Anyone know if porn sites are running cryptominers on peoples browsers?

Anyone know if porn sites are running cryptominers on peoples browsers?

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I wouldn't be shocked. All sites, even the bloated ones, tend to load pretty smoothly for me, but porn sites for some reason can be noticeably slower. Not all the time, but there's a few times where I wonder why shit is so slow.


Use protection.

>unironically watching western porn


I mean, fucking is fucking no matter how you look at it. Its a dick entering some moist hole.

Its bukkake not western porn.

copypaste this to any ad blockers custom field

Pointless with ublock origin

im confused. do I copy and paste the link or the contents of the link? this is my first time.

But jav a shit except when it's funny. I mean I don't watch porn anymore, but jav has always been shit.

maybe because so many people are jerking off.

You have to install gentoo first to get it to work.

Thanks, OP.
What ad-blocker are you using? Google the adblocker of choice and how to add custom filters.

im using Ublock origin and this anonsays I need to download gentoo. so thank you. and I use duckduckgo

>Watching porn

You dont need any extra extensions or add anything. These filters already come with ublock origin in the resource abuse list. And if a new one comes up you can block scripts with ubo.

could be

It's the only thing that still brings joy in my life

guarantee you they are. XMR and PRL are using POW algorithms that make them unconventional to mine with gpus so cpus go at a reasonable rate in comparison with gpus. People have already written software to take advantage of this in javascript. Look up coin hive.

That doesn't sound too healthy

I have no script and adblock and you should too.
If a website cannot provide basic services with basic advertising then fuck it.

I know
Real sex is more enjoyable, but only with someone that loves you too
Don't bother with hookups, expensive, exhausting and only half as good

This is one of the reasons the web is being so centralized. No one wants to support the small to medium sized websites anymore. Then you all come on here complaining about these huge internet sites and businesses that you are near forced to use.