Find a flaw

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The radiation

Thats not a flaw.

ugly face
depressing against having sex
less children
meanwhile flooded with manchildren
women with stupid mind, who are worshiping white gene

lol uncountable

no nature resource
hell of disaster
A country near China and stupid Korean nations

born in Japan is penalty game

so much poverty, so much working poor, people break their back living in depressing conditions in an extremely strict society, being a business man is not fun, you don't show emotion, it's fucking shit.
racist and xenophobic as fuck also, you can see this as negative or positive, really.
very nice people but also self flagellating and insecure, kind of uncomfortable, I feel like a lot of the time.


Giant hornets
Stealing monkeys

Elitist, patriarchal, very conservative socially. Consider themselves superior to other asian monkeys but they are asian monkeys too.

They're extreme conformists

>so much poverty, so much working poor
still better than the US desu.

this, anime is fucking trash


Nippon gf when

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A flaw in the map? See those little islands in the extreme north? It's Russia.


We have a lot of poor in this country, but the government provides a shit ton of programs to make the life of those people sustainable from unemployment, disability, welfare, food stamps and medicaid. In fact, the system is so good, these people don't even need to work and can literally live their entire life on government checks and low cost housing. This is how niggers live and survive in this country while doing absolutely nothing.

Just compare the poor in the US to other countries, our poor isn't destitute and malnourished, these people are fucking fat showing that they are being fed someway and are surviving somehow.

Nuclear radiation

Natural disasters
Cancerous work culture
Reached its peak in the 80's, and has been in decline ever since

At least it was at one point the arguable best country in the world. European ones would go down the same path if not for immigration.

that's just welfare most developed countries including japan have, even though most people don't want to live on/apply for it here for shamefur dispray.

Kurils near Hokkaidou

Lack of space for agriculture essentially making them permacucked and having to lick the boot of whoever has space to grow shit and will give them good priced.
Same issue also forced the creation of overgrown cities with unhealthy population density.
Will ultimately disappear because muh tectonic plates.
Demographic decline.
Shit-tier corporate culture.

>The US has less poverty to population ratio than the UK.

Crazy Work Culture

It's full of Japs.

doesn't america have lots of poor illegal immigrants who don't appear on stats

small tits

Smaller than Norway


Maybe you want to ask other Japanese on this...