Is anyone updating the BIOS??? Or just OS patches?? Do I update BIOS also. ASUS released the BIOS but wondering if it's needed as I'm comfy and OCd and don't wanna lose my profiles
Meltdown BIOS updates
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Nice meme
Pre-haslel systems apparently wont get any microcode updates anyway
Nice meme, buddy
Yeah z370 Asus has them and I am asking you pros , WWYD??? WHAT WOULD YOU DO ..
Last time I updated bios the version my.MOBO didn't like and had to reflash to another BETA BIOS and still there. Everything works great just weary of BIOS updating
>not updating to latest BIOS as a matter of course
People are stuck in the fucking 90s when flashing a BIOS was actually dangerous and there weren't huge security holes in CPUs.
It's "wary" not "weary".
I'm about to get leery.
So do I update and get the microcode?
Does it really matter?
I really just wanna get of my BETA BIOS but don't want a performance hit
You have to update to fix spectre. It's not exactly optional here, user, sorry. Fortunately main performance regressions seem to be in I/O and that's generally live with able
>live with able
Well fuck me were gonna be fine .
Ok so YOU goys would update , gotcha
Just seems fishy .... now we have to update BIOS?
>a repo man isn't afraid of meltdowns
Meltdown is patched via software. It cant be fixed with microcode. Specter is being patched with microcode.
I basically would "need" a bios update only for one laptop I own but then I'd loose the wifi whitelist hack and that would suck.
I have a Z97-HD3 so I'm fucked anyways.
I doubt EVGA is going to update my board from like 2010.
im not going to do anything because my superior cpu is not affected by these bugs.
kernel fixed my shit up
Motherboard manufacturers are worse than android smartphone makers for abandoning their products shortly after launch
Don't expect any BIOS updates if your motherboard is more than 9 months old
Been away for a couple of weeks. I have updated my windows. My Motherboard is like 3-4 years old, would there even be a bios update. Besides updating windows is there anything I need to do for spectre and meltdown ? Is there any software to patch meltdown ?
When is the windows update supposed to come? Or do I need to download it manually or something?
It came out on Tuesday mate.
EM64T is still expensive ripoff of AMD64 ISA
>have option to update BIOS
>afraid of performance nerf
does that mean that 64 bit GNU/Linux would work on this thing too?
>Meltdown is patched via software. It cant be fixed with microcode.
When did Intel say so? Who the fuck decided that it can't be patched with microcode n shit?
WHEN should I upgrade
WHY am I asking Sup Forums
You actuslly think intel is going to be transparent about that?
Meltdown cannot be patched stop saying this stupid shit, the “”patch” is a mitigating that doesn’t “fix” anything. intels NSA ME backdoor requires physical CPU architectural changes
>You actuslly think intel is going to be transparent about that?
I don't give a fuck about transparency. But they do don't want everybody talk about performance impact n shit. I think they want to remove that impact of quick software patches, just to shut up AMD faggots....
doki doki hardware flaw club
>Meltdown cannot be patched ...... ... requires physical CPU architectural changes
Where did u get this? How u can know what can be patched and what requires physical changes?
Dude is english not your first language?
last time i did a bios update my laptop hero'd so idk senpai
how can I prevent updates? don't want to take performance hit
It does it is.
Sup Forums is the king of conflating unrelated things because no one actually bothers doing any research and they just parrot what they read on here. the IME flaw/s are separate from meltdown but to them it's all the same conspiracy
Just disconnect from internet
What should we do if we have a librebooted thinkpad? Libreboot and FSF seen to be silent on these issues so far.
Fuck I shouldn't laugh in times like these
the real question is
no bios update
hacked by script kiddie?
>It's "wary" not "weary".