Made a thread about this a few days ago too. This time I'm drunk! So that's fun. Also I decided to do a trip cuz idek man
Got a programming job at Jewgle and it turned me gay. What say you?
Made a thread about this a few days ago too. This time I'm drunk! So that's fun. Also I decided to do a trip cuz idek man
Got a programming job at Jewgle and it turned me gay. What say you?
Hi moot
oh shit wait does moot work for Google too!?!?! I wanna meet him
>Got a programming job at Jewgle and it turned me gay.
Did you buy your first iphone yet to fit in with the rest of the lgbt community, or are you waiting for your first gay sex?
Real talk I'm rocking a OnePlus 5. Idk if I can join in on the Apple hype train
Did they ask any dynamic programming questions? I always fuck those up.
So are you "I sucked a dick" gay or "I want to be a special snowflake gay, but only ever thought about one man in a sexual way" gay?
Fortunately no. But Im pretty good at DP so I think I could have passed even if they had. It was mostly graph shit.
I literally can't stop sucking dick
>Idk if I can join in on the Apple hype train
As a gay it is your duty to support any company that has a high profile gay. The community does this to inflate the worth of the average lgbt, and in turn people like you will have more options in a working environment.
I have a cousin that works for microsoft, and he being a homo buys apple (so I know the deal when it comes to you gay guys).
good to know. I'll try to remember not to fight my new found gayness when it comes to consumerist activities.
>I literally can't stop sucking dick
Sry, it was a redundant question. Didn't notice your tripcode before.
Yes he does. You can look him up in the person index.
Well I'm OP and I work at Google and I'm gay. What did you expect?
Dude real talk this is so hype. I actually didn't know that but I will definitely do that.
>Well I'm OP and I work at Google and I'm gay. What did you expect?
Well, I'm pretty drunk too (because fuck the Patriots and the Eagles), so cut me some slack please.
Kys faggot
I kiss all kinds of faggots!
Hurrr durr im drunk and gey and like to sukka dikkasss hurrdurrr
But you aren't me :'(
Which office are you working at? Cube number?
Ya definitely not sharing that info fucker
if it was the same office as me I was going to stop bye and say hi.. Fucking weirdo.
Why the fuck would I want you to do that
Hurr durrr thx for rply
Durrr getting loneley here drunk n alon
I work cupertino cube #S214 (next to the lgbtqt3.14 washrooms)
what this fag said
Because you're new and need friends.
Do you not have a cube yet?
whats your lob ladder and PA op
I havent started yet. But I also dont feel comfortable saying which building/office I'm in.
I have no idea what the fuck that means. If those are internal terms, I havent started yet so idfk
Huurrrr durrr SWENG, 1402 durrr
just SWE- PA is your org (product area), eg 'geo', 'technical infrastructure'
L3 college hire?
that's not me lmao. That's some annoying bitch ass troll
And yes Im an L3 newgrad. Graduated in December but decided to start in February
>Got a programming job at Jewgle and it turned me gay. What say you?
Can you timestamp proof (like badge minus anything that ids you), and what is it like working for google op?
I would! But I haven't started yet. I graduated in December and I start next month. Im just taking time off until I start
Pls user, you can find this brainlet based on start date, grad date, and L3.
Ah okay then. Good luck with your new jop op.
Lots of people graduate in December, start at L3 and start in December, especially in Mountain View of all places a fucking GIANT office with too many people to count. I'm not worried about being found lol
my bad- haven't had enough beers to make that mistake..
good job, enjoy yourself OP, don't fuck up, be thankful you're starting your career in pretty much the best spot possible but stay greedy with what you work on. get a mentor and work on getting productive.
that wouldn't be very googley sorry user. also you don't show up in the system until your morning of orientation when you setup your login/pic
start in February*
Are you going to take down Google from the inside?
Be sure to make a "lost my programming job at jewgle" when you dont make it.
Thanks! I will do my best. I read in the benefits package about g2g mentors thing. Is that worth it? Are people actually helpful or is it just a box to check to get a promotion?
