How could we stop this madness ?

How could we stop this madness ?
It's getting annoying. The problem is not only the rising gpu prices, but soon the components (gold, for example) are going to be more expensive, so it would make the other parts like rams and cpus more expensive.
Couldn't nvidia/amd push out an update that would block or lower mining capabilities of a card ?
Couldn't a team of script kiddies interfere with mining ?
Is there anything that could stop it or should we wait until russia or china bans crypto.

Other urls found in this thread:

Make it legal to shoot miners on the spot?

Make it legal to shoot miners on the spot?

>i cant afford my 4x gtx 1080ti SLI build for 500fps 1080p Crysis because miners are advancing a new technological innovation called the blockchain
>ive never heard of supply and demand
Back to and with you

fuck off gamer

gamers fuck off

1. High end card are not really used for mining.
2. I am not worried about the gamer cards, I use old quadros. I am scared about the cpu and ram prices.
Also, remind me again, what are some exact practical uses of blockchain ?

They'll run out of prime numbers

some one fell for the bitshit meme

some one fell for the bitshit meme

It's called a free market. here are your options

1. Some how end crypto currency
2. Build your own graphics card.
3. work harder to become better to buy more.

Good luck.

Why would nvidia/amd give a shit, I'm sure they enjoy the skyrocketing prices.

Never mined and never will but I hate gamers more than anything

some one fell for the bitshit meme

Mentioned it in a dead thread, but imagine telling your past self that gaymer laptops would reach pricing parity with desktop parts. It's unreal.

The one that blocks mining first, gets all the gamers. Some manufactures have started making miner's only cards. (Asus P106)
Let's say, you have 3 apple and 3 friends, and you sell your apples for 1 dollar each. You sell 2 for one friend. You become a greedy fuck and tell the other two, that the price is now 10 bucks. They would beat you up.

They should make dedicated mining cards with no video outputs that have good hash/power ratio for a decent price. Disable all the components that they don't need for power savings. Make the design as small and cheap(high yields, modular design to cut faulty parts like infinity fabric) as possible with a form factor attractive to miners. Give it DDR4 slots to add more ram and no ram off the bat whatsoever to improve yields and reduce upfront costs.

There. Fucking solved. They can safely ramp up memory production without fearing the crypto crash, unlike GPU's. They're already building factories. A few years of high memory prices are worth the sacrifice.

Hell, they could literally just make "miner edition" versions of each GPU, and that would be enough, and keep the miners and the average consumers happy.

>DDR4 slots
That's a non-starter for miners. The only cryptos still GPU minable remain so by targeting memory bandwidth. A mining-only card without GDDR5 would be useless unless it was sold very cheaply or had amazing power efficiency.

I don't even play video games but I am reveling in your worldwide butthurt right now. I will later revel in the minerfags' butthurt when their internet token values plummet. Are you upset that people are buying the thing you want in large quantities pushing up the price? Welcome to real fucking life you absolute fucking moron. There is nothing you can do. Go weigh yourself by the neck.

First, you must learn that exclamation and question marks must stick with the phrase and NOT separated by a space. Thank you.

Just educate normies so the dont fall for the scam. Don't say WALLET say SOFTWARE, don't say BLOCKCHAIN say CONNECTED COMPUTERS, don't say currency say ENCRIPTED FILES, don't say MINING say GUESSING or BRUTE FORCING. That's about it, the tulip mania is there only because there are idiots who are buying crypto files for real money.

Well just to be pedantic, BLOCKCHAIN should be more like ENCRYPTED SYNCHRONIZED LEDGER if you're concerned with accuracy.

Ethereum, by far the largest mineable cryptocurrency, will soon be moving to Proof of Stake (not mineable anymore). Miners will first try moving to other coins, but will soon find that they're unprofitable to mine due to all the competition that moved in from Ethereum.

The market will then be absolutely flooded with used cards, and new card prices will plummet.

Be patient, filthy nocoiners.

this sucks. this is a shitty situation in terms of gpu availability and pricing. the obvious solution is that the manufacturers need to up their production to keep everyone happy, but that's easier said than done.

more than anything, i hate that mining with bitcoin and other such coins is just purely wasted computational effort. if they're doing work to try and provide value to their network, they should be actually DOING something of value, not just throwing electricity away. for that reason i really prefer the idea of ethereum and other such coins over bitcoin. seems so much less wasteful.

blocking mining is completely infeasible.

more affordable mining-only cards means only that the problem is deferred until those run out and they go back to normal GPUs.

this won't stop miners from buying non-miner-edition cards once the miner-edition ones run out.

blocking mining will block functionality already substantially used in some games for cloth or physics simulation, among many other things. mining is just using compute shaders. these are important for gaming. you can't disable them without dramatically affecting certain aspects of game performance. if the functionality is still there, miners will find a way to use it. even if compute shaders are blocked, they'll run their algos as conventional shaders and extract the output data from a render target, then we'll be back to the same spot but with shittier running games.

