Do you manually spread your thermal paste or do you put on a blob in the middle of the CPU and let the heatsink spread...

Do you manually spread your thermal paste or do you put on a blob in the middle of the CPU and let the heatsink spread it?

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blob, prevents bubbles.

>he fell for thermalpaste meme

Just another trick to pump money out of your wallet. You do not need to buy thermal paste ever.

Superglue>thermal paste


5 euro per 2 year to replace the thermal paste of 3 cpu's.

By the gods.
That's a lot of money.

>>You don't have to buy the expensive paste, cheap ones are good to.

>>And yea, blob

>Smol cpus
Put a grain of rice in the center, the heatsink do the job

>High tdp cpu
A thin line in the same way the die is oriented

>Gpu and delidded cpu
Manually spread a THIN layer of paste all over it

The Wraith Spire and Stealth coolers already have the paste applied so I don't need to worry about it.

blob in the middle

Is thermal grizzly and its kryonaut as good as they say?

>replace the thermal paste
I'd like to think the people posting here would know better than that.

>blob in the middle
Why do people say to do this when it gives the worst spread?

i put a blob myself personally
works best with joojizz™

Also thinking of picking up some kryonaut. They provide a tip to spread the paste with, is that recommended?

>the worst spread
Can't say I see a problem here, spread is just fine. Do a line or something instead if it makes you feel better, but an appropriately sized blob in the middle is entirely sufficient. The outer edges of the IHS are barely involved in heat transfer anyway.

I imagine having full coverage will sill produce better results even if the IHS transfers less heat at the edges.
If you are worried about air bubbles by doing the spread method then the X method seems best.

>They provide a tip to spread the paste with, is that recommended?
No. Blob or bust. Putting the heatsink on does the spreading as well or better than you could by hand. The ONLY time you should manually spread thermal compound is if you're using one of those newfangled liquid metal ones.

>I imagine having full coverage will sill produce better results even if the IHS transfers less heat at the edges.
Even with a slight underapplication like pic related, we're talking maybe a single degree difference as compared to a hypothetical perfect full coverage no air bubble scenario. The paste just helps the heatsink make a bit better contact, it's not the sole route for heat transfer. As long as you cover the center of the CPU (where the actual silicon makes contact with the IHS) and don't put too MUCH on, you're literally 99% of the way to perfect. Doing a line/X/spread could theoretically be VERY slightly better, but you're wasting time and introducing human error into the equation in order to lower temps by half a degree under load. The potential fuckups heavily outweigh the benefits, since there are exactly zero functional benefits.

was pleasently surprised about this, but
had to replace mine on the r5 1600
it just ran too hot for comfort

went to swap out a cpu in my older pc

A6 5400k APU for an Athlon x4 750k but the athlon isnt seating into the mobo socket and pc doesnt boot, trying to find the bent/broke pin before I toss it.

just use a blob in mid


I use liquid metal so I HAVE to carefully spread it.

>double enters
>doesn't know how to greentext
He's not from here.

dot method is fucking retarded
i always spread it evenly in a thin layer with a plastic card on both cpu and heatsink

I too love air bubbles.

t. Air bubble

Like this

had a giggle

yes I've seen this on network cards that run hot (GbE and above)

My problem is that if I just do the dot method and let the heatsink spread it then I run into issues screwing it in. On my noctua the screws were very hard to thread evenly so part of the heatsink then rises ever so slightly as I screw one side in. Is that not going to put air in between?

You're supposed to alternate between the corners.

mine has 2 screws on either side. Both of which required a ton of pressure to just sit on the thread correctly. I suppose I could do two screw drivers simultaneously but it would take awhile.

>do the blob in the middle technique because it spreads the best way
>doing everything right
>one fucking cooler feet won't snap in
>suddenly the whole cooler gets lose off the cpu again
>whole spread is probably fucking RUINED between cooler and cpu
>don't want to stress my buckling motherboard again just to clean and re-apply new shit
>snap everything into place and call it a day while knowing the paste spread is fucked

see how they are spring loaded? So I had to use two hands just to orient one of the screws and keep it locked in place to start the initial thread which then raised the other side.


ya exactly what happened to me. I'd rather just manually spread it if I'm going to get in air inside either way. At least then I know it has good coverage.

well that's a silly design

I hate these goddamn fucks so much

Buy a 6 pack and tell your buddy it's his if he gives you an extra set of hands for 10 minutes.

I don't have any friends.

I thought I hated those, until I had to install Cryorig H7.

If I knew it would be that much of a PITA to install, I wouldn't have bought it in the first place.

Have a family member help out. I had my mom literally hold down the opposite corner of a hyper 212 spring bracket the first time I installed it.

I kinda liked them even if they aren't really much better than screws.

They are doing many things right - easy to replace if you break the pin, easy to install once you did 2-3 of them.

I spread mine approximately the same way I spread your sister. I slap it down, press hard and hope it sticks

so I would have to schedule a time for someone to come out just to install a damn cooler? For what? No air bubbles? Next time I'm manually spreading no fucks given.

My fucking sides!!!!

Blob is for shmucks, X pattern is the patrician's choice. Spreading is only applicable to liquid metal TIM or exposed dies.

I too believe everything I see on the internet.

doesn't an x pattern require tons more paste than a dot? How is that not going to like fall off the cpu?

>Cryorig H7
Fuck i just orderd that one
it scores quite good though for the price

It literally doesn't matter which method you use, you will get same results, unless you put it not enough or shit load:


being using the blob for years and hasn't failed me

>t. 95c Bulldozer man

I put a shitton of paste on, went over the edges etc but seems to work fine