Also how do I not commit suicide living in California? I'm not a literal. Never have been, never will be. As a libertarian I love to practice live and let live. I dont care what other people's opinions are. But when that dude got fired for sending out a memo, I honestly didnt know what to make of it
no. Too much of a pussy for that
will do
it's one route to having a mentor. i haven't found a great one yet at google but i did at a previous mega-corp and it was extremely helpful. i think you'll have an assigned one the first 6 months which will help you with shit like how to find stuff on campus and maybe how to be an adult at meetings. career mentors are more important long term and often happen organically.
i'm not in MTV, i'm in SEA. the bay area smells like piss and i like the outdoors. lots of friends who live down there and love it. stay out of political/social justice discussions. the people who splatter them off aren't worth talking to and you reacting to them makes you look like an asshole. just stay away from it for the most part.
How did you find this mentor?
Grow the fuck up and do the research.
nah id rather be an idiot faggot
*sorry to correct myself, SF smells like piss
become work-friends with senior people (who are cool and efficient at their job). they stand out after a while, are fun to talk to, and will help you big time. that's how i found mine.
got it. Will do! thanks for the info :)
You're fucking weird dude. You're gonna be the guy others spread rumors about, aren't you?
I sure hope so!
More like the guy who's anus will be spread by others, amirite?
Hi OP, I work near MV as well (not at Google, but a similar Big4).
I've been here 2 years, came after grad like you. The Bay Area is pretty shit, and I am actually planning to go to Seattle towards end of this year.
You'll be making more money than me though (Google is pretty sick comp-wise) so maybe you can stay a bit longer. Good luck, enjoy living in this weird as fuck place while you are still sane.
Similar big 4? The only one that is "similar" is Facebook. Microsoft and Amazon are a joke.....
You've already got the Googler's Complex even before starting - good job, you'll fit right in!
Well it's not my fault you didn't study leetcode. You're perfectly capable of getting a job that doesn't suck but you're lazy. That's why I look down on people at joke companies. Not because I'm smarter, but because it's evidence that they took the easy route.
LinkedIn probably
Linkedin isn't a big 4. Unless it counts as being part of Microsoft? But if so, I don't think comp would be any less than Google
They seemed like one of the big 4, at least when I interviewed there for SRE.
Big 4 is Google, Facebook, Microsoft and Amazon. They are called that because they are so fucking large and hire so many people. They're a good career stepping stone because you stand a good chance of getting into one of them as a newgrad.
You are deluded if you think it is harder to get into Google compared to Amazon/Facebook/Microsoft - I've interviewed at them all and they are all the exact fucking same. It entirely depends on who is interviewing you, and what team you are going for. Google might have been prestigious back in the late 90s - but now it's a daycare for liberal transgenders.
Google and Facebook pay more, have better/more interesting work, have better culture and have better perks. They attract better talent and their interviews are more difficult.
Microsoft and Amazon on the other hand let anyone in that memorized the top 3 questions on leetcode. They take the lazy people.
Btw, Im not claiming Google is the end all be all. Im just saying within the Big 4, it's better than Amazon and Microsoft. Obviously outside of the Big 4 there ware way more competitive and better paying employers
This is not true, I interned at Facebook for 8 months and there are absolute retards working there. There is NO difference in the Big4 companies because they are in fact so massive. It is 100% dependent on the team you are on. All of them have incredible teams, and all of them have monkey-tier teams. The fact that you think working at Google automatically gives you the 'most prestige' and ability to 'look down on people at other companies' shows that you haven't worked in Silicon Valley long. People hop around here every 2-3 years. Mark my words, in a few years you will too.
>This is not true, I interned at Facebook for 8 months
Internships are 12 or 16 weeks. Don't lie, faggot.
> People hop around here every 2-3 years. Mark my words, in a few years you will too.
Of course I will. The Big 4 are a stepping stone. They are the not the end game. They get your foot in the door everywhere else. But I wont take a job at Microsoft or Amazon. Facebook is possible though, seems like a cool place. But probably eyeing a unicorn.
Yikes man - have you never worked at one of the Big4's before? It really doesn't seem like it. If you think 8 month internships are not a thing (or, gasp, doing two terms back-to-back), I guess you can just find out when you start working.
if you read the thread you would know that I havent started yet. :)
You can't "turn gay"
That's a major sjw point against things like discrimination/conversion camps
nah Google turned me gay
Source: me