Go to Uni for Cyber Security

>go to Uni for Cyber Security
>talking to friend who recently became an SE major
>he seriously thinks he's going to be the next Bill Gates
>I start talking about how CSC is a pretty easy major so far
>he puts down my major because "SE majors make more money"
>tells me it's easy because people don't care about it
>don't really feed into it, but it pisses me off
Is he right? I've been working with computers pretty much all of my life, and have been programming since I was 10. I was originally going to do SE, but the jobs available in Cyber Sec seems more stable and the field seems to be blossoming. I also have a deeper curiosity in cyber security and have always been more interested in server side stuff rather than just straight up programming. I just don't want to fall into a meme major and end up fucked after graduation (although I'm at a pretty decent Uni so I will probably be ok).

Either way my "friend" is an egotistical asshole. Sorry if this is the wrong board to post this.

What the fuck is SE?

Probably software engineering.

Having any computer related degree is guaranteed to land you a job somewhere with good pay. Do what you enjoy. Cyber security is a good major. Your "friend" is an asshole. Do some research on your own to deceide what is best for you, but it sounds like you just want reassurance from this anonymous image board.

software engineering is a bigger field than cyber security and easier to find work in

>sounds like you just want reassurance from this anonymous image board.
Yeah pretty much, I just came here to vent about it and get some opinions since you guys seem knowledgable. I trust myself and know I'm going down the right path but sometimes get a little freaked out.

Looking at the security experts at my job, you have nothing to worry about OP. You'll have a boring, high paying job and won't be contributing anything of value except documentation.

Your job pay is correlated to how socially competent you are. You seem pretty autistic so you're probably never going to make more than 150k

Sweet, exactly what I'm looking for. Thanks.

Explain Zucc then

Unless the shit hits the fan, which it probably won't if you do your job properly.

I'm an SE at a cybersecurity company. I work on the tools that the security "researchers" use to add stuff to our product. Can confirm we make the same salary.

I've considered a lot to switch to the security side of things (I do have a base, could probably get certs). Just remember both jobs are fairly boring day-to-day. Yeah when a major vulnerability is unveiled things get hectic but nobody has Zuck-level excitement in their job.

I sit around, check email, browse internet, fix bugs, add features to our backend. The security people sit around, check email, browse internet, and specifically browse security sites for new things to add. Then they use the tools the SEs made to make the rest of their job fairly easy.

Both are great and very similar. My uni didn't have cybersecurity but I definitely would've considered that.

For growth, some people can say "oh look at all the new tech, we need SEs to write software for that" and others say "oh look at all the hacks recently, we need people to secure our systems".
Both jobs will be secure for quite a while.

You sound like a women.


I do network security for a fairly large company. Pay is pretty amazing and I keep getting job offer from different companies every other month despite never actually having done anything noteworthy. I just make sure to keep the important people up to date on security issues and wrote them a 20 page security guideline when I started 5 years ago that I keep updating.

That and being social and occasionally giving a little presentation to management on the current state of affairs and presenting the updated threat model.

Right now but cyber security has more potential in 5 years

SE is growing, and CS will too. Softwares that software engineers have vulnearabillities which CS job should fix. CS is undervalued. How world will change if IOT become popular

What is cyber?

>don't really feed into it,
He'll learn what it feels to be shoulder to shoulder in a basement with a poo writing shitty Java code soon

What is google?
Btw OP I'm going for a cyber-sec cert but idk if that will be enough to put my foot in the field

As a security consultant, I fucking hate that there are cyber security people who have absolutely no experience with programming or systems.

>he's gonna be the next bill gates
>only aspect of his thought process is money

Special Education

Exception that proves the rule

Will you hire me?

with that attitude, he can be next Steve Jobs instead

What are black people, John?

If you don't mind me asking, what country? Also, how saturated is the market?

>Is he right?
Nope, since he only cares about the money he will likely fuck up hard

why are you friends with a selfish asshole?

First of all, who the fuck cares if his field is marginally better than yours for making money? Not even saying it is, but why are you so buttmad at the possiblity? You don't have to be in the literal best field of study to make tons of money. Second, your friend is retarded. Even if your classes actually are easy, that doesn't mean your field is worse

Social Engineering

That's more than 92% of Americans


Soy Extracting

You both fell for the meme

sex ed

Can someone tell me how one would go from being a neet to studying cyber security in uni?
a-asking for a friend

Known him all my life basically, he's gotten worse since he got to Uni because he surrounds himself with other dipshits who think the same things.

I guess it's more the fear that I could have done SE but decided on Cyber Sec because it's easier. Not buttmad.

Just take the SAT and then apply to colleges.

US, California. As for how saturated, well we get a lot of applicants for each job opening. It's less competitive in other states, especially for security.

I used to be neet. I think I've seen like 500 anime during that time. Almost applied for autismbux but then thought "is this what I wanna do my entire life?"
It's not too hard to change when you're faced with that. Just apply for community college, don't even need to take the sat.

There's a lot of those dipshits in college. They mostly disappear when you graduate and get a job.