Tech nostalgia thread

Tech nostalgia thread

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I got one when I was 11, I’m 18 now

Nostalgia != childhood nostalgia

Played the shit out of this game back in the day

So nostalgic ;_;

>kek born in 1999
Look at me im a oldfag

*whispers in your ear*


we get it. you are old and cynical.


Anyone got some good desktops of Win Xp with anime backgrounds and stuff? Also looking for old Linux, Win 98/95 and Win 2000.

Going to post screens of WinMX and MSN Messenger in a bit too.

AIM as well.

No you're just a faggy baby. Go play with your dads dick




I miss beige computers.

I grew up with PC gaming since the 90's. A time before computers became rainbow led seizure machines. Everything has rainbow led's. Computers used to be very simple.

Same here. Actually, I’m pretty bored with every single tech product being black for the past 15 years. White versions of stuff are rare enough, but beige is a lost taste for manufacturers.

Old screens are more seizure inducing than modern screens

I don't know
I feel like the new everything is more seizure inducing

Ironic since the reason for the iMac G3's colors was because every PC was a "boring beige box". As always, the old becomes new again.

>keeping the whole volume of corn syrup water at your station where it goes to room temp
You people disgust me

fuck me sideways best phone i ever had.

t. 14 year old who discovered Sup Forums 2 months ago

And in all these years, basically nothing has changed.

I owned that too, remember it being horribly unreliable, the screen went black from time to time when I used the slider

why the fuck can't i upload pics?

I've spammed it here a million times but fuck it, this is a 90's beige case with a full 1950x setup inside, watercooled and still in progress but it's running now, build thread and pics here. It has an IBM Model M with a USB cable too and a beige Microsoft optical USB to complete the retro look.

nobody can right now, don't know what the fuck is going on

I don't

I have an old 21'' CRT monitor and a 28'' sony trinitron tv that I can't get rid of partly because A - no one wants them and B - they're too heavy for me to bring them down 6 stories.

Do you not realize that you can still assemble a decent computer without a bunch of meme lights? There are tasteful cases and keyboards out there.

>iphone 4

I actually like early wacky gaming PC designs where they use silver or a bunch of curves and shit. But now it's either a black box or a blue LED monstrosity.

>being this 15-years-old

Mmmm windows

Lol he's a fag because he's from a different time than you? Way to get him there user

fuck this is comfy

What game is that?

This shit isn't retro at all, you utterly mismatched the peripherals and then ruined that beautiful case and any immersive "retro" qualities it had with that fucking ugly window and RGB LEDs. Go fuck yourself.

I really miss them ports.