Nvidia and AMD aren't the only players.The semiconductor manufacturing company TSMC is producing more wafers for Bitmain's ASIC cards now than they produce for Nvidia's graphics cards. These ASIC cards are a lot better for the calculation of some crypto coins. So the production of Nvidia and AMD graphics cards is even shrinking.

Look on the bright side: once the mining craze decelerates a bit we'll have lots of spare fab capacity at very competitive process sizes. TSMC is talking up their 7nm process just for mining ASICs.

Retailers mark up the prices, not nvidia/amd

Super tempted to order a Titan XP and sell my FTW3 Hybrid.

Gaymers can suck their developers' dicks
Crypto religion 4 ever
We will get rich, we will succeed, and supermodels will let us ejaculate in their vaginas.

manchild gamers fuck off

RAM prices for anyone that isnt an amerifag have already gone sky high.This is old fuckin news

zcash, zcl, and zen has been consistently more profitable recently

lol at this entire post

I fucking hate nvidia for this. People are wasting energy and cpu time for complete nonsense, it's an ecological disaster. Sure, they don't give a shit, they get their money. But what bugs me is that at the same time they force their shitty pointlessly overpriced pro grade quadro cards on clusters that are actually doing worthwhile shit on those devices. Thank you nvidia, let's throw away our 120 1080tis and buy the equivalent computation power in quadros for literally ten times the price. Oh let's see, they are also more power hungry, so let's update the fucking power supply as well! Thank heavens we can sell this consumer grade hardware to miners to make money with so we lose a little less money on this.

Capitalism truly works in fantastical ways sometimes.

>they get their money
/biz/ cuckold here

thats the problem. the perception that this shit gets them money

at the day they get cents a day (gross profit) and most will quit before even paying off the gfx card

> tfw no hope of buying a gpgpu rig for cheap to compute with
> tfw I need to buy old server cpus or power-hungry second-hand hd 7970s
Truly a bad time to be alive

Blockchain is basically a distributed ledger/log that's really hard to crack, practical uses are for example tracking transport of anything. Country's health & food control arm could require tracking of food and related shit on blockchain. So if pepperoni on premade pizza is toxic you can know straight away who else was that pepperoni sold too, what meat did they use, where did the livestock come from, what did it eat.
Same with medicine, trademarks or real estate.

>People are wasting energy and cpu time for complete nonsense
So no different than if they were to be used on gaming, then?

We figure out a way to mine on console (particularly the Xbox one X) and drive them away from GPUs

>Hurts Microsoft because no one buys any licensed games for their Xbox or gold
>Lowers GPU prices due to many xboxs being available
>Massive normie rage when no one can buy their meme machine

>this won't stop miners from buying non-miner-edition cards once the miner-edition ones run out
Most of the miners are stupid morons and would never know something like this exists


Gratz, you just learned why kikes hate crypto, it exposes them in a root kind of way, and they are the root of all evil after all

I'm biding my time right now, I almost pulled the trigger on 3-way GTX980Ti SLI but have decided to wait it out

>this is what buttcoiners believe

>Couldn't nvidia/amd push out an update that would block or lower mining capabilities of a card?
Nobody would install that update.

Newegg is appearently giving away a motherboard when you buy the 1060 3gb at its jacked up price.

And you'll STILL end up paying more then MSRP on the card alone

>Waaah I should be the only one buying the cool cumputer stuff ;(
>how am I gonna play muh games when mommy can't afford the latest graphic card

Live in a county/state with cheap electricity or set up your mining op in one. My power bill maxes out at 35 dollars a month

>Drive them away from gpus
>Both PS4 and Xbox have amd in them
Just convince the timeshare tards who buy into Bitcoin and sell them the consoles so the console market goes back up

> Running that many GPUs of a noname PSU...
> Can't afford a DVI screen + cable.
> Shit tier keyboard

I am sick of hearing the term "blockchain technology" myself.

It is a P2P encrypted ledger, that is all.

>not am4 mobo
do not want

>Couldn't nvidia/amd push out an update that would block or lower mining capabilities of a card ?
Why would they do that? They don't care about you, they want to make money. And those cryptofags pay more, so fuck you.

Games provide entertainment for man children.

Those cryptofags are a ticking time-bomb for both Nvidia and AMD. Nvidia already said it; gamers will stick around, once the ponzi scheme crashes, cryptofags are fucking gone and they'll ruin future sales by flooding the market with high-end cards for dirt cheap. Capitilism is good but it's better to think with your brain instead of your dick, if you catch my drift.