Someone is using:

someone is using:
(a very recent exploit) to find the origin image servers' ip, and ddosing it. that is what is causing this shit storm.

mods, admins, gookmoot restrict network access to the specific image servers CloudFlare IP

apolgies, this was meant for Sup Forums...albeit still applicable

I'm not saging because ur probably white


block pasting links to image url in file browser, recursive vuln.

and I wAS WRONG again

> I will never reply to known niggers aGAIN

bump for interest


You don't even need an exploit....

You can literally just lookup the whois data, the server has never moved.

Thanks for the update, I was curious what the fuck was going down.

Why aren't more people bumping this?

I tried posting this on Sup Forums and repeatedly got a 503 error

Cause they want to link everything to the government, and this does not fit that narrative

Why didn't Hiroshim00t just make a pasty?

>very recent exploit
I've been doing cloudflare bypass for years for other engagements.


is it coinciding with the totally organic not soros organsied womens marches?

not using SLL certs you haven't


wat hapen?


Give us the rundown:

Break it down at a 3rd grade level...what does this tell us?




cloudflare provides tls with their cdn that's how it works to begin with. cloudlfare to backend is http, plaintext.



someone is waging a massive ddos campaign against one of 4chans servers.




Hmmm.....but for what purpose?

And why now?


Yeah same

>links to a blog post about cloud servers and hacking

damn, whatever will I do with myself now that I can't see niggerdicks, le 56% face, and are X white memes?

Have a bump

So we need to find out exactly who is behind this. Search any far left subreddit you can find

Are we fucked?

yes / no / maybe / i don't know

Can you repeat the question?

Biggest worry is that artfags will be ran off here for good and move to 8gag

go on IRC and post it to the mods.

Not that it matters because Hiro isn't responding to most people.

probably some fag who got btfo

>inb4 it's a butthurt redditor with a disproportionate sense of justice, thinking he's some Anonymous nigger



Sup Forums is kill
everyone go home

Cool, Sup Forums hasn't one of those since...5? 7 years?

i dont understand, what is happening?

who did Sup Forums piss off now?

It's not massive at all.

Have a bump for interest.

its just some asshole with a laptop at starbucks

Could be anyone at this point, you leftists have more or less pissed off literally everyone.


Which board was this moved from?

>got moved

The 4cdn server does not appear to be vulnerable to this form of ip leak

You guys have it wrong, Sup Forums is getting the axe




Link >> Post number for us clover phonefags


Kiddos with the weefys and the DDOS-For-Dummies! handbooks




Thank you

So they’re ddos’ing the image server directly, bypassing cloud flare?

Can’t they just change their IP lol

Doesn't this happen at least once a year, every year? And it seems like the same time every year...?

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Apparently those FISA memos got leaked and it shows the FBI was working to take down Trump.

Okay, so let's say the image servers are being DDoSed.

How does that explain the reporting function not working?

I call bs on those. Way to informal

as far as I remember never for this long it's usually sorted out in 4 to 5 hrs

Only Hiro can do that, and he's MIA right now

Why can't i post without getting more than 10 error messages?
Is it DDOS or something like it?
Please give a quick rundown to someone who understands completely nothing of these things

>a quick rundown to someone who understands completely nothing of these things
so 90% of Sup Forums

If they were not important Dems wouldn't be trying so hard to prevent their release.
>and they are trying notably hard

Apparently the mods think its actually one of the more plausible scenario's. They seem in agreement that this is a DDOS attack

Gookmoot hasn't denied access to non-cloudflare ips yet? That's like server administration 101...

Hiro forgot to pay the server bill

Where are the mods communicating from? IRC?

tl;dr: someone was able to bypass cloudflare and get the direct ip address of certain Sup Forums servers

ddos is likely

Volumetric attacks don't give a shit about your pansy access list


Where are the mods communicating from? IRC?

Hiro is in the process selling Sup Forums to Disney.

Release the memo.

And whoever got it is hitting 8ch now as well. This is well coordinated. They are trying to shut down the two major chan sites


The US government is behind this obviously. Time to warm up the ovens.


The exodus happened in 2014, and since then Sup Forums is markedly less for it.

>also