Come back, Terry!
/tosg/ - TempleOS General = Still Missing Edition
Maybe the CIA really did get him
Fug what if he dead?
I don't think he's dead but I'd hazard a pretty educated guess that he's in trouble.
He's just in jail, guys. Chill.
Is that just a guess or do you know for sure?
He was arrested a few weeks back
In another state to where he has warrants out?
He failed to show up on his court date back from the last time (the public intoxication thing) and got a warrant. I assume that since he's suddenly off the grid entirely, that he was picked up by the law.
He's not in jail. Stop making things up.
Yes, he is in jail you faggot shill. This was confirmed by the much less useless 4+Sup Forums
Hello new friends.
Terry taught me about the glow in the dark niggers. How do you avoid being tracked by CIA on daily baisis?
>Yes, he is in jail you faggot shill.
lol ok buddy
>This was confirmed
Confirmed WHERE? Put up or shut your fucking mouth.
I can't upload a pic of the warrant because hiroshima nagasaki has fucked up the cloudflare config.
>Confirmed WHERE?
On Sup Forums. After the whole ordeal the last time (when he spent the night in jail for public intoxication and met Maggie or Margie or what the fuck that cave troll is named), he got a court date which Terry being Terry managed to miss and there was a warrant out for his arrest.
Can you write to inmates in American jails? We should send him a nice letter to cheer him up.
Kill yourself neckbeard faggot tough guy, 4+Sup Forums /tech/ board literally has an active thread full of uptodate terry info
>Can you write to inmates in American jails?
Once they get incarcerated, yes. Right now, he's only in custody awaiting trial.
>the warrant
a warrant doesn't mean someone is in jail, it means they have a warrant, and if you're talking about the one from Vegas, HE ALREADY WENT TO COURT FOR THAT.
>he got a court date
and he went to that fucking court date, and was on probation. this is old news. get your shit straight.
> literally has an active thread full of uptodate terry info
you mean the "Active thread" where they posted the OLD warrant from Vegas? you guys are fucking idiots.
>Right now, he's only in custody awaiting trial.
No, he isn't.
It was a different warrant for destruction of property which he is now in jail for awaiting his court date, dipshit
>It was a different warrant
then link the fucking warrant, and show where he got arrested for failure to appear, instead of making up lies
sometimes i think you guys dont know what youre talking about
oh look, what a surprise, you're fucking wrong:
Okay lads, let's stop arguing. Here's some quality Terry:
Calm the fuck down. I don't know if you are aware, but nobody is able to upload images to Sup Forums these days because Hiro fucked up his configuration.
Doesn't prove anything, he's technically not an inmate when he is waiting to appear before a judge.
>nobody is able to upload images
I didn't ask you to upload images, I asked you to link the fucking thread. which doesn't exist, because the thread on /tech/ has absolutely nothing that says he's been arrested since he skipped the court date, or anything about him being in custody.
>Doesn't prove anything, he's technically not an inmate when he is waiting to appear
lol ok, everything is public record, and there's no arrest records or mugshots for him anywhere in maricopa county. so, did you just make this shit about him being in jail awaiting court up off the top of your head, or are you going to link to where it is?
Is there any word on what exactly happened around the minor criminal damage/defacement court appearance that he didn't attend? What did he damage or deface?
>I asked you to link the fucking thread
4+Sup Forums links leads to instabans, you fucking newfag.
then screencap it you fucking moron, or link to the official govt. site that shows him as being in custody, seriously you're just lying for no good reason
>then screencap it you fucking moron
I'm seriously screaming at my monitor. I fucking told you two times already, nobody is able to post images.
>or link to the official govt. site that shows him as being in custody, seriously you're just lying for no good reason
I downloaded the image from Sup Forums two days ago. But fine, if you want to be autistic and refuse to believe that he is in jail, sure. I don't even care anymore. I welcome you to provide an alternative explanation for why he suddenly just vanished off the grid practically over night.
Images are disabled due to spectre and meltdown causing server overloads.
punished terry
>I'm seriously screaming at my monitor.
>nobody is able to post images.
you're really that fucking daft that you can't upload a fucking image to an image hosting site and post a link to it? even after that's exactly what i fucking did to show you that he's NOT in custody?
>I downloaded the image from Sup Forums two days ago.
then link the goddamn Sup Forums thread, jesus christ what the fuck is wrong with you
>you're really that fucking daft that you can't upload a fucking image to an image hosting site
Name one that Sup Forums doesn't think is spam.
>then link the goddamn Sup Forums thread, jesus christ what the fuck is wrong with you
Find it yourself in the archives. IIRC it was a /tosg/ thread too.
I'm done wasting any more effort on an obvious troll that just wants me to do shitloads of work for no good reason.
Running them over, they glow in the dark
>Name one that Sup Forums doesn't think is spam.
the one that I used,, apparently you can't scroll up or click on a link
>Find it yourself in the archives
I've looked, there is none. because it doesn't exist.
>I'm done wasting any more effort on an obvious troll
I'm not an "obvious troll" I'm calling you out for being a fucking liar who can't provide any proof. If there really was proof then more people other than you would have it, funny how you're the only one who had this supposed image from the magical disappearing threads.
>he doesn't know about the rebecca black archives
Whatever, troll. It's not my problem you don't believe me and I don't give a fuck. I'm not getting tricked into wasting a bunch of time for you only to have you turn around and go "lololol I made you do all that for nothing!!!! kek ebin troll!!!!! :^)"
It's not worth my time.
Also, nice reddit spacing btw.
>>he doesn't know about the rebecca black archives
who the fuck said that?
whatever, you're a fucking liar and you got called out, so the only thing you can fall back on is poo-poo name calling.
he ran outta money and is living as a homeless person. If u watch his video he expresses this concern. May have died in the desert
You all really are a bunch of nigger cattle. You're all saying "he's dead", "he's in jail", "he's being held at a CIA black site".
Has everyone forgotten he has a fucking space alien?
He's not even on this planet anymore
why did he got arrested?
being a racist
better start deleting posts like
How i supposed to delete thread that are not mine?
Seriously, what he did to get arrested? i am legit curious.
templeOS development frozen
he really needs his own place
Sup Forums should set up a fund .. ensure he gets a residence (trailer)
Agreed, I'd chip in
it opensource publick domain