What do Swedes think about Finns? Since the Finnish economy is shit I was thinking about moving to Sweden

What do Swedes think about Finns? Since the Finnish economy is shit I was thinking about moving to Sweden.

I work in IT and speak fluent Swedish. Haista vittu pekka.

Ja hur är det egentligen att bo i Sverige, springer flyktingarna runt och bränner bilar varje natt i de större städerna och kan man gå ut på kvällarna utan att bli rånad av Jorma eller Ahmed? Vad jag har läst verkar Sverige också ha en lägre skatt på inkomster än Finland och högre löner, vad tror ni om detta?

Puss och kram åt er ;^)

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>jobs in Sweden

kek, there is a reason they all move to Oslo.

I hate that guy, fucking hell he's cringy

Aren't you guys ruined now when the oil prices went to shit? ;^)

go to WORK


I prefer Finns over Swedes desu

yuoo should stay finland,,,,,, kjäh kjäh
sweden very rasist
i am from amerika so lisen to me go to WORK in Suomi

ite en kyl ikinä muuttais ruotsiin hyi vittu :D

That's a shame, because they love your brown skin.


I'm myself half Finnish and neither me nor my mother have ever experienced discimination based on us being Finnish

There is of course friendly banter but who cares about that

Immigrants live in separate communities most of the time so you probably won't even see many of them

The real ones you should watch out for are Poles, they drink so fucking much during weekends and make so much noice, meanwhile the muslims don't really drink but instead do hard drugs every once in a while

>friendly banter

Fuck off


It's just friendly banter lads, no genuine hatred involved or anything

Many if not most of the Finnish war children sent to Sweden in the 40s were abused because of their Finnish heritage.
I suppose that was friendly banter also.

>because of their finnish heritage
Many people who adopted back in the days abused their children for no reason.

>Implying Finn babbys don't get beaten for saying a Word in finnish

go out there and cuck

Well, our housing situation is beyond fucked, so there's that. Many municipalises have started to buy up the less crazy expensive private housing to house refugees. So things are even worse now.

Car fires do happen on a somewhat daily basis in many shitty suburbs, unfortunately, there is where you might find an apartment if you're lucky,

If you're well educated, rich or have contacts in the housing industry, by all means, go for it.

Finns are viewed well enough as long as you're not a walking, drunk, knife-carrying, stereotype.

Finns are welcome, never met anyone who dislikes finns. We do sometimes make fun of your accent if its really heavy

>Finnish economy is shit
Do you get your info from memes? It's been rising steadily for a while now.

Or maybe OP is b8.

>It's been rising steadily for a while now.

do you even smoke?



Finns are welcome as long as they aren't alcohols.



When adjusted for inflation Finland's GDP is still below what it was in 2008. In 8 years we've literally gone backwards.
>been rising steadily for a while now.
No it hasn't. For quarters yes but not even on a yearly scale. And certainly not "steadily". This year is PREDICTED to be the best one in a while but we're still talking about growth levels that are a quarter of an average year before 2008. Finnish economy is shakingly getting it's shit back together, not "rising steadily".

>I work in IT
Are you a programmer? What are doing?

Yes, i work as a software engineer in finance

I'm from Skåne and my grand parents would get beaten by teachers in school for speaking the local dialect. I don't think finns were especially targeted in this respect.

what language?

Everytime I post thread dies

>it's a triggering that one obsessed faggot episode
>t. cai-göran


Mostly Java. What about you, are you a programmer?


I know that feel

>no finn (best)friend

And? We are good already.

I don't think you understand the first thing about the economy. Anything above zero is not "good".

How good did you have to be at java to get a job in it?
Do you have a degree?

I mean our country is still has one of the best living standards on the planet.

And our economy is growing.

you do realize that western economies are built relying on constant growth and debt? to be doing good there needs to be ENOUGH growth not just any growth because that's what the system relies on. 0.3% does not mean things are getting 0.3% better every 3 months. 0.3% means we're falling behind everyone else and while still strong our quality of living is continually falling

Well I have a masters degree of engineering and have been programming since I was 12.

