What went right?

What went right?

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Really? They have 30gbps internet there for $35 a month?


This looks like some stupid shit that the old women who spend all day on Facebook would share.


all IRC users?



>for """ free"""
>funded by taxpayers
Every time.

"to be get"

>have massive surplus
>what should we do with it?
>provide free services to the people?
>nah, let's give the wealthiest 1% and rich corporations massive tax breaks!
>haha, we're so smart: we know there's no free lunch!

Those tax breaks go back to me as a shareholder. How does giving fast internet to Shaniqua help me?

Having a country with good infrastructure benefits everyone. Shaniqua with better access to learning resources has a higher chance of benefiting from modern society. Now we both know she's not, she's going to pump out 15 niglets and call her contribution to the world done, but denying these people the chance is unethical. People tend to act how they're treated.

>as a shareholder
So basically you just admitted to being a literal paid shill.

Nope. Shaniqua is just going to watch Netflix and other propaganda.

Become a Netflix shareholder as well. Now you benefit.

Sorry I don't invest in jewish propaganda.

>fuck the poor
>stereotype blacks
>promote antisemitism
Sup Forums is full of edgeposters like this.

You don't invest in anything because you're 15 and watching anime in your mom's basement.


>letting people keep their money is the same as giving them money

wew laddy

>funded by taxpayers
>but you have to pay for it

I like how socialism always rapidly devolves into welfare state where the middle class pays for the poor


(((Coincidentally))), it's only ever the rich that get to "keep their money"...

>government does shit
>it's socialism
How is that socialism, you fucking brainlet?

municipal costs go down when you don't have to delegate different additional shit outside

digging holes in the ground, setting up telephone cables, network distribution center infrastructure, regulating the airwaves (FCC) etc, is already a state/municipal cost

fucking Sup Forums retards

I'm fine with it, if we just change the allocated budget from EBT/SSI/SSDI/all the brokerage money/retarded agencies

>where the middle class pays for the poor

*the middle class pays for the rich

telecom receives an ungodly amount of direct and indirect subsidies

>good infrastructure benefits everyone
The quality of the internet is decreased by Shaniqua's presence.

>Shaniqua with better access to learning resources

You're giving Shaniqua higher resolution netflix not free textbooks and private tutors.

>denying these people the chance is unethical.
Do libraries not exist in Tennessee? When's the last time Shaniqua read a book?

The gains from 1 genius black guy will offset the losses from 99 niggers
most of the niggers will kill each other off anyway

>genius black guys

Pick one. That one in 10000 can get free internet because wifi is everywhere. He also knows where the library is because he can read a map.

i like american capitalism that devolved into the welfare state where the middle and working class pays the upper class for 100x slower internet and congratulate themselves for the privilege and take to the internet to post smugly about it

I like American capitalism that devolved to where the middle class is a fairy tale and most of the citizens pay no tax because the (((banks))) destroyed the economy so thoroughly most people don't make enough to reach the point where you pay in more than is paid out. Protip: the unemployment rate doesn't count people who have been unemployed longer than 6 months(read: the people who are unemployed in the worst way). Oh but we gotta get Shaniqua Netflix. That's the take home message.

>Local loop is insanely fast
>Cities all over the nation follow suit
>Internet speed crawls to a halt because there's no ISPs to invest in long-distance infrastructure
>Plus now the government has a chokehold on your telecommunications access
Sounds like a terrible fucking idea.


>A Tennessee law that was lobbied for by the telecom industry makes it illegal for EPB to expand out into surrounding areas, which are unserved or underserved by current broadband providers.

Here it is, the umpteenth example of what crony capitalism has been about since its conception for those who are still too thick-headed to see or admit. It's never been about competition. It's the people at the top doing everything they can to stay there while pitting the rest of us against each other. History really does repeat itself and is showing no signs of stopping.

>because there's no ISPs to invest in long-distance infrastructure

yeah cause states totally won't invest in interstate commerce infrastructure to become the most attractive areas for business

are you retarded?

>History really does repeat itself and is showing no signs of stopping.
Its the people doing things the same way over and over again. The good thing is we know how this is gonna end.

I can tell you have difficulty comprehending what you are reading. The ISP for Chattanooga has been planning to expand into rural areas for 3 years but has been blocked by legislation lobbied by the telecom industry. Please take a remedial English course before continuing to post.

>Goverment has a 1Gb internet choke hold for $70
Wow that's bad

>Lets give money to large ISP corporations
>This will free us from the choke hold
>Gets 50 Mbps chokehold for $70

>Internet speed crawls to a halt because there's no ISPs to invest in long-distance infrastructure
ISPs have been collecting extra fees to fund nation wide fiber connections since 1996, yet to this day they haven't spent a single dime of that fund on infrastructure.

user please prove you aren't a telecomm shill by highlighting the part of the image that says the service is free, provided for free or costs nothing
it clearly says "funded by taxpayers"

long-distance infrastructure isn't even operated by your ISP in most cases, they just transport your data to the nearest internet exchange. from there, tier 1 prviders (like level3, telia, etc.) transport your data to the internet exchange the destination network is peered with.


