Free alternatives to Photoshop don't exi-
Free alternatives to Photoshop don't exi-
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They exist but they're just trash.
>pic unrelated
Make a circle
my layout is better
I don't like how gimp has floating windows which if you accidentally close and close the program, require funky menu operating with unknown terminology to bring back. Like wtf is that?
I once saw a dark, full screen gimp where e everything was actually stuck in the window. How might I do that?
Windows -> Single Window Mode
Oh thanks
They exist and can be downloaded from torrents, user.
every tool is available (at least) here
yeah ok, fair enough. I thought you were going to say usable. has everything i need.
the way to do ti is retarded, that's what you get when programmer do UI themself
Because you paid people coding this stuff to net realease them free... DUMBFUCK.
Please consider pajeet keyboard thank
>got what he wanted
Krita is better
orly? you know how i did it? tell me
I'm not btw
anyway this thread is for good toshop alternative, not for proving your fact
Ok here's the deal. You fuckers make a proper alternative to Photoshop and Illustrator on Loonix and I will pay for it. No need to be free. Just good. Affinity devs are pretty much there but they are faggots that won't port their shit. So who else is going to work on this?
Those digits
the problem is not if there are good alternatives, it's that peoples learn to use photoshop in school / on Youtube
+ Photoshop is fucking too expensive so peoples think it's good because, you know, if it's expensive it's good TM
The chosen one
how the fuck do I paste something within a layer and then move it around in GIMP? I swear this shit was made to be the exact opposite of photoshop for every tool
Maybe if GIMP's UI wasn't so trashy people would learn how to use it better.
only argument I ever see is "I only use circle for everything and I can't I click draw circles with muh mouse"
why can't you use Krita or Gimp? what does Photoshop and Illustrator have that you just HAVE to have?
Better for drawing, not great for image editing.
Name 5 serious designers/artists that use GIMP as their daily program.
im still curious about because there at least a few ways of doing it
>+ Photoshop is fucking too expensive so peoples think it's good because, you know, if it's expensive it's good TM
That's a lie, if you are decent enough to make a good alternative there's room for it. Affinity is a clear example, they're slowly getting known, if they port to Linux they can make a change in the market.
wine ps.exe
it doesn't matter, the MS Paint way is the more natural way to do it, and you can't do it on Gimp
afaik if you paste it's goes into a new layer which is ok because it's transparent
select that layers
press M to move it
that's cute. are you a serious designer/artist, is anyone here a serious designer/artist? pasting your waifu's head on porn models doesn't count user. gimp and krita can do anything you need.
these threads are all getting the same...
Being mentally demagaged in level that you can bitmap paint pictures pixel by pixel by having converting scipt is form of a gift. Be thankfull to allah every day and stay away from fat woman.
but when you paste you can move it right away anyway so i don't know the problem is
>MS Paint
What is a great program for Mac OS for image editing and drawing? I have drawing software, but it isn't for photoshopping images.
No, you are retarded and can't accept the fact javascript programmer would have done that right.
I guess instead of "move" I should have said "scale", my bad. Whenever I paste into a layer and I try to scale the new layer, it fucks up. Like if I paste the flag of some country into a circle and I scale it so all the flag features are visible
>these threads are all getting the same...
I'm a professional, so don't give a crap about your mediocre program. For shitposting GIMP is ok, but it's not a Photoshop alternative.
I am a longtime GIMP user and I found Krita to be laggy and frustrating to use. Then again, that's the experience I had with Adobe Illustrator.
scale is in both Layer and Image
you can also right click on the layer in the layers list
idk about interactively dragging it, i haven't used that for a long time
these threads are really stupid
why'd you need an alternative
>not drag-scaling
or do you mean this?
PDN is the superior program for pixel art creation.
>I need photoshop
>because reasons
If you want an MS Paint clone, check out Paintbrush. It gets laggy if you start editing big pictures (I experienced it on 2000x2000 px stuff), but otherwise it does the job.
If you want image editing... literally GIMP.
There is literally a scale tool that allows you to drag things manually. Think the default shortcut is T. Hold SHIFT etc. to lock aspect ratio and stuff.
Why do 3Dbros get an amazing free open source software, but 2D image editing is stuck with Photoshop being the best by so far it hurts?
hard to say really. I suppose Adobe locked down the image editing game nice and early and now even if you think about doing it you have to learn Photoshop and that's it. There's just no competition whatsoever
>stuck with Photoshop being the best
blender didn't start fos
So I read the wikipedia beginning about this program, and was inspired to install it just cause, since the developer professed the work being at least partially to convert photoshop pirates to gimp, with gimpshop's primary purpose being to make gimp accessible for photoshop users period. But this shit... Other install wizards might add a checkbox, so you look out for them, to uncheck. This just has a green accept button, and a barely visible "decline" button. I don't think so.
