After lots of research I'm ready to completely switch over to Solus now that windows is no longer a valid solution...

After lots of research I'm ready to completely switch over to Solus now that windows is no longer a valid solution. Windows 10 is a mixture of Malware, adware, and botnet, windows 8 has a shitty UI with w10 "features" installed through updates, and windows 7 is just an outdated piece of shit that also received some w10 updates and has now been crippled thanks to Spectre and meltdown.

Just a few questions before I switch over completely.

I don't play many games, mostly older titles like Totala. How well would they run through wine?

Which is the overall better office suite, is it open office or wps office?

Does GIMP have anything to make it a decent competitor to Photoshop? I can learn a new UI, but does it have a smart fill feature or liquify?

Is chromium still the best browser for touch screen devices on Linux?

How is battery life? Is it true that it's significantly weaker on Linux even with powertop and tlp?

Any Solus users here care to share their thoughts on the distro before I go ahead and wipe my PC and laptop? I tried it in a VM and it was my favorite so far.

>Older games like that will run perfectly fine in wine
>WPS office is the better of the 2 unless you need to be a freetard
>GIMP isn't that great, it can't compete with Photoshop but it's still better than most basic inside editors
>Chromium is still the best on touch screen
>Battery life should be very similar, installing Solus on my 2570p gave me roughly an extra half hour battery life
>Nice distro, relatively lightweight compared to Ubuntu or Fedora, easiest to use just werkz distro. I like it, been using it for almost 3 months now

nice reddit spacing

What the fuck does that even mean?

It means you need to go back

Go back, kevin

It's a sign of reddit flowing in, trying to fit in. Nobody even know what redit spacing was before those newfags came in.

Check winehq, they have ratings for a ton of applications.
Some games run a lot better if you buy them off goodoldgames as they usually come without DRM.

You can use ms office if you don't mind wine. It works fine except for some copy paste stuff as it is formatted differently.
I got around that by pasting it the spacial way inside the document and then copy paste that.
If you want good office that isn't Microsoft, I would use kile.
It is very different but a lot better.

I don't use gimp, but it is just an image manipulator, so it doesn't do all the things Photoshop does nor does it aim to.

Firefox can get plugins to enable drag and scroll.

Battery life have been fine on my machines, YMMV.

Paragraphs are bad now. You shouldn't write comments like you write latex documents.

me on the left

>redditors flock in like retarded cattle, trying to change the site to fit their ways
>"lol no one even complained about reddit before reddit showed up, that means you're actually the one's who are reddit!"

>posts sexy women to attract people to thread about getting off of the most popular and functional OS onto an actual piece of shit that only turbo autists and neckfats use.

Yea you dun goofed.

How what would you know Reddit if you don't browse it?

>Doesn't know the difference between a paragraph and a sentence
Reddit spacing in a nutshell.

>How what would you know
How do you know that murder is bad if you don't do it? Just turn your brain of, friend. Try everything AT LEAST once.

Stupid bitches are using brahs and panties...

>How would you know that murder is bad
Because I've done it and it's very messy.


Just install and try it you idiot

women for soyboys

He did.

Pretty much everything said.

>Games will run great through WINE, probably better than any other distros
>Never used WPS, always just used Libre Office and never had any issues, so it's up to you
>Nothing truly competes with Photoshop, but you can try GIMP and Krita and see how you feel with that, or try to get Photoshop working through WINE
>I used Chrome, but I'm not sure how Firefox is doing since its big update
>Battery life will be better on Solus, at least in my experience and others experience

Other things to note
>Boot times will be extremely fast, especially on an SSD or faster. On my ThinkPad W530, I put in an SSD and Solus boots up in 3 seconds or less.
>Expect things to be fast and stable
>Solus's default DE, Budgie 10.4, will be updated to Budgie 11, being completely rewritten in Qt, so expect a big update in the future
>eopkg, Solus's package manager, will shortly be replaced by sol

Not really sure what else to add, Solus is a great desktop oriented distro. Been using it since early beta in 2015 and haven't looked back since.

Do you prefer strong black masculine wamin?