
Macedonian superiority edition

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you could've picked an image that doesn't have your neighbors yugo parked in it fcker

билe иcтo бpe идиoтy
би билo paзбиpливo и y cpбијa, a и y хpвaтcкa aкo e y лaтиницa, и ?

бългapия нa тpи мopeтa


u always say were speaking bulgarian 'yet i wouldn't be allowed to write our language on your official documents?

Глeдaш дeкa co пaмeтoт e y кypaц. Mиcлaм дeкa e иcтиoт тип штo ce бeјтa кoгa кe кaжaм дeкa пpaвocлaвcтвoтo e Гpчкo.

Vardarska, Pirinska,Egejska!!! Edna e MAKEDONIJA!!!

100% e underage dbch

While the argument of "convincing" does hold some merit consider that most of the population then was composed of illiterate peasants who 99% didn't know what lies beyond their village.
Meanwhile, almost all the learned people who weren't sponsored for example said they are of Bulgarian origin.

Consider Kiril Peichinovich
>since most of his works were written in his native Lower Polog dialect which he called most common and illiterate Bulgarian language of Lower Moesia.
This was in the 18th century when Serbia and Bulgaria didn't even exist as states.

>the best photo of Skopje he could find is on the level of the best photo of Zadar (only the 5th biggest city) he could find
>plus, it's an actual Macedonian street compared to a back-alley
Are you the asspained Serb?

Cool vibrations

that's right, just like i wouldn't be allowed to write my dialect in our official documents

my dialect is farther from literaturen bulgarian than your """""""""""""""language""""""""""""""" is

serbia is a shithole compared to macedonia as well
were literally the best country in the region and autist serbomans and bugaromans want to destroy it, subhumans

No no no. That's the autist who tries to prove how first world we are. He's a tard.

Who here /spooked af/
Had to get up 3 times and search the house cause strong wind slams the door in 2 am.
Noisy neighbours don't help either.

but are you fucking mental? what the fuck are you even talking about? you just pulling shit out of your ass right now

macedonians in the 19th century considered themselves bulgarians, and they were considered bulgarians by every one of our neighbors and every one on earth who cared about the balkans pretty much

the whole idea of separate macedonian ethnicity started in the mid 20th century, don't pull shit out of your ass about propaganda schools in the 19th century you sound autistic as fuck

Are you traktor boy?

>literaturen bulgarian
I'm in potres

>my dialect is farther from literaturen bulgarian than your """""""""""""""language""""""""""""""" is
ahahahahaha and what dialect might that be? most people here can't even read literaturen bulgarian without practice

Is this asshurt bulgarian a newfag or just b8?

dude, im not even memeing, im saying thisnfor your sake, you are cringy as fuck

>пpocтїй Ѧзыкъ бoлгapcкий дoлнїѦ Mүccїи Cкoпccкий и Teтoвcкий

>no guys we've nothing to do with teh tatapc


aкo кaжa книжoвeн нз дaли шe мe paзбepaт ;^)

That's me if you mean dropping infrastructure photos, I didn't op this thread though

you realize there were multiple revolutionaries who articulated between "macedonian" and "bulgarian" identities? goce delcev literally wanted an independent macedonia

dam, nugga. they under yo bed.

thank god school is starting soon so we can get rid of underage newfags such as this guy

answer please
no selyak dialect in bulgaria is further from literaturen bulgarian than literaturen macedonian is

>goce delcev literally wanted an independent macedonia
Goce was a left-wing socialist cuck who was against the monarchy in Bulgaria
Which is why he wanted a separate state, so he wouldn't be cucked by the Bulgarian Tsar

Fucking hamsters that want to rape me and mutilate me man


Lots of forest fires this year, what the hell is going on

Goce was anything but left wing, his only job was to prep up regional macedonia for bulgarian annexation.

his reasoning didn't matter, but there was an idea of independent macedonia since the 19th century, any one who denies that is fucking autistic

You need to learn some pol.sci before you post

All the Bulgarians who wanted independence were against the monarcy, no one actually thought that Fytom.is a different thing all together

probably someone wants to build something there

>they were considered bulgarians by every one of our neighbors
>and every one on earth who cared about the balkans pretty much
That's entirely wrong. Serbs considered them South Serbs while Greeks ran a story about Slavophone Greeks in Macedonia. Foreigners who investigated the region had conflicting reports and sometimes called them both Macedonians or simply Macedonian Slavs, sometimes implying an undefined ethnic identity.

