Linus torvalds shitting on intel once more

linus torvalds shitting on intel once more

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Fucking savage
if AMD embraces open source even more are we going to see a large collective shift to AMD in FOSS groups?

>You seem to have bought into the cool-aid. Please add a healthy dose
>of critical thinking. Because this isn't the kind of cool-aid that
>makes for a fun trip with pretty pictures. This is the kind that melts
>your brain.

_they_ are behind this

What bullshit link is that, I'm not clicking that. Post a youtube link or fuck off asshole.


It's an university site, just click it. Makes for a good read

Wow you'd have to be a total cuck to buy Intel parts.

Not surprising. Torvalds is noted to eat sheets of acid.

you are fucking retarded :\

get out


You need to be 18 to use this site

let's not forget that this is the same Loonix Torvalds that didn't even care about supporting other architectures in the first place:
>There is no idea in trying to make an operating system overly portable: adhering to a portable API is good enough. The very /idea/ of an operating system is to use the hardware features, and hide them behind a layer of high-level calls. That is exactly what linux does: it just uses a bigger subset of the 386 features than other kernels seem to do. Of course this makes the kernel proper unportable, but it also makes for a /much/ simpler design.

Hello Pajeet

I agree with him, but porting Linux just has still been better in the end than writing a fully new kernel for every platform that gets open sores OS attention

Hello, Jamal.

he had different priorities back then
I mean, it wasn't supposed to be anything big or professional like GNU

>pick one

>Haha just don't pay attention to this because he said something questionable about 26 years ago

>biting this hard..

Linus truly is our nigger, what a madman.


It would be refreshing if true.

So what? At that time the kernel was a hobby. Why on earth should he have been bound to support every other chip in existence? You, sir, are a retard.

Is Linus a good guy or a foolish idiot?


He's infamous for flying off the handle and exploding into fits of rage. Classic Finnish temperament.

he's ethnically swedish

Finlandssvenskar are even worse, dude.

You didn't answer is he's a good guy or not, I know plenty of people with a short fuse that would lend you a part of their soul if you asked.

>he's ethnically swedish
tell that to his face and he'd probably slap you. finlandsvenskar don't think of themselves as swedes, they think of themselves as finnish-swedes. Big difference


You need to have an IQ of at least 106 to use this website.

God I love him

He's an upstanding guy. 99% of his contributions to the kernel mailing list are kind and helpful. The remainder are just dealing with unavoidable stupid bullshit. None of it is malicious or trolling or virtue signalling.

Bitter, old, cranky and lonely man who thinks he knows better than Intel! LOOOOOL

Thankfully none of this stupid nonsense with Windows

If anyone ever asks you about Linux, just tell them that the main developer of Linux is a crazy fucker who probably beats his family.

>The patches do things like add the garbage MSR writes to the kernel
entry/exit points. That's insane. That says "we're trying to protect
the kernel". We already have retpoline there, with less overhead.

Linus Torvalds is an asshole.
He wrote like 2% of linux, but doesn't bother to enjoy the credit for the kernel inclusive the GNU operating system. All he does nowadays is approving code others have written and yelling at people.

Fuck this guy and everything he does trying to get relevant again.

This is not profesional behvaiour from a paid programmer, anyone with sense in the linux company should fire him immediately before he tarnishes their name with toxic comments

>linux company

Fuck Intel, they are a joke.

You are clearly unfamiliar with Linux. GTFO because adults are speaking. Any Linux user should recognize that Linux motherfucking kernel mailing list URL.

Yes, he's an asshole, but he's only an asshole to smart people that do stupid things and who should know better.

The kernel is the operating system. It runs the hardware. The GNU part is a collection of utilities and apps that let you use it like Unix.

His results prove good guy. If you lead you have to be harsh when herding cats. Sensitivity is for faggots who need to be killed.

*looks at OP*
*looks at angry text by some eurofat*
*looks at your post*


>Thankfully none of this stupid nonsense with Windows

I see what you did there.

>Linus Torvalds is an asshole.

Necessary in leadership positions. If that hurts your faggot sensitivities go gargle balls until babbies fee fees are all better.

If you think he's harsh, you're weak. He's barely being clear and firm.

Depends entirely on who you ask, user.
Imho he's an excellent kernel programmer with a heart of gold. Yes, he's a hot head, but that's how you know he's passionate about his life's work.
You might recall Sarah Sharp, however. Sharp maintained USB 3.0 drivers in the kernel. A few years back, she urged Linus to quit his "verbal abuse." Linus essentially told Sharp to get bent. The young kernel dev proceeded to quit, citing irreparable butthurt.
Is Linus a good guy? That's entirely subjective and depends on whether or not you can handle the banter (which, I assume, the greater majority of Sup Forums can).

