Does Sup Forums cover their front facing cameras?

Does Sup Forums cover their front facing cameras?

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>not removing the bezel and sealing the camera hold from the inside

stil want to use it from time to time

>Not removing the whole camera while you're at it

Most laptops Webcam come with a mic and you can't block that one easily.

I don't even have a webcam module running

>implying they don't use the microphone and speakers to pick up what you're doing with echolocation

What I always found funny is that people will block the webcam from a laptop but let there phone stare at and listen to them all day

I had an old Acer laptop with a physical shutter for the webcam. I miss that feature.

I'm the ugliest person you can imagine so if someone wants to break into my webcam to watch me beat my 2in dick more power to them.

>Work in infosec for large tech firms
>Managers, Directors, and Staff all do this
>Have our own firm branded stick on that slides to open
Yeah I do.

I monitor my neighborhood's RF spectrum for individuals and governments impersonating wifi hotspots, gsm basestations, etc... but whenever telephony or wifi is on, that's a must.

What is the best way to get wifi from far away?

I'm the ugliest person you can imagine so if someone wants to break into my webcam to watch me beat my 2in dick more power to them.

Lower the frequency or improve the antenna. There's some bullshit wifi tech launched a few months ago that follows that principle and saw some guy with an average USB sized dongle getting 2km on that shit... but speeds were obviously limited to 1mbps. It's a tradeoff.

I'm not important enough for someone to look at me through my webcam

That has to be the dumbest paranoia I've ever heard of

And I'm a person who doesn't use social media, tries to use free software / secure messengers, etc

I feel like at this point it's already too late, cover your cameras now, there would still be footage of you fooling around before right ?

>putting a little bitch clip that cost actual money over it and not slapping electric tape on it like a real man

My cover has a pic of goatse on the inside of it.

You don't even need to remove it, disconnecting the flat ribbon cable is the best way.

It's not paranoia when it actually happens. If you have read the shit Snowden leaked and lurked black hat forums in the last 15 years you would know that.

Posting is turd slow today, anyone else?

>Posting is turd slow today, anyone else?
Ditto here. Only Sup Forums.

i take the cameras out and use them for small projects

I just cut the cable and remove the webcam/microphone circuit board.

I haven't used a camera in 15 years and the built-in mic sounds like shit.

>shit Snowden leaked
It's not just that... it's also the modus operandi demonstrated afterwards by such rogue nations.

>leader of their country waving "flag of freedom" on his dick gets caught redhanded
>immediately blame it on someone else

One cannot avoid but wonder what is the mental age of these people.

You can literally tape over the mic and you can't hear shit

I put a plaster on it. I don't need a camera.

>Watches black mirror once

>shit Snowden leaked
It's not just that... it's also the modus operandi demonstrated afterwards by such rogue nations.

>leader of their country waving "flag of freedom" on his dick gets caught redhanded
>immediately blame it on someone else

One cannot avoid but wonder what is the mental age of these people.

You shove a couple airliners up someone's ass and they become like this.

I remember a bandwagon of nations offering him asylum while his very home country nullifying his documents (after being proven guilty), leading to even more people jumping in offering him citizenship.

And the shit usa gave to putin for responding with a middle finger to Snowden's extradition requests... you remember that?

Despite knowing russia has enough power to nuke them off the face of the planet.

Like last year's shitheads screaming over the DNC attacks: "It's the russians fault! They're out to hack us!".

(in what's obviously an inside job where they intentionally left comments in the code written in russian as a ruse to deceive to feeble minded).

The whole thing is just like dating the shittiest girlfriend on earth (one of those that makes everyone's life a hell just for her fun).

Makes one vomit.


what do you use to cover your smartphones?

>tfw they know the size of my dick

>Having drivers for your webcam
>Using webcam ever

>not having the drivers from your webcam removed
>not having the camera disabled in BIOS
>not having a USB webcamera specifically for your very limited need for that specific service
>not having double-checked that the USB webcam has no wireless modules, senders or receivers

You people welcome the botnet.

Or uninstall the drivers. Fuck me you are retarded.

>drivers stop the nsa from listening in to your microphone

A manufacturer implanting some form of invisible capacitive element allowing for a retroreflective effect using a powerful RF transmission at a distance using the speaker/microphone wires as antennas, I would entertain such conspiracy...

but echolocation???




Even a fuckin virus in the firmware effectively turning it into a FunTenna would be believable.

That's very, very much inadequate.

Not him but how does this work? I realize in the context of dismantling vulnerabilities going more fundamental only helps, but I'd think the absence of drivers would mean the absence of method to use a device. What is wrong with this line of thinking?

>shit Snowden leaked
where i can find this if i wanna read it ?

2 tiny strips of Dutch tape between cameras and phone cover

Nothing prevents a privileged process (which a virus/malware probably is) to interface with hardware on a low level on its own instead of via the OS. Audio drivers aren't hard in the way that many hardware is from only a few different manufacturers and malicious software could just start the audio capture themselves. Uninstalling the drivers makes this even easier because the hardware resources are now unclaimed and available.

Doing dark web browsing OP?

No. It's retarded. There's literally no reason to put tape over it. If you're done with your laptop, just close the lid. As for when you're using it, they can see when you use it and what you're doing. There's no need to look at your disgusting greasy face in order to get information about you. If they wanted to do that, don't you think a microphone, which can record everything you say in your whole house, at a relatively low bandwidth isn't more scary? Especially since you can't just "cover it up."