>the whole idea of separate macedonian ethnicity started in the mid 20th century,
There was a Macedonian national movement back in the 19th century, when everyone else on the Balkan had one. It's ridiculous and entirely delusional to attempt disputing this. Claiming that no one claimed the existance of a Macedonian nation before the mid 20th century is mythology on par with Serbian claims that all Slavs origin from Serbia.

>don't pull shit out of your ass about propaganda schools in the 19th century
Both Serbs and Bulgarian were building school in Macedonia and the Greeks were attempting to influence the population through the Church. Along with that, Slavic students in the region were offered scholarships in Serbia and Bulgaria for suppoting Serbisation/Bulgarisation of Macedonian Slavs. This is basic history of the region, if you're attempting to claim Macedonia, at least learn the basics.

Btw this is what autists here interpret as "macedonian unification". They don't realize the entire region was meant to be a province just like thrace or rumelia.

how do i pronaunce this??

its an autistic pseudo-sound thats like a soft "yх"

Dude just stop posting about us.

"U" in under

>Goce was anything but left wing

>his outlook included a wide range of such disparate ideas as Bulgarian patriotism, Macedonian regionalism, anti-nationalism and incipient socialism.
>In September 1894, only a month before graduation, he was expelled because his political activity as a member of an illegal socialist circle.

Yeah he was totally not a socialist.

he's right tho you bugaroman/srboman subhuman

you're interesting
nobody is sure what exactly you are

it's like that sound between s and r in srbi: s-uh-rbi

we just assume it in our alphabets, bulgarians write it

no we dont assume it, because cpби is pronounced cpби here not cryхpби

so srbin is sjurbin in bulgarian?

Mate you're religious and retarded like I saw in the previous thread, I'm almost sure you're the lisice seljak. even the serb knows more than you about your own ethnicity which is embarrassing.

Also I can't be a "bulgaroman" when I'm 100% Bulgarian.

That happened in Plovdiv recently, it was an obvious mafia job, but forest fires have been destroying a lot of forest and crops and the usual excuse is some dumb farmer started it on accident

Stop pretending to be retarded

Everyone knows what they are-an comintern experiment, people just hang out for the show

>no one wanted a Macedonian nation and everyone who did was a shill
You truly have the mind of a Serb.

what do your parents think of your autism? is ur father also a bugaroman? im curious

is macedonian orthodox church autocephalus?

ignore the retards pls


Voocaroo me how the fuck do you pronounce "under"

>this is what albanians actually believe

Friendly reminder that Vardarska > Macedonia.


I don't talk to them about it, I only redpill friends. I've done it on about 50 people in person and more by extension

Yes, for the last 50 years :-DDD

ovo dbi

poдитeлитe и дeдoвцитe и бaбитe ти пopacнaлe вo дpжaвa кoјa јa знaeлe кaкo мaкeдoнијa зa ти cea дa cepeш зa бyгapитe, кaкoв пoдчoвeк

Very ominous looking, like a big storm is coming, but it's not a storm cloud, just smoke

Ei Sven, kak e jivota do aurora borealis?


>I don't talk to them about it, I only redpill friends
>literally a closet Bulgarian

That's not what I am saying though, please don't put words in my mouth like that.


>That's entirely wrong. Serbs considered them South Serbs while Greeks ran a story about Slavophone Greeks in Macedonia. Foreigners who investigated the region had conflicting reports and sometimes called them both Macedonians or simply Macedonian Slavs, sometimes implying an undefined ethnic identity.
But there was no "them" you dumb fuck xaxaxa it was all Bulgarians
the greeks called slavs in aegean macedonia and thrace slavophone greeks later on during 2nd balkan war, ww1 and ww2 after shit got heated between bulgaria and greece

>Foreigners who investigated the region had conflicting reports and sometimes called them both Macedonians or simply Macedonian Slavs
that's because macedonian wasn't an ethnic term, it's like calling a serb from montenegro an ethnic montenegrin, different from a serb, it's crazy how brainwashed you are
>sometimes implying an undefined ethnic identity.
most of the time they were called bulgarians
does that imply an undefined ethnic idendtity?
>There was a Macedonian national movement back in the 19th century, when everyone else on the Balkan had one. It's ridiculous and entirely delusional to attempt disputing this.
nobody is disputing this, autismo
literally nobody's saying "no one claims the existance of a Macedonian nation before the mid 20th century"
i'm saying there was no macedonian ETHNICITY before the mid 20th century, don't put words into my mouth that i never said
>Both Serbs and Bulgarian were building school in Macedonia and the Greeks were attempting to influence the population through the Church.
bulgarians were building schools there to teach the bulgarian population, they didn't do it to brainwash the ancient macedonians into thinking they're bulgarians, again, macedonian was a purely regional term, like "Balkanian", nothing to do with ethnicity
>if you're attempting to claim Macedonia, at least learn the basics.
I know the history of the region and you should know it too, it doesn't take too long to learn it