>muh weak
>muh agression MANLY RAWR

It's 2018, anything can be discussed calmly and rationally if you're a civilized human being, there's no need for unnecessary aggression that just promotes hate and animosity

Ask yourself, would you want to work under such a shitty boss? I thought so

>perfectly fine developer leaves because of Linus toxic attitude

And people have the balls to tell me that his aggression is a good thing, HAHAAHAHAHAHAH

The tone is absolutely appropriate when the other party is an absolute lying scumbag that will use all tricks to achieve his. There's no reasoning, he'll continue his deceitful ways. Virgin Linus doesn't stand a chance. Chad Linus is the only option.

She was easily replaceable, like many programmers and developers.
Don't believe me? Read the interviews she gave to WIRED and other media outlets.
If you're going to whine and berate the inventor of the very project you work on, you better be prepared for the animosity you're no doubt bound to recieve.
She might've been a fine developer. I don't know her personally, so I can't comment on that. But Linus' kernel, and the digital culture that surrounds it and maintains it, is hostile by design. Can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen, etc., etc.

> Developer can't take being told for doing really stupid shit
Yea, that *developer* is a toxic snowflake and can go fuck off with his drama over very justified adult swearing.

If you think he's a shitty boss or in any way aggressive, you're weak.

virgin = nice and calm
chad = confrontational and violent

Nah, grow up kid

Truth. No place in a healthy community for people who can't deal with the consequences of being wrong and grow from the experience.

>Being willing to handle difficult conversations is violent

Wake me when he pulls a gun on someone, snowflake.

Discussing things calm and rationally only solves the immediate issue at hand. It doesn't solve the other 100 cases of the same issue with different people/situations.

Linus deliberately blows things out of proportion not to attack the person trying to push shit into the kernel, but as a message to everyone else, which is: "Stop fucking trying to push shit into my kernel because I won't take it!"

No. We swear like normal adults when something deserves swearing at. Particularly factual fuckups and lies and the like.

Your passive aggressive dumbass PC dance is not an acceptable substitute or better.
> thinking you will get other people's support to pretending you live in a world where everyone likes you, EVEN if you fuck up

Some of my best employers have been tough as nails, it brings out the best in people

No wonder people can't stomach linux with so much microagression and latent desire for violence in the community.

Nah it's you who seems to live in a fantasy world where calm discourse is the best way to solve problems. There are fuckers out there who are not going to play by those rules, but may have a facade that they do. It's an absolute trap. These fuckers have more moves and thus are less restrained than a virginous debater. So stop sucking the other cheek bluepill.

Come here and I'll reconstruct your sphincter free of charge you fucking sissy.


Linus' unsatable desire to express dominance over others by mentally harming them makes for a shitty workplace and shitty results, you can see this in Linux's 1% marketshare

> trolling Sup Forums has become as easy as trolling Sup Forums

hmm, how could this be? really makes you think.

>not going to Sup Forums

checked and kekd

There are even more shills on Sup Forums than here. It was way more fun like a year ago.

Linux the kernel is >50% in most markets.

Servers and personal computing included.

>thinks it's about dominance, not the quality of the product

You want to do stupid shit, fork the code and patch it yourself.

Chad will always stand strong, unlike the virgin nice guy.

Enjoy prepping your bull bro.

You are probably right. He's like a child.

Does it ever bum anybody else out that you'll never have the developer prowess and influence that Linus has to where he can literally just say "Fuck you, that's stupid" and nobody can challenge it?

>Why doesn't Linus respect my fee fees! Just because my ideas are fucking horrible doesn't mean he gets to criticize them! Waah!

I don't consider emphatic speech being a shitty boss, and if I do or advocate stupidity I deserve to be called out. I also despise sensitive people because all they do is vomit their weakness throughout society. I've had bosses like Linus and much prefer them to mealymouthed polite backstabbing little queers who I'd love to field dress alive cartel style.

You forgot the part where the "fuckers" did not even remotely agree to play along in some underhanded pretend-rational passive aggressive PC bullshit theater, rather than straight-out swear at what deserves swearing at.

The main difference in the PC theater is that apart from substituting wording x with wording y, you also get the especially entitled "community leaders" that apparently have authority over these rules.
And then some brain damaged butterflies that think everything is too un-PC if they're not the center of attention and loved by everyone.

So one sensitive cunt leaves. Cunt and coders can be replaced. I'd rather work where all these snowflakes are terrified to apply.

You can see it in their supercomputer and server and phone market share too you stupid ni88er.

Linus doesn't steal credit. When he's talking about linux, he means the kernel.
The GNU censorship is just paid media shilling. 'Free' doesn't sell.

I'm perfectly capable of starting a project where I decide what is in the repo. You are too. We just probably won't have the reach Linus does.

You underestimate shitty programmers' ability to ignore any calm and rational criticism you direct at them, and that's if you're lucky and they don't start snarkily quipping at you as a response. Harshness helps remind them that they might actually be in the wrong.

Every post like this, even done ironically, makes the day of the rope one day closer to today

It's the current year bigots!!!