>State-sponsored internet
Am I the only person that sees anything wrong with this? What's stopping hellholes like Seattle or Jew York from censoring websites they don't like?

oh wait that's a capitalist dicksuck organization now that's ready and willing to throw us all under the bus

>The quality of the internet is decreased by Shaniqua's presence.
lol no it's not. I mean what do you think this place is if not a dark void, a black hole of depravity, shit-posting, racism, and general unsavory behavior? And you're worried about Shaniqua?

>mfw tax payer funded internet is a thing while people are literally starving despite working two jobs
why is internet a human right but food and water isnt?

At least companies have no interest in censorship. Name ONE website censored by companies.

A govenment will usually reward what they deem good and punish the things that are bad.
With taxes, you set higher amounts on stuff you think people should do less of (eg alcohol or tobacco) and give tax breaks if you spend it on things that are good (eg pensions).
With subsidies, you put money into fields that might go somewhere.
Poor people suck with money and giving them more does not change their situation.
Giving money to a company so they can hire more poor people can benefit both the company, the poor people and the government.
You can think of it another way: if you gave $10k to a poor person and bought $10k in stocks in a random company, would you think those were equally likely to prosper and eventually pay you back?

> that's a capitalist dicksuck organization now
> now
The FCC has ALWAYS been about censorship. You clearly have no knowledge of history.

holy shit what a retarded image
>if government gives something to a person it's socialism
>if government gives something to a 'industry' it's socialism

it's not that fucking hard

Gentlemen, I suggest a compromise. We have municipally funded internet in every village, town and city in the US, but only after we ship all the blacks to Liberia.

>What's stopping hellholes like Seattle or Jew York from censoring websites they don't like?
first amendment? they are local government and thus play by government rules when providing a utility

Looks like I'm moving 4 hours into the state I already live in.

>Assuming liberals support free speech
>Assuming Jews won't just shut down sites like Sup Forums or InfoWars like they did Stormfront

doesn't matter if they support it or not as gubberment they are bound by it
you could at this exact moment be the most famous outspoken nazi in the world, move to new york and purchase a telephone plan and they could not refuse you since its a utility
just apply this methodology to the internet

Give me an example of this. New York, California, and the entire west coast are entirely for brown """people""" and soyboy cucks who want to kill off the white race. These people will shut us down at the first opputunity, do you think their civic internet will let you continue to express these opinions?

Socialism went right.
Socialism works. Sup Forums REFUSES to admit this because it is a Sup Forums colony full of brainlets.

>semantic quibble
>hahaha looks like I win again ;^)


I would rather live in a socialist world than the capitalist world we live in today.

I agree, but in reality this will just make conditions too comfortable for anything to happen. If we want socialism, we're going to need the third world to rise before everyone else does. Even than, the third worldist will be sabotaged by everyone else to create propaganda against socialism, like the US did to Cuba, Venezuela, and until the 1970s China (which only stopped when they started to bow to neoliberalism) .


dude gommunism lmao

>posts some shit from China from the 70s
Tell us how markets help drive down ISP prices in the US in 2018, brainlet.

>Give me an example of this
how about you give me an example of a nazi/racist/wrongthinker getting their phoneline cut or power turned off
>do you think their civic internet will let you continue to express these opinions?
yes and if no then it would be public knowledge they don't abide by the 1st rather than the current situation where internet is a luxury subject to any number of private backroom deals

>understood by everyone that service is paid for by taxes

prices in areas where the carrier can afford to deploy the very expensive not cheap rare and valuable infrastructure (which has alternative, competing uses in other industries) needed to get the world's information to your fingertips at the speed of light are relative to the incentive brought to the workers who do that for you.

basically, move.

you must've misread the article
the """""free""""" market requires additional taxes
the """""communist""""" municipal internet would require no additonal taxes

you're a financial genius

wow a real live economist

please tell us how work would have no additional costs associated with it? or is that doublespeak when you say no additional taxes, but the cost will be shifted to some other unlucky bastard. who doesn't really deserve it

No additional taxes != no additional costs
The government is just providing a service in the actually free competitive market, and has been making profits from the sale of their good (note: voluntary exchange, not taxes) furthermore, they charge significantly less for their good than the competition, yet are still making profits.
It's just that here, instead of rubbing their nipples and sitting on the cash, they are willing to use the cash to better the community (additionally, it is likely profitable for the city to expand its operations to surrounding rural areas), so they use money from profits to expand operations. Requiring no taxes in the process.

it would be great if your fluffy ideas worked, but the reality is that unpredictable things happen, so people need extra cash sitting around for the unthinkable.

ships sink. trains get derailed. lightening strikes. what good is the "community" gonna do when you don't have the money to pay an expert to come in and fix your shit? no one in the community has that knowledge.