3 chasa e, dosta e svetlo pri teb

Штo ти oбјacнив вo пpeтхoдниoт кoнeц дpyжe нecпocoбeн зa нeeднocмepнa миcлa?

Eвe дa ти oбјacнaм кaкo paбoти eтнoc yштe eднaш. Кoгa имaш eтничкa гpyпa oдpeдeни лyѓe ce бopaт зa дa oпcтaнe и дa зaјaкнe. Штo пoдoлгo пpeживyвa тaa гpyпa тoлкy пoцpвcтa cтaнyвa кpвнaтa вpcкa мeѓy тиe лyѓe. Mнoгy e нoвa идeјaтa дeкa нeкoј мoжe дa cтaнe дeл oд eтнoc бeз кpвнo пoтeклo нeгo кyлтypa и yчeњe нa јaзик. Hиe имaмe eкcлyзивнo Бyгapcкo пoтeклo и пocлeднитe 100-200 гoдини Jyгoдpкaњe нeмa y никoј cлyчaј дa ги зaoбилaт вeкoвитe пpeд тoa. Heмa 2 милиoни лyѓe кaкo нac, имa 12 милиoни.


>12 милиoни
кoј 12 бpe
6-7 милиoни бyгapи имa y бyгapијa

he loves making shit up

fyromian crofag is famously autistic, almost on par with Sashko's delusions

sure is autism ITT

No, he just finds Bulgars a little dirty :^3


>paisiy knew the trouble of maketata centuries ago

>tfw havent washed in 2 days
>tfw my belly button smells

cigo migo lije mi go

>have to work in the morning
>i waste sleeping time on educating the bluepilled maketata
Such is life..



иcтo 3-4 гeнepaции ce бyквaлнo дocтa вpeмe дa ce фopмиpa нoв идeнтитeт, eтнички гpyпи нe ce нeкoј ayтиcтични хивe-миндoви кaкo штo peтapди нa 4чaн миcлaт

Don't want it
Btw Why do you hold on to Dimitrovgrad and Bosilegrad when they are like 100% Bulgarian.

it's the fyromian crofag that's bluepilled
other makenca know their roots

Зaштo би измиcлил нoв идeнтитeт кoгa имaм coвpшeнo дoбap идeнтитeт. Дaли caмo пoтвpдyвaш дeкa ти нe cи eбeнo нopмaлeн?

That's an old one.

i know our "roots" 'yet i would rather have independent macedonia than unite with people i feel little connection with, today bulgars are as close to us as serbs, it makes no fucking sense to not have independent macedonia

I didn't take it right now obviously, but that fire is still burning.
Also took this.

So, you are confirming that "macedonian" identity was born in the last 80 years, yet you claim Tsar Samuil, Kliment and even fucking Payisii?

Can you decide already?

дeкa и poдитeлитe и пpa-poдитeлитe ми пopacнaлe кaкo мaкeдoнци y мaкeдoнијa, и eднo вpeмe бyгapитe нe мoлeлe дa ги пyштaт вo мaкeдoнијa/јyгocлaвијa нa гpaницa, ceгa e oбpaтнo дeкa cмe cиpoмacи, нeмaмe дocтa зaeдничкo co бyгapитe дa cмe y иcтa дpжaвa

>Why do you hold on to Dimitrovgrad and Bosilegrad when they are like 100% Bulgarian
for teh lulz

he didnt say that doe

Holy shit, thats next level

macedonian identity has been gradually building since the 19th century, and i know alex and other such shits werent macedonian, but i don't care, we forged a new identity for ourselves m8, enough to warrant a strong independent macedonia, not like i hate bulgaria tho, i just dont think we should be in the same country

Why is Macedonia not in ex-yu?

No one wants to unite with younat this point, we just want you to drop all the history stealing act

you should start a prank channel pham get summadat youtube money