Whats the performance impact of the spectre patch on Ryzen?(is ther one?)

Whats the performance impact of the spectre patch on Ryzen?(is ther one?)
Will it affect Ryzen 2?

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Depends on OS. Intel will pay Microsoft a metric shit-ton of shekels to treat all CPUs equally. Linux distros will probably only patch for the affected CPUs.

Nobody gives a shit about spectre and meltdown
If you have a personal computer you don't have to worry about anything cause you don't have anything very important on there, and you shouldn't have
If you're on a work computer then, why the fuck would you even care? you don't download suspicious third party software on it...right?

>you don't have anything very important on there
Doesn't matter. If you have a non-zero amount of money you are a potential target for any pajeet deploying their ransomware on your machine.

They used the word "negligible" iirc
Year of the AMD CPU

It matters because there are farms of people in china, india, north korea, russia and others that just try to scam, steal and break into your computer looking for money. One of my coworkers from 3 years back got his card stolen online and the source was a RED Box he had used. Meaning, they broke into a read box electronically and just took all of that card data. Or maybe they hit the RED Box company directly but I haven't heard of such a thing happening so it is unlikely the leak came from there.

Security just like your life, are your OWN concern.

Spectre 1 patch is through software/OS
It pretty much depends on how competent M$ is.

>Ryzen 2
dear trips
there is no ,,Ryzen 2"
only Ryzen 3 5 and 7
you mean Zen+ or Zen 2
for example:
AMD 7 1800X based on Zen
AMD 7 2800X based on Zen+
AMD 7 3800X based on Zen 2

forgot the word Ryzen between AMD and 7

this is bait, right? nobody is this retarded

Yes, don't feed him more (You)s or you'll encourage his behavior.

Actually it's half precise statamenz.
Normal users aren't so badly effected as the one for works.
It's 10-15% at worst (old system and cpu)
Best one 1% decrease (/increase) when it's from the latest three cpu family lake + win10.
Plus they are working on optimizing this. Maybe instead they just release a new cpu.


Threadripper seems to be the only one with noticeable impact. In an old thread someone claimed it was due to an old BIOS, but no idea how true that claim is.

That's on Linux which across the board on the Intel side took a huge hit in performance. I'm running W10 on my 1950x and had no change in performance, but this does have me worried because I want to throw Debian on it in a dual boot config.

>is ther one?
no that's an intel problem

even if theres no impact, there is no point buying AMD since even spectre + meltdown patched intel cpus are STILL faster than ryzhits

Ryzen is literally infinitely better than any Intel bugged stutterfire...

We can't say for sure, There's no microcode update for poozen yet

Meltdown doesnt effect amd but it treats all cpus the same for windows for they still get hit. Amd is effected by spector v2 but so far has done nothing to fix it. Spectef v2 caused a big performance hit for intel

>ryzen doesnt even have a patch for specter v2
>call intel bugged when it rolled out bios updates for spector v2 weeks ago

Yes, user people need to start ignoring bait on Sup Forums


pretty much this. there's no way in hell i'm installing these stupid performance gimping patches

gotta go fass

Who cares if they released something weeks ago when what they released was literally a broken piece of shit?

Expect it works fine on my machine :^)