They are making enough in profits to hedge their infrastructure. Hell if you want to you could even allow the municipal government to purchase future contracts, or purchase insurance.
Anyways, what you are saying is a non-sequitur from the previous post and is essentially moving the goal posts.

you don't know that, and you're just doing mental gymnastics because you can't challenge your beliefs

Nice projection m8

what is your fair share of what someone else has worked for?

Fair share? What? When did I ever say anything of that sort?
Could it be that you are attacking a strawman?

people are inherently generous, they want to give a little bit when they can, but communists are so twisted that they try to take advantage of this good nature. they come off as just ungrateful and lazy

> rubbing their nipples
Nice reference

wow, so this is the best and brightest, a future commissar you are to be quick someone give this poster a uniform and a gun

The ideal scenario is to the city to lay the cables and allow ISPs to use the cable.
When comcast lays the cable, only comcast use the cable.

>When comcast lays the cable, only comcast use the cable.
that's because comcast went through the trouble to lay the cable...

yeah great idea.

but what about when in 20 years or so, some new technology comes along and makes cable obsolete. then the whole city loses instead of just comcast.

I'm not a communism m8, notice I put """quotes""" in this post:Government provided services != communism
That's like saying government funded roads are communism.
In essence here, the government service is more free (as in libre) market than the crony capitalist free market.

well, that's okay. we'll just force the community to work to pay for that new technology.

>That's like saying government funded roads are communism.
it is. i'd rather use a road that someone had an interest in keeping up than one that only gets repaired when people threaten to not re-elect someone

Comcast went through the trouble of laying the cable to have the monopoly.

>Comcast went through the trouble of laying the cable to have the monopoly.
So what? Monopolies are unstable, they collapse due to thermodynamics.

I don't understand this image.

Not when they get to sign laws forbidding other companies from competing on the city, using the fact they have the cable "and having multiple cables would be a bad idea" to pull that off.

If the cable becomes obselete, then might as well pick the better short term strategy.
If in 20 years, we are in the same place either way (cable is obselete), then we should take the route which is optimum. Either its government cables and everyone gets cheap fast internet, cable becomes obselete, and a free market competitor enters the market in 20 years; or comcast lays cables, charges more for less, cable becomes obselete, and a free market competitor enters the market.
Seems to me the first case is superior the second.

if comcast wants to be stupid let them be stupid, just don't make the whole city be stupid. capitalism has the very good effect of isolating failures, and propagating successes. communism is the exact opposite. it allows failures to go unpunished, while stifling the environment needed for innovation.

Oh my, okay is a military communism too? Should we privatize the military?
Oh wait, if you do that you create de facto Governments™
Go read Anarchy, State, and Utopia by Robert Nozick

with government cables that means there is no free market competitor. why am i even trying to explain economics 101 to some 16 year old

go read Basic Economics by Thomas Sowell, but we both know neither of us are going to read each other's books

Brilliant pic

If the cables are obselete, the competition would in principle not be dealing with cables and can enter the market relatively freely
Sweetie you are just completely wrong :^)

You anti-Trump morons still don't fucking get it. This guy is the ANTI-Clinton, ANTI-Obama, ANTI-politic bullshit president. Obama would tweet shit like: "Happy New Year to a proud nation of diverse people and empowered women!" You know, Trudeau shit. This guy is making it clear: The days of peak cuck are over. If you stood in his way, he's going to fuck you over.

>Why the fuck to libtards have to take things so literally NO MATTER WHAT IS SAID.

This is a common debate tactic for liberals and women.

If you make a statement, and aren't ridiculously specific, they will tear it apart based on your supposedly "vague" wording. They will pretend that they can't comprehend your specific implication, or read between lines, or draw the most obvious conclusion, solely so they can argue back with something - anything.

You: "BET doesn't appeal to me."
Them: "OMG You just said black people shouldn't be in movies and music!"

This shit is really old and tired. They do it CONSTANTLY and it's one of the reasons that Trump won. They are impossible to hold conversation or debate with because they deny that they can have basic perception skills.

People are sick of it. We're all called racists, homophobes, and sexists solely because of this one tactic they use of pretending to not understand what you're saying. They know damn well what's going on, but it's the only way they can push their extremist viewpoints - by making you EQUALLY extreme.

I voted for Trump m8, don't know what you are saying sweetie :^)
Trump is pretty left wing economically sweetie, sorry if you can't see it, but neoliberal Hillary was better for the Capitalists :^)

I think it's made by a social democrat and ranks systems in order of preference:
Social Democracy (Labour party in the UK, Nordic model) > Market Socialism / State Capitalism (Yugoslavia, 40s Soviet Union) > Marxism-Leninism and Maoism (Stalin's Soviet Union, Mao's China > Anarcho-Communism and Democratic Confederalism (Paris Commune, Kronstadt, Rojava)

Don't know why there isn't Catalonia in the end, but whatever. It's made by someone very confused because they're a socdem, but would prefer Soviet Marxism-Leninism (authoritarian) over Anarcho-Communism (ultimate personal freedom).