sets forth standards for agents to do an “advanced search,” which involves connecting the device to a computer to retrieve and copy information. Under the rules, advanced searches are allowed only if there is “reasonable suspicion” and “articulable facts” to support it, and with the approval of a supervisor. The standards for more in-depth searches hadn’t been spelled out before. No such standard exists for basic searches.
What do you do Sup Forums?

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Refuse to hand over my password since I cannot be compelled to do so, let them try to check it on a computer, and then sit in a holding room for an hour while I wait for a lawyer to show up.

Go with empty phone with unsuspected well behaving social networks, download all the real shit over the border from cloud.

INB4 retarded policy.

don't take the tracking device while travelling

It's hard to write on a phone with damaged hand.

Well, that's dangerous too. You have to have something fake to be inspected, don't be childish, those dudes are not kind.

Getting phone with 128GB rom.

Limit badwith by software to 56/kB/s

Giving them password.

Having fun wathing them downloading 120GIGS of cat pictures with steanographically emded childporn being downloaded into their computer.

Cat pictures being funny.

Wait for them to shere cat pictures.

Crack them.

Accusse them of distributing child porn trought cat pictures

Problem solved.

>connecting the device to a computer
How would you defend against this? As far as I know, mtp can't be blocked. And they probably use some program to bypass any locks on it anyways. Can you stop this?

Telling them connecting phone to their computer is dangerous...

Being replaced insides of a phone by capacitators.

They cconnect usb, it kills motherboard.

Just bring a burner phone with you or rip the SD card out and hide it someplace in your bag.

Sure officer, I have nothing to hide after all.
*shows devices*
*nothing wrong happens*

>USB Killer disguised as flash drive

Uch... That's simple.

don't be a faggot about peoples privacy, if I wanna hide my futa porn then I'm gonna hide by futa porn

break or otherwise disable your USB port, either use wireless charging or swap batteries to recharge

>Bring phone on trip
>Swap with bad one before going
>Hide good one in bag
>Can't search phone
>Go to bathroom on plane
>Swap port cause you're not 7 it's easy

Or just refuse their blatantly unconstitutional search

They can't compel me to tell them a password
They can't search my encrypted devices


I carry multiple phones on me anyways, one for music, pictures and games and one to use as a phone.
Though I'd probably just do what anons larp about anyways; wipe, stock image, restore when home. If I'm crossing a boarder I'm not letting my info get stolen

I'd be surprised if you can't disable power management to it from a kernel editor come to think of it

Yea but then you can't plug it back in for your own usage so that sucks

I don't own a phone. You can search my laptop all you want, it's a totally sanitized, not-encrypted Xubuntu install that I don't do anything on. The SD card in my camera has the encrypted OS I use for casual surfing and VPN usage named in the video naming convention that the camera utilizes, complete with a video file extension type.

you can always transfer shit via ftp/shared folders/bluetooth

>Realize drives and devices are searched on border crossings.
>Rent a temporary VPS and leave my stuff in an encrypted archive there during my travels.

Not sure why they'd need to search my devices anyways. They also read through your books? they have time to look through every single file on my device?

Would like to see them spend an entire day cloning one of the higher capacity archive drives, just for national security.


there's nothing particularly weird about carrying a phone or a laptop with barely anything on it across the border
people doing business overseas do that all the time, and the US government has explicitly advised people to do this when traveling to some locales (well, at least China)
not having anything is A-OK too (you'll just grab a burner phone in the target country -- this used to be less suspicious when smartphones weren't ubiquitous though, but it's still not overtly weird and loads of people travel without anything specifically to avoid the hassle)

>Would like to see them spend an entire day cloning one of the higher capacity archive drives, just for national security.
mate, it's not like they have anything better to do, and they'll make you wait there the entire time (and take the drive anyway just to spite you)

>traveling outside the country
Oh boy I can't wait to go you yurop and get ran over by a truck!

>border patrol agent found your hentai

>wireless adb
Also can't flash shit anymore
>inb4 hrrdrr sideload sucks
Fuck off

>be border agent with hatred for weabos
>look autist in line
>plant cp
see ya in 20 years. they literally plant heroin in traffic stops. why leo would plant shit (which would be extremely easier) just to fuck with people they don't like. if you are a foreigner they can deport your ass in the spot.

>Full-disk encryption
problem solved. Sure they might crack it, but good luck with a bunch of useless sparse bundles. No Warrant, No Password.

Remember when these rules applied to non-citizens? What would happen if you're travelling for business and the agent sees something above their pay grade for a military contract bid? Can you therefore make a case they're access sensitive materials by force and hang them as a traitor?

>Remember when these rules applied to non-citizens? What would happen if you're travelling for business and the agent sees something above their pay grade for a military contract bid? Can you therefore make a case they're access sensitive materials by force and hang them as a traitor?
It's always applied to US citizens. The government could go through whatever they see fit. Also why would you have top secret designs on a business laptop going out of the country?

IIRC they can't force you to tell the password or lock code of your phone, but if you're lazy enough to use a fingerprint or face unlock they can force you to do that because it's biometrics.

fpbp though enjoy your 4 hour detention

best to encrypt the entire partition on a deniable hidden volume and give them access to a dummy OS

I don't have a phone, I don't have a laptop, I don't have a passport.

It isn't limited to national borders though. When I drove to commiefornia they searched my car to make sure I wasn't carrying any food or plants because they're paranoid about beetles or fungus damaging their farms.
Borders themselves are considered constitution free zones 12 miles in every direction.

You have an unsecured computer (because hurr durr nothing to hide) and on opening up your laptop, the session resumes, showing the tsa agent your open tabs and your comments on them.
How screwed are you?

What's this, at like an airport?

Do they care about oppai lolis (all of them is 18+ old) and monster girls? Also human cattle/pet.
I also hope i closed the handholding page.

>Disclaimer: All the girls are 18+ even if it explicitly states otherwise.

If anything (even non loli) is 3dcg or 3dpd, then the 2d stuff will be considered cp under DOST (because they will infer a criminal intent to use non-illegal materials as a proxy for illegal materials in your head)
Such is life in freedomland.

encrypt it

I allow the governments large penis to ravage my asshole as it sees fit because I don't want to spend the rest of my life in secret military prison