Actually I am going to build new cpu but suddenly I stuck inside these 2 processor can you help me guys tell me which one is better ?
Intel core i5 8400 vs Intel Core i3-8350K
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They are both is closed enough to each other thats why I am confused which one I should buy can you please help me out guys ?
dont be a moran
go ryzen
Wait for Ryzen 2.
Work on your English in the meantime.
>They are both is closed enough to each other thats why I am confused which one I should buy can you please help me out guys ?
Buy the one you can overclock if you can afford the whole platform, or if I were you I'd wait until the new cpus come out.
Buy Ryzen, you are idiot if you but intel processor after meltdown and spectre shit.
8400 > 8350K
8400 > 8350K on multithreaded programs/games
8400 = 8350K on low thread programs
8350K > 8400 on single threaded programs
Enjoy your 30% decreased performance Sup Forumsidya babby
>can you help me guys tell me which one is better ?
8400 Is better
How far you think you can push the i3?
Because the 8400 can already be topped at 4GHz on all cores with simple turbo change in the bios since it's already its turbo frequency for 1 active core.
Unless you're using thread intensive apps such as tendering and compiling go with the i3,
>buying intel in 2018
physical always outperforms logical cores of the same chip series
also go with the i5-7600K its faster and you dont have to buy a meme priced mobo
>post meltdown shenaniga
>still being a intelcuck
just get ryzen or wait ryzen+ in april
for the same price you can get the 1600x
got u started
AMDrones back at it again.
Fuck off, nobody wants to buy your overpriced underperforming CPU.
Daily reminder that 1 intel core = 2 amd cpu cores
the 1600x has 6 fucking cores and 12 logical
so its faster by your logic and has no 30% loss in performnace after patches
>trying this hard to trollxd
You really ought to put more effort into it. Have a pity (You)
i would make some anti amd threads, but cant upload images
Alright pajeet, back to the loo with your shit internet
>tell me which one is better
The i5.
Have a good day.
This. Also 8500 comes out soon, that with a b series mobo would be a real deal. 8350k is poop, not enough cores/threads
Sure, how is your Meltdown and Spectre patch working?
Have you updated your IME already? :^)
You don't mind changing sockets every year, do you?
Get the i3. You still don't need more than 4 cores for gaming.
>I am going to build new cpu
The R5 1600 is better than both