>cover their front facing cameras
Lel, usually i need to pay people to see my dick. If they want to see my dick, be my guest.

>not keeping your mics and phone in a soundproof box

Laptops have built-in mics.

Yeah, imagine the absolute fuck that is work for 8h a day hearing heavily breaths and the sound of heavily typing.

Poor NSA people...

I disabled it from the BIOS
But I still put an eraser in front of it sometimes (XPS 15 so the camera is on the bottom)

Do you guys actually believe that the government is watching you masturbate for Asiatic cartoons?

Nigga, if i was in NSA, i would stalk only pretty girls, not you fucks.

See Think about the Daredevil movie but irl.

Imagine NSA employers discussing if you are in a very small room or a bathroom, until you fart and one of the employees handle money to the other, because he lost the bet.

Hah, you're using the "you're not interesting enough to be watched" fallacy. Like "watching you" takes a person and effort! Pro-tip it doesn't. This is 2018, not the cold war era. Surveillance is cheap and automated. It's pretty trivial to do speech-to-text on ANY microphone equipped consumer device and store it for hundreds of millions of people indefinitely. Profiling is automated and cheap too! No effort at all to generate a report on any civilian and order them on threat level.

Doesn't everyone?

>open your logs
>mom, i don't want coke, i want pepsi
>wake up in Guantanamo

More like:
>You have "certain" political views.
>During a rally on a relevant subject twitter or the likes doesn't seem to work for you.
>You can now not express yourself on the matter when it was most timely to do so.
>How convenient.

Social media websites also have less work on moderation when they already know who are most likely going to post content that conflicts with these company's (or the government's) views.

I painted mine over with a Sharpie, so you can't even tell it's covered.

No ones gives a fly fuck m8. Unless you are a person of interest with real power or means, you is not worth a cycle of CPU.

BTW, i don't believe in the holocaust, but i wish it happened. We meet at 3 am under the bridge to overthrow the government and install a form of government where lewd anime pictures are the only currency.

>install a form of government where lewd anime pictures are the only currency.
Sing me in.

pieces of heavy aluminum foil, tacked in place with some painter's masking tape, made sure to buy a camera without an audio pickup, use an independent mic that's unplugged when not in use

Things like existence of CTR are irrefutable proof that they care about my opinion. Just saying "no it's not lol" is not making your point any stronger.

It's not like you can process audio through machines to detect conversations or anything. Oh wait. This happens constantly.

Don't really care about it, I know that's hypocritical of me because I like my privacy but I actively use that thing for work.

why cover when i can disconnect its cable completely on the devices that have them and my desktop doesnt even have it?

I drilled mine out the day I bought my laptop

remember to disconnect speakers too. some hacker could use them as microphone too.

Who doesn't?

Implying (((NSA))) cannot re-enable it but still leave its status showing as 'disabled'

Is there anyone more pathetic and laughable then when a clueless retard posts stuff like this thinking he's smart while being smug about his lack of modicum of intelligence?

Just install BSD and you won't even have the drivers to use it.

I have started doing it since I have seen that Black Mirror Episode

Does (((NSA))) watch flips?

i don't
>because i don't have any webcams

I don't have a laptop.

Of course not. How else am I going to flip off the botnet?

>if i was in NSA, i would stalk only pretty girls
Our stalk any person/organization who has more power/money/knowledge than yours.

>Surveillance is cheap and automated.
Old days (like 10 years ago) used to be 150$ a pop requests submitted in person. Telecoms would employ hundreds in that department just to keep up with government requests.

Now fuckers pay 30$ a month all you can eat buffet sitting at the comfort of a desk with access to all customers.

Most fucked up part is that even if a company knows someone is spying on you they'll not tell you.

Small piece of electrical tape. Matches the laptop's colour and can be removed when I need the camera.
Though I thought this piece of swag I picked up was novel.

Bro some microphones are fucking phased arrays now. You could probably do it, but it would be extremely difficult and wouldn't work very well.

This desu

Intel's ME is basically it's own OS running in parallel with your computer. They could very well use them without your OS ever touching it.

I don't have one, or Intel ME. :v)

I was just thinking the same thing after seeing so many laptops with tape over the webcam.

>return to my desk
>notice the webcam LED is on
>sit there inconspicuously for 5 minutes
>unplug the webcam
fuck me, you guys were not kidding

>lack of modicum of intelligence
You tried

If you want to be botnet secure you need to Libreboot your machine, remove the speakers, remove the camera, remove the microphones, and encrypt your drives. Not even this will be 100% secure though.
For your phone you would have to remove the cameras, GPS sensor, speakers, microphone, and add a kill switch. You could plug in some earbuds with speakers whenever you need to speak with someone.

Just installed OpenBSD on my new laptop, webcam works fine

>some microphones are fucking phased arrays now
Initially I was under impression you were taking about just the microphone piece itself and was left wondering how that would pass to the outside.

Manufacturers advise customers to not have sensitive conversations in front of their IoT smart devices:

"personal or other sensitive information, that information will be among the data captured and transmitted to a third party through your use of Voice Recognition"

From the fineprint of this SmartTV:

An exact copy of those all-seeing wall mounted devices in Orwell's 1984.

What phone?


Never updated to windows 99.

No lmao, that's the biggest fucking meme ever.

>t. worried CIA nigger

>he actually believes the government cares enough about him to spy on him


huh, not greentext

wtf how'd you do that?

>i did not notice the space in front of that comment thank you

If the government can, others can as well.

with microphone*

By soldering a switch to powerline and data.