Previous thread: /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.
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If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following: 0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine. 1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything. 2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS. 3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.
Resources: Your friendly search engine, mailing lists... >b-but what search engines respect my privacy and freedom of speech? Try qwant, searx, ixquick or startpage. >b-but what e-mail providers respect my privacy and freedom of speech? Try autistici or aktivix.
$ man %command% $ info %command% $ help %command% $ %command% -h $ %command% --help
Don't know what to look for? $ apropos %something%
It's one of the most well-polished desktop distros.
Gabriel Watson
Thomas Watson
GPL = Glorious People's License
Nicholas Cook
I always knew you fuckers were pinkos
Jack Carter
We're not, some faggot did a survey a few days ago on Sup Forums Have a look yourself I'm centrist. Fuck these communists and right-wingers both.
Nathaniel Jones
>We're not >some faggot did a survey! Shit user, I'm convinced.
Tyler Roberts
well you were convinced by an image
Aiden Torres
What advantages does a variant of Linux offer over Windows?
Oliver Diaz
Mods confirmed trolls. Nobody can post images or make new threads, yet this one shows up.
Angel Ramirez
kill yourself before anyone cries '"MUH FRIENDLY LANOX THREAD" some stupid cunt asks this question every day instead of just googling it or even checking the archive.
Camden Rivera
/fglt/ is an important containment thread for freetards. They'd be shitting up the entire board if they didn't get their own silly thread.
Kevin White
I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.
Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.
There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux" distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.
None, Linux is botnet. Even if you use a deblobbed kernel, there's still the CPU botnet.
Easton Bennett
The hard truth. Uncucked machines with uncucked systems when?
Adam Myers
30 years ago
Jason Anderson
haha! you got me! :^)
Juan Gutierrez
There are computers with pre-botnet CPUs and GNU/Linux-libre preinstalled. Get a thinkpad off minifree, thinkpenguin, whatever.
Samuel Robinson
More like 13 years ago, user.
Brandon Hall
When you can 3D print open source hardware and then install GuixSD on it.
Jeremiah Roberts
Really makes you think
Brandon Scott
Privacy, security, control and versatility
Chase Morales
You accidentally replaced "OpenB" with "Guix", user.
John Thomas
Nice memes.
Hudson Collins
OpenBSD uses proprietary software though doesn't it? This is not a matter of philosophy, if you're paranoid to the point where you want to 3D print hardware known to not act as a backdoor then there is no way such a person would settle for proprietary software which could be doing god knows what.
Camden Edwards
You get a kernel that doesn't do stupid things like font rendering an shit. However, you still need an operating system in order to use Linux. I recommend the GNU operating system.
Bentley Scott
More Women should use Linux! We need more women only groups so they feel comfortable with using Linux! I will starting a new sub called "WfFGLT" or 'Women for Friendly G/Linux Thread'. No men allowed because they're sexist!
Eli Johnson
>OpenBSD uses proprietary software though doesn't it? No, it doesn't.
How do you even see this thread, it has banned words in the OP
Josiah Morris
Year of the Plan 9 desktop when?
Eli Lopez
When GNU/Linux turns into systemd/systemd.
Robert Mitchell
>communism dropped
Josiah Walker
Wow, soon then!
Noah Miller
>please teach me regex GTFO
Nicholas Brooks
which music player should i use if i liked musicbee best when i used windows ? file organising options are important
Adrian Torres
Emacs is significantly better than vim, the only practical equivalent we have to what acme would have eventually become with a contributing userbase writing helper scripts and "plugins" (albeit worse).
So why filter emacs? Just because stallman wrote it? It was actually made by a guy called james gosling. Stallman ripped off his idea because that's what commies do - rip off genuine creativity and say "look what communism did!"
