Daily reminder that if we see that you have changed jobs more than once in the past 3 years your CV will land in the...

Daily reminder that if we see that you have changed jobs more than once in the past 3 years your CV will land in the bin.

lol thats actually true, atleast thats how we do it

Any places that takes a CV must be a shitshow.

Hilarious user, especially considering the current job market makes it basically impossible to do a whole career in a single company and result in a decent wage compared to people who change jobs every 1/2 years.

I'm fairly certain that, while I'm at almost 2 years of experience at my current job, and that I was undervalued at recruitment, I'll get pennies for a raise. That will probably be the time I start looking someplace that value my skills and knowledge, rather that some place which hopes I get duped into staying for long.

I've not worked at all for the past 5 years, so nobody will hire me ever

I only once had to drop a CV because of hopping and that was of a programmer girl which switched 7 jobs in two years going from probation period to probation period. I interviewed her anyway because of all the shit storm of my coworkers (she was cute and had big boobs) and during the interview it was clear that she just didn't get along with anyone and blamed every precious company for leaving on personal reasons. So I didn't take her. After that, HR and upper management started implying sexism on me for not hiring her to the point that I ranted, got fired and stayed 6 months on garden leave travelling Thailand and fucking hookers. Now I have a new job where I make 40% more of before

great story, never happened.

Untrue. I never had this issue
I'm sure this

Ah nevermind peaces

thats why you don't put it on your resume.

Please explain what part is not plausible to you

people should do what they feel benefits them the most. if that means quitting after a year or staying for life, that's cool.

your company would fire you in a heartbeat if they didn't need you. why should you be any less cutthroat?

also sage. this OP is such a forced meme.

the part where you want me to believe you.

>girl with big boobs going for programmer job
Never seen it happen unless she's super fat.

She was Polish, fairly tall and had huge boobs. Thick but not fat.
Not my type though, I developed serious yellow fever in Thailand.

>Not my type though, I developed serious yellow fever in Thailand.
We all know you're into lolis and traps.
That's the only things you can find in thailand, 12 year old bio female hookers and trannies.
Maybe even shota traps too.

>Daily reminder that if we see that you have changed jobs more than once in the past 3 years your CV will land in the bin.
Good thing I leave out every second job or so, no problem.

I love how these threads have popped up. They're a good reminder of how transparently insecure everyone here is. Someone is obviously feeling bad about being stuck in the same dead-end job for three-to-five years (or more?) so they make this thread over and over to try to force "job hopping" a new topic that everyone gets angry about. If it works, and they find other people who hate job hoppers, they've validated their opinion and their shitty lifestyle. Good luck, bud.

Please hire me, I need to get a Samsung CHG90 aligned vertically to better code.

b-but change s-s-scares m-me

Some insecurity problems user?
I've changed jobs plenty no problem.

They're desperate for developers. They don't care where you come from.

is this the final boss of cuphead?

Yeah, except if you have been somewhere over 7 years your going into the bin as well so its a bit of a lose/lose.

I didnt work for 9 years and got a job in IT based on my github

Changed jobs 2 times this year resulting in 200% increase in salary (from junior iOS Dev in medium company to only iOS Dev in startup)

>fight me
