Tfw no time machine so that I can assasinate Steve Jobs around the year 2001

>tfw no time machine so that I can assasinate Steve Jobs around the year 2001

But then Zunes wouldn't exist :^(

Normies invaded the Internet, especially gaming, in 2001

No thanks, I don't want to be stuck with shitty Windows

Good one, user. Haha and such.

Another spastic poltard thread.

Jobs was good
Made the touchscreen on phones the norm so thats good


>Made the touchscreen on phones the norm so thats good

Smartphones are a double-edged sword. On one hand, they allow an individual to access the Internet from anywhere, but on the other hand it made the Internet more easily accessible to normies.

Carly Fiorina should have run Apple instead of HP.

>tfw no time machine to stop the British from colonizing India and thus preventing India from entering the tech space

>touchscreen on phones

Sup Forums is not your hugbox, you know.

>tfw no time machine to kill turing in 1940 and stop the computers for good

That same line could be used for Sup Forums considering how late they were added.

a rope and chair OP, that's all the time machine you need to use to get to where you want to be.

Normie infestation of the internet was already happening before 2007. You're giving ol' Steve too much credit, just like normies do.


I would prevent Columbus from discovering the Americas. And instead send there the mamluks.
For the lulz.

You can go on there and post damn near anything you wamt. Less of a hugbox than Sup Forums

If I had a time machine I'd go back to when I was 14 and give myself a blowjob.

If it weren't for Steve Jobs, those people in the 1990s wouldn't have computers at home for work, hobbies, and video games, you fucking idiot.

Apple brought the computer from the mainframe room to the living room. They LITERALLY invented the personal computer.

Wrong, any liberal thread I've posted has been removed by buttblasted mods within 15 minutes, every fucking time

You know that Sup Forums stands for Political INcorrect, right?



If your thread was deleted, its not because it was liberal. There are plenty of fence-sitter/left wing threads that exist on Pol just fine. Obviously they aren't the majority but there is almost always at least two or three.
Face it, your thread was deleted because you're a shitposting faggot.

You sure it's not the case that nobody cares and it doesnt get bumped?
Also it IS the most active board on Sup Forums right now so that is to expected.

The internet and computing at large have been going to shit in the eyes of various generations of users for decades, and to pretend that this shit would suddenly come to an end had this bogeyman or that popular figure not have existed is fucking moronic.

Once a big enough name could come forward and force the hands of wireless carriers in the same way Apple did to make modern smartphones a reality, we'd all be right back to where we are now.

Simpler times

>discovering the Americas


>2001 specified in the OP

>hating apple is now Sup Forums
I'm not a big fan of Sup Forums myself but, you might be reaching here.

>no Jobs
>smartphones not becoming mainstream
>Android and cheap phones never take off
>stuck with shit Symbian
>stuck with shit overexpensive hardware
No, I'm fine.

So, who discovered America? Not who inhabited first time there but who allowed the western civilization to go there.

>who allowed the western civilization to go there.
Whoa... so this is the power of American education...

Aren't you part of western civilization? Was America known to western civilization? Are you retarded?

If I discover something but never tell anybody, it doesn't mean it hasn't been discovered.

The "I love math" guy is probably going to agree with the atheist.

True, but who made it public knowledge is the one that becomes known.
There is no reason for anyone to care about you if you keep a discovery hidden.

>not destroying AOL in 1993

>not assassinating him in 1970 so the personal computer industry never takes off

>not assassinating richard stallman in the 1980s to end freetardism once and for all

probably this, also the gaymur will probably agree with the accept me who I am guy
>not assassinating K&R so Wirth rightfully takes their place

>B-but Amerigo Vespucci. Muh Vikings!11!!1!