Nobody cares about your programming language skills. It's the software architecture and engineering skills you need and with that I mean you need to know your data structures, UML and how to develop maintainable and abstract code (the boring stuff). That's why they pay us 10x more than Pajeet in India.

>I mean our country is still has one of the best living standards on the planet.
You sure about that? Our infrastructure is shit, our healthcare is shit, our military is shit, our university education is shit. If you compare us to Bangladesh we're good but we're way below the northern European standard.

No we are not. Just look up anywhere in the internet. We have well being jobs compared to most countries, our healthcare is "free" (and it's not bad) also you can get a private doctor which is better. And our education is top notch.


It's a mathematical fact that everything above 0% is growth, and you claimed there was no growth. You were objectively, literally wrong, lälläslää.

Whether or not it's enough is another matter entirely and it's obvious you confused the two like the idiot that you are. Now repeat after me: "I was wrong and I accept it".

>you claimed there was no growth
I never claimed this.

>it's a spoiled middle-income brat pretending that his cunts standard of living is low when it objectively isn't episode

it's lower than all of western europe. if you're fine competing with countries like poland and bulgaria then good for you but some of us aren't content being the best 2nd tier nation

>You sure about that? Our infrastructure is shit, our healthcare is shit, our military is shit, our university education is shit. If you compare us to Bangladesh we're good but we're way below the northern European standard.
Leave your fucking basement.

Why are Swedes so stupid? Most Swedes I've talked to do not know shit about Finland. Half of them don't even know the name of our capital.

how about you try leaving finland even for a week. you might be surprised that a welfare state isn't a finnish invention and that other countries have government organized tax payed services as well. services that are often managed much better than in finland.

fucking nationalistic retards thinking that the bare minimum is enough and we should be PROUD instead of trying to improve because we have the bare fundamentals of what a welfare state needs. our healthcare can make you wait in line for YEARS. we have ONE school in the top100, our roads are crap etc. but apparently just barely having something is enough when you're PATRIOTIC :)) no need to improve finland strong :))

>it's another hesa-fag who never went outside Kehä 3

Most finns dont even know that our capital is Turku and not the ryssä city of Helsinki

I've lived in Finland and the UK. I've traveled extensively.

By far the worst thing about this country is people like you, people who take great pleasure in wallowing in pessimism. If we aren't literally #1 in the world at something, we're shit. And even if we are, we're shit and everyone else is just a bit more shit (or the ranking is somehow skewed). Take a look around you. 99% of people in the world would kill to live in this country and you're whining about shit that is not even a problem. Wealth, safety, high standards of living and quality of education are all things we have compared to pretty much everyone except maybe Norway or Switzerland.

>our healthcare can make you wait in line for YEARS
If your need is not great and you don't want to go private, sure. This is a problem pretty much all public healthcare shares everywhere.
>we have ONE school in the top100
Is university ranking all that education entails? Anyway, having a university as good as UH is not something many countries can boast about, especially ones this small. All our other universities are fine as well, though not as good. The average level here is actually extremely high and many other countries have much less consistent results.
>our roads are crap
In what world do you live in? By every international ranking Finland's infrastructure is some of the best in the world.

Not a hesafag, but I do live in the metropolitan area.

>our healthcare can make you wait in line for YEARS
I've never had to wait that long. Always got service in one week.

Also you can get high quality treatment for serious health issues for free.

Our capital is Helsinki, not the Swedecuck city of Turku

Demanding continued improvement is not "wallowing in pessimism".
>99% of people in the world would kill to live in this country and you're whining about shit that is not even a problem
Why would I care about what 99% of the people on earth think or do? Finland is made up primarily of people who were born in Finland and grew up in Finland. Of course the expectation is going to be higher than if you took 5 million people randomly from around the globe and asked them to form a nation. The backgrounds of Finnish people are not representative of the whole world. They have a higher standard of education. More tax money has been invested into them. Of course the expectation is higher. The only thing it makes sense to compare to is the previous generation of people in Finland.
>Wealth, safety, high standards of living and quality of education are all things we have
So because we've once reached a good place we can just be complacent and stop working on it? We shouldn't be worried that despite the inflation, Euro going down and price of services and goods in general going up we're literally putting less money into education than we did a decade ago? Oh it's fine I grew up in the early 90s and everything was great back then, no need to worry about the kids that are born now.