Camden Sullivan
How do I get the date command to only display day/month followed by a 24 hour clock? (00:00 only no seconds)
Carter Cox
I'm having lots of trouble setting up wayland/sway. So many that I'm not even sure how to do it, could someone either confirm these or tell me where I'm fucking up? Thanks
- XFCE4-panel 4.12 is unsupported and impossible to get right - Rofi will not automatically start focused, which means you - DPI scaling only works on 2.0 or 1.0, if I put it on 2.0 everything is huge, if I put it on 1.0 everything is tiny (my Xft.dpi setting is 166) - I should either start 'sway' from a tty/bashprofile, or start it from GDM, but not start 'weston' - I shouldn't run urxvt, but use a wayland-supported terminal like termite - The restart command for sway swaymsg restart doesn't do anything, at least nothing noticeable (like i3msg restart does)
Ryder Cooper
Dont use wayland, its an immature stack. Stay with X11
Carson Garcia
date +'%d/%m %H:%M'
Carson Murphy
Install Xenocara.
Adam Mitchell
I was trying to find out if that was still the case or if I just never took the time to configure it properly. Thanks
Matthew Sanders
Don't expect too much from sway just yet. I gave it a try, but there is still a lot of work to be done
Elijah Lee
Is there some way to customize what acpi outputs? I just want the battery percentage and discharge without all the text around it
Also is there a way to change the libnotify notification colors?
Jacob Anderson
I was actually thinking about installing Plan 9 on a spare machine. Am I able to do basic real world things like run a little web server on it to serve a static site? That would go a long way to get people interested. What variant of Plan 9 should I go with? Is the install very difficult, I mean I normally just install Fedora with as much of the defaults as possible to avoid friction, which means going with LVM partitions.
Mason Ortiz
Hello, what do you think of kakoune editor? Recently found out about it, seems nice.
Levi Allen
It's so trivial to create a "new-style" daemon in systemd. Gives me one reason why I shouldn't make all my programs reliant on systemd.
Sebastian Jones
Oliver Wood
Install 9front. It was literally Sup Forums that breathed life back into the project, and they have sound and wifi drivers for some hardware, as well as VESA drivers for video so you at least get full screen res. Also 2hu mascot.
I need some google drive client for ubuntu, pls give some recs.
Alexander Sanders
How do I install Spotify on Ubuntu? seems like the repo file is missing.
Xavier Perry
You want an alias
Samuel Phillips
Kevin Harris
Lets say i was on Debian and i nuked my /boot and /boot/efi partition, how can i recover or rebuild my inittrd and vmlinuz?
I reinstalled grub(through a live cd and chroot) without problems but without the kernel on /boot it will not list my system, so far i tried reinstalling the linux-image-amd64 package but it didn't work
there's grive but i dont know if still works
Michael Morgan
>-j6 how many cores do you have? I have a 4 core system and use -j3 so my system doesn't completely choke up
Camden Campbell
>Communism Disgusting. Sup Forums is libertarian-centrist
Ryan Rodriguez
>Tfw people are now using mah survey Feels good
Benjamin Davis
Boot a live cd, chroot in, and reinstall your kernel packages.
I'll be buying an X220 for uni since I need one for programming classes (we're learning C). They made us try programming on a vm that runs Gnome and I like the fact that is has a desktop environment besides the terminal. I've been using windows xp all my life and i'm looking to play dota 2/old battlefront 2 and to do photoshop so i need still might need windows. is win 10 + a vm that i will open for compiling C an okay set-up? i don't know a lot of distros but based from Sup Forums, i'm going to get KDE for sure. Any suggestions for a nu-fag like me?
or should i go full gnu/linux then use some program (wine? idk, i just keep hearing about it) to play some games. irdk guys but please help me out
Ethan Bell
run ifconfig
Note: you can run it as a normal user just call it directly /sbin/ifconfig
Parker Hernandez
>I've been using windows xp all my life Is this bait?
>is win 10 + a vm that i will open for compiling C an okay set-up? No GNU/Linux and a Windows 7 VM is better(avoid windows 10 at all cost).
>dota 2/old battlefront 2 and to do photoshop Dota 2 runs on linux natively, photoshop runs on Wine and i'm not sure about battlefront but is an old game, it should run fine on a VM.
Dominic Nelson
>Is this bait? sadly, no. i never had a pc, just my parents' old E6600 desktop and they didn't allow me to change the OS since "their files will corrupt". not a manchild who lives with his parents, just a college freshman (not from the US)
will gnu/linux as main + a win 7 vm run better than win 7 main + loonix vm?
