ITT We pledge our loyalty to Israel

Canada and the weedman stand with you

Hands off, we called dibs. Get your OWN greatest ally!

weedman seems like the kind of cuck who'd support palestine

Fuck Israel.

>TFW you are citizen of Israel AND Canada

lmao cucks stay mad

Weedman has spoken out against BDS. Believe it or not, he isn't an idiot - he wants world peace but knows that the Arab world as it is are are enemies of peace.

the continious existance of Israel is reason of German state

How's that? are you talking about the refugee problems? your gov has opened the borders for them.

t. poo


Are you the same user I told to get out of this country some weeks ago?

That's new,your army is based on our technology, our weapons, we helped you in the kargil war when the US and other denied to help you with drones surveillance and satiliate images of the pakistani positions,we also gave you the Barak 1.

that's what Merkel said
That Israels saefty is Germanies raison d'état

Wait so how is it our fault? a civil war and Syria and people from there to germany,I have nothing against germans or germany please explain how is your government mistakes our fault.

i think you are misunderstanding me
she basically says that it is Germanies duty to ensure Israels security

Really, is that why his government just said they will no longer refer to Daesh as "ISIS" because ISIS is not associated with Islam?

Oh. Yeah I misunderstood.
Well it's not germany's problem,I don't believe germany will ever intervene in the wars of Israel besides selling us nuclear subs.
that's not germany's problem,germany shouldn't focus on Israel they have bigger problems nown

Yeah probably

I'm still here and i'm not leaving you faggot NEET

Who's weedman btw

our prime minister

>giving a shit what the terrorists call themselves

That is the least important thing and I think you know that.

It's a cryptid that wanders all over Canada, startling unwary hikers. In the fall, it develops sensible business plumage and migrates to Parliament Hill.

Gib IDF gf

you have to come get her

I don't care what they call themselves, it's the fact they've come out and said "ISIS has no association with Islam"

Like how much of an apologist can one person be.

Im going to volunteer 2 months in the israeli army and 2 other in ambulance (For the experience mostly). Can any Israeli tell me what is the best city to do the ambulance period? I really dont want to save muslims

You might not be able to chose tio,de donde sos? yo vine de entre rios parana. y no se si vas a tener la opcion de elejir.

Buenos Aires, a media hora de capital.
No soy ciudadano de Israel pero muy probablemente emigre cuando termine la carrera de medicina, y me va a venir perfecta la experiencia en ambulancia y ejercito.
Cuando terminas el entrenamiento de 10 dias (muy intenso) te dejan elegir una ciudad para asistir en una ambulancia , segun el programa, obviamente.

Apologism is less than perfect, but it's not bad. We use it in the United States when Christian terrorists act up.

No we don't OP, and fuck off out of our country.

En jerusalem te puedeor bueno o tel aviv. hay 25% arabes que viven el las ciudades,los otros en villages afuera de ciudades. me estoy olvidando de el castellano jeje. y Behatzlaja (good luck), hay muchos argentinos aqui.

Se ve bien a los judios de argentina? O somos terribles hasta alla?

yiou have to go back muhammed

La verdad que lo judios argentinos de aqui no son tan terrible,y hay muchos gallegos tambien. and from now on I'll write in english cause my spanish is getting terrible every year... had 4 argentinians in my unit. Givati brigade.