Life doesn't work like a fucking video game where you just "unlock" a level and keep it. It's hard work even keeping up not to even mention IMPROVING like we should be and we're not doing either.

>Demanding continued improvement is not "wallowing in pessimism".
Who the fuck do you think doesn't want things to get better? Who do you think doesn't think we can always improve? What you're doing is being a whiny little melodramatic bitch. I get it, your life is shit, but it really isn't because you were lacking opportunities to improve yourself, you just didn't use them.
>Why would I care about what 99% of the people on earth think or do?
You just compared Finland to other countries and claimed things are shit here you actual autist.
>So because we've once reached a good place we can just be complacent and stop working on it?
Nobody has ever said that.
>Oh it's fine I grew up in the early 90s and everything was great back then, no need to worry about the kids that are born now.
The 90's had the worst depression we've ever had you idiot.

Of course I think we need to constantly keep improving, so does everyone else. Where did you get this idea that not being a little bitch about everything means complacency? Learn to enjoy what you have and keep striving for something better instead of just focusing on the negative side of everything.

Turku sucks. Is it because it's population is 5% of Swedes?

>but it really isn't because you were lacking opportunities to improve yourself, you just didn't use them.
I used them. I got a degree out of the only internationally recognized school in Finland and I'm glad I didn't have to go into debt to get it. I pay my taxes, a fair bit more than the average person my age. I'm still a wageslave but I'd like to start my own business one day and employ others. What else can I do as one man?
>You just compared Finland to other countries and claimed things are shit here you actual autist.
Yeah other Western European countries. Your figure of 99% is a bit exaggerated but something like 95% is totally realistic. The problem is all of Western Europe fits into that 5%. Having a better life than a fucking chinaman doesn't make me feel any better. A billion indiands dragging down the average doesn't do anything to improve my daily life.
>Nobody has ever said that.
>Who do you think doesn't think we can always improve?
"Stop complaining about actual problems" is just another wording of exactly that.

Look at the previous generations. Our grandfathers and great grandfathers turned this place from a farming colony to an independent nation. They laid the foundations of democracy, education and civilization. Then came our fathers' generation that took on that task and continued to lead Finland from a poor obscure nation to a high-tech, highly educated country that's envied globally. They caught up to the rest of Europe in less than half a century. And then comes our generation full of people like you who never saw this place before it was great and just assume it'll naturally stay that way. Satisfied with "oh I'm sure we'll still be better than thirs world nations" like your goal is to simply have the country survive this generation without fully falling apart.

>Yeah other Western European countries.
We're pretty average in Western Europe. Being average in the top few % of the world is really no cause for whining.
>"Stop complaining about actual problems" is just another wording of exactly that.
Can you point me to where I said that?
>Satisfied with "oh I'm sure we'll still be better than thirs world nations" like your goal is to simply have the country survive this generation without fully falling apart.
How many more times do I need to say this? Nobody has ever said that. Nobody has claimed we can't or shouldn't strive to improve all the time. This is all in your head. There's a difference between being a realist who accepts that you can't be #1 at everything but still thinks we ought to try, and being a pessimist who can't enjoy a good thing.

>We're pretty average in Western Europe. Being average in the top few % of the world is really no cause for whining.
Yes it is when that was already the starting point for this generation and for the past decade we've been falling behind. We're the average or below average in Western Europe. We're the worst Nordic nation. These are the standards we should compare ourselves to since that's where we're located and these are the cultures that influenced ours. We're below average or worst and that means we need to improve. The six billion people and change outside Western Europe struggling isn't any justification for this "you should be happy with what you have" bullshit.

IT is big in Stockholm, but it's literally impossible to get an apartment there

fuck off back to Sweden, homo-peter

>Norway has oil
>Sweden has more people=more relevance
>Denmark is close to Central Europe

But sure we just didn't work hard enough and shit so we're 1% poorer

oh look it's an excuses episode.
norway's oil is the only proper argument. how does sweden's population have anything to do with anything? do India and China have the highest quality of living? that's odd since they have a fucking billion people each. even here in Europe countries like Switzerland and Austria are ahead of countries like France and Italy despite being much smaller.

>What do Swedes think about Finns?
we love you guys

Are you really so dim?
It's much easier for corporations like Ikea and Volvo to become multinational if their home market is larger.

Is it true that there can be like 8 subtenants before the actual owner when you rent a flat?

What are we the worst at in Western Europe? Can you name a single thing?

Anyway yes, after 2008 we have fallen behind and now have the lowest GDP per capita in Nordics (excep Iceland? I'm not sure). That's still like being the poorest billionair. Of course there's plenty to improve upon but stop being such a whiny little bitch about it. Not being #1 at everything is something you'll just have to accept.

Norway: New oil money
Sweden: Old money --> no wars N shieet
Denmark: Biggest economy of europe in their doorstep

Ok fair enough, we have ruskies, but how's that working out now?

rofl that's the worst fucking excuse and victim complex I've heard in a while. you could print out this post and show it at the border instead of a passport and they'd let you in since only a finn could think of something like this.

yeah a large home market helps but all these world wide brands like IKEA or H&M or Volvo or Electrolux came to existence back when Sweden had barely more people than Finland does now.

IKEA founded in 1947: population of Sweden 6.4M
Volvo founded in 1927 population of Sweden 6.0M
H&M founded in 1947 population of Sweden 6.8M
Electrolux founded in 1919 pouplation of Sweden 5.8M

also even if they were founded today it's fucking 9 million to 5 million in a world of 7 billion people. they're both such tiny little specks on the scale of world population that it makes no fucking difference. using that as an excuse why Sweden has a multitude of globally recognized brands and huge companies while Finland has ZERO is hilarious

The world definitely hasn't changed in the past century.

yeah and in 2016 it's literally impossible to start a business if you have under 6 million people domestically but if you add just 3 million it becomes child's play. that's literally all you need. that magic number of 9 million and business just fucking runs itself. literally printing money

Are you losing it Sven-Petter?
Finland has Nokia, Sweden has really just Ikea and H&M with H&M being less significant than Nokia. But anyway Volvo funneled money into the Swedish economy decades ago so they kind of count.

Name a few Swedish businesses started in the last 10 years with some degree of global recognition.

Nokia stopped being a recognizable brand a decade ago. Ask anyone outside Finland what they think of when they hear the word "Nokia" and they'll start describing the 3310. That's the era the word Nokia is associated with and rightly so.

>Finland has Nokia
and Fiskars :3


Sure recognition but their revenue is minimal. I could name a Finnish company no ones ever heard of that makes more bucks.

well you asked for a recognition. I'm sure they also have a number of companies aimed towards the professional markets that the average consumer isn't familiar with. just the fact that I can name a swedish brand off the top of my heard that's known around the world is impressive in itself, it usually takes a lot longer than 10 years to achieve that status.

No, we still live on strong.

böndes out now

I wanna do a PhD in U of Helsinki. Good or bad idea. Canuck here. (Phd in chemistry)

Mojang, King, Skype are a few billion dollar companies that got started in Sweden a couple of years ago

Bad, sweden is better in every way. We have sonalis here as well

Why don't you move to Thunder bay pekka?

I was also thinking about Copenhagen. Any jobs in Finland for science if you only speak English eh?


Estonian though?

Because its a shit hole?

>American education

It's a good school. One of two good schools in Finland.
>Any jobs in Finland

Nope, most people here are too stubborn to use any other language than finnish

>wanting to come to Sw*den

Im canadian with an MSc but nice try.

Hmm thx for the advice finbro