The English call this "food"

>The English call this "food"

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In the supermarkets there should be a special brit food aisle next to dog food cat food and bird food

you've seen nothing

look at what they consider food in north america

i have it on my toast every morning
sometimes i will also have cheese and marmite and crisps sandwich

marmite works with everything. even on cheese toasties.

maybe if you had good cuisine you'd understand

>tfw grocery store has marmite but not vegemite

Liberté (de lire le koran)
Egalité (quand le bombe vous tue)
Fraternité (quand vous voyez ensemble la destruction de la nation)

>Many of the smaller species of snails end up being consumed by larger ones like the Decollate snail, which is a voracious predator that feeds from garden snails and slugs as well as their eggs. Other common predators include leeches, beetles, caterpillars and Frenchmen.

French cuisine is so overrated Italian and Spanish cuisine is 10x better

What's wrong with this

Why would you put flaxseed in peanut butter?


Not a big fan of the stuff on bread or toast personally. I don't like vegemite either. I use a teaspoon of it when making a cottage pie. Adds a nice earthy strong good flavour desu.

>He doesn't like marmite

>he still makes cottage pie

It's 2016 m8, what are you doing

wtf i hate australia now.

>I use a teaspoon of it when making a cottage pie. Adds a nice earthy strong good flavour desu.

*flaps hand*

Whats wrong with cottage pie m8?

Marmite is delicious, and it's really good for you.


Nothing, but I didn't think people under 50 still made typical Anglo dishes.

To make it a hipster 'superfood'. I doubt it does anything with how it tastes.

That flavour is called umami. It's why I use a small amount of fish sauce in bolognese. Tastes nothing like fish sauce but it gives it that deep meaty savoury flavour.

English literally call everything "food".

>This faggot comes form the same country as Gordon Ramsay
Can't believe it

Not wrong

I eat jelly and chips, together


>sanctomonius europeans talking about english food again

if we wanted your opinion we wouldn't have told you to fuck off in the referendum


I don't really eat Durians Tbh senpai, gives me bad sore throat.
Going to Western Australia this holiday, where should I go senpai, plan on going Perth again.

Yes but Jelly can be married to anything (say English).
Seriously, you got good cuisine. Just show it up.

It's like French people "can't speak English".
It's kinda true (for me), but not for everyone.

Protip : Jelly is not helping you.

He was sarcastic.


what the hell does marmite taste like anyway

Never been west senpai, have fun though

Just had a couple of slices of toast with Marmite desu, it's a VERY good topping. I've also tried Vegemite and I think it's nice but slightly inferior to Marmite, sorry Aussies.

Hard to explain. Salty, savoury, kind of bitter but not in a bad way. See if you can find a small jar of it or vegemite and give it a go on some hot toast with lots of butter and only use a tiny amount the first time you try it. Like way less than you think you'd need.

I want to try these. Are they really as foul smelling as they say?
A Filipino buddy of mine said they're banned on public transport in his country.

Peanut butter is much more than a spread. It can be used in a lot of dishes and recipes. Marmite is basically just a beer making byproduct that some shifty German figured out how to market to vitamin deficient Brits.