>passing off an infinite amount of squares as a c*rcle
I was thinking of buying Photoshop for Mac OS, but apparently they have a subscription program only. What are your thoughts on Pixelmator Pro? Is it like or Photoshop?
Try Krita or Gimp.
GIMP is better then MS Paint.
And you can do some nifty things in it.
Blender was actually proprietary software and sold into the GPL.
>that won't port their shit
There's no money in most linux software
I decided to go with Affinity Photo instead. Looks like photoshop, but not expensive.
>4 clicks to access circle tool
yeah ok
looks better than photoshop honestly
>barely visible
Looks just fine to me
It would be your fault for not paying attention to the software you install desu
So basically if a women just gave birth and is asked if she wants to circumcise her recently born baby boy, and she says yes, it's her fault for not keeping her baby boy safe from what was imposed, and not the system's fault for imposing itself.
Why would you even use it? It's outdated garbage. You're better off using the latest gimp alpha 2.9.8
GIMPshop was a crashing mess while I tested it in 2010.
Are you certain its the installer from the actual website?
Or are you using one of these download managers who will pull this shit and only have the actual software inside of them?
Are you installing this on linux?
Are the devs pulling this shit on linux?
Or is it or other crap sprayers?
Why don't you simply get config files for GIMP to change everything you want and copy past them into GIMP config folder?
lmao circle is literally a plugin
click the big, green "Get Gimpshop - It's Free!" button
click the green "Next", then "Accept" button, then you'll see the screen above.
>Why don't you simply get config files for GIMP to change everything you want and copy past them into GIMP config folder?
(quoting myself here)
meant to clarify this is on Windows
>Free alternatives to Photoshop don't exi-
No one is saying that.
GIMP's capacity as a professional program can only go so far before any creative worth their shit decides to go back to Adobe products.
Granted I can probably start working with that up until 70% of the work. It just won't do.
I use GIMP to create and edit sprites but it always like overkill whenever I start the program. It does have some excellent tools for aligning things in a grid and playing animations which is 90% of my workflow but it would be nice to have a free as in freedom editor that was more lightweight.
the third cutest mascot
Is Corel Painter just a meme?
Back when Adobe was still producing Creative Suite and not the cloud bullshit I remember some digital artists even back then go as far as saying Photoshop could go fuck itself compared to this program, but I've never seen what it's greatest strength is
Corel Draw is still used by printing companies, because it handles large files better, but dunno about Corel Painter.
Wow. Literally over 10 seconds to draw a damn circle. Jesus fuck.
The AutoCAD way is the only way that's actually usable.
lägg ner
>uses photoshop instead of illustrator for this
That's the outline for a duck from Habbo Hotel with the innards redrawn isn't it? I worked with the guy that designed it.
The problem is that people want Photoshop, not an alternative.
They want the exact same gui with the exact same shortcuts, and if it's not exactly the same as Photoshop they'll call it retarded because they're too stupid/lazy to learn something new.
>Sup Forums discovers 2D circles
>cannot reorder toolbox
>Cannot add custom tools to toolbox
>Floating windows are enabled by default
>Brush size selection is super retarded
My only problems...I can live with it
Stealing is sin, user.
installed gimp yesterday, icons were very small on HD screen,
googled for solution and just got some abandoned forums and old solutions that don't work anymore
tried to optimize some images for web, turns out you can't without installing some plugins
i hate adobe products but sadly there's nothing like photoshop
How do you resize this shit in single window mode?
Sin was made up to control you, user.
>gimp and krita can do anything you need
gimp doesn't do adjustment layers, and manipulating more than a dozen layers or so in gimp is flat out fucking awful (a stupid amount of GIMP's workflow issues would be solved if you could select multiple layers and create a layer group all at once -- as it stands, you have to slowly drag and drop them one by one, and GIMP's layer group handling with drags is also awful)
I use GIMP day in and day out. It sucks.
any non-trivial design project done with GIMP will basically just be wasting your time just because of those two issues
krita's mascot is the cutest
but its workflow is definitely not laid out for general image editing, and I can't draw, so I have little reason to bother with it
paste it, move tool, move, deselect to finalize
like, this one just works, unless you're not describing what you actually want properly
t. sintel
>they'll call it retarded because they're too stupid/lazy to learn something new.
Why would I spend my time re-learning the wheel when I have work to get done.
You call people lazy but I bet there's some room to call developer's lazy in that mix
Should learn gimp first then
I already told you sakimi
filters are not real drawing