Christian Long
>Is this bait? >implying I have a guy who does use XP.
Benjamin Moore
Well thats retarded, XP is dead and gone in my eyes along with anyone who uses it, and there's nothing anyone can do to bring it back because is closed source and the patches will never come.
Here's the thing, Windows 7 still is a good choice nowadays but it already lacks DX12 support and Microsoft will pull the plug in 2020, now we don't know what Microsoft will launch in the future but Windows 10 is not an option, you should do your own research regarding W10 or else you will receive very biased opinions on this board, but here is the thing, is annoying as fuck, the cortana service will fuck you up(and your HDD) and you can't disable it, it nags about updates, Defender and antivirus(It forces you to install and keep an up to date antivirus) to no end.
Linux has his own set of problems but the future looks a bit brighter than what Windows has in store.
>will gnu/linux as main + a win 7 vm run better than win 7 main + loonix vm? So, its up to you, you should try both ways and see what its best.
Isaac Green
Pictures work again? Test.
Anthony Russell
Juan King
good points, i don't think LTSB is going to help much but i just found out that the laptop has win 10 preinstalled so i'll try to change it to windows 7 (or probably ltsb) then vm linux first. thanks my guy. any suggestions for a distro that can run well/compile c well on a vm?
Nicholas Lopez
So, when you run `make install`, it basically just copies files (binaries, headers, libraries, whatever) to whatever appropriate directory (/usr/bin, /usr/include, /usr/lib, or whatever)? Or is there some kind of system registry like on Windows that it makes changes to?
Kevin Gomez
Installed Debian Mate and synaptic. Synaptic won't show anywhere so i want to switch to Gnome. thoughts?
Jaxon Campbell
>So, when you run `make install`, it basically just copies files [...]to whatever appropriate directory [...]? yes
Luke Sullivan
>any suggestions for a distro that can run well/compile c well on a vm
Any distro will be good enough, even *BSD ones, but here is a short summary: OpenSuse has a really good custom KDE implementation and it uses btrfs by default, Debian has a lot of support and its really stable by default, Arch and gentoo are bit more complicated but they are good to learn how compilers work(since you will be compiling everything).
No, the only registry like thing would be the package manager DB but that doesn't matter when you're compiling.
Debian uses apper, but try to launch Synaptic through the console.
Ryan Rivera
In Bash, what's the preferred way to have a multi line string as a variable? For example in Python I would use triple quotes and I could "embed" a bigger piece of text. What's the solution for Bash?
Caleb Nelson
var="multi line\ string" echo "$var"
Samuel Collins
Even when I don't indent it with 1 space, the result upon printing has 1 leading whitespace. Why is that? I terminated each line with a \n to have line breaks.
Michael Campbell
And it seems to strip quotes. There are so many tools I am completely lost.
Jacob Ramirez
var='multi line string "with quotes"\n' printf "$var" ' escapes everything
Josiah Nelson
Jordan Cruz
If I use single quotes, then I can't use \n for each line, because it gets printed literally.
That sacrifices readability. In the end I guess I have to stick to cat with heredocs.
Lucas Butler
Oops, never mind. I fucked up. Using single quotes works.
Sebastian Sanchez
Yeah I gave up hopes later last night. It stutters with scale when resizing window sizes, and proper DPI setting seems unfixable (or not programs support it), plus some other issues. Maybe in a few months
Christopher Thompson
>thoughts? You're a brainlet or an unpaid Gnome shill. Look a bit harder in your menus, it should be there. If not in the application menu then the administration or vice versa.
Blake Flores
>his browser has sound
Ayden Clark
>his fucking shitord
David Morgan
Love you my fellow faglets.
Liam Jenkins
Nicholas Brown
I'm using openSUSE Tumbleweed, if you like KDE it's one of the best distros for it.
I like zypper (the package manager) very much too.
Nathan Parker
non-meme response:
The system is actually yours, update whenever you want, reboot whenever you want, rice it out however you want, have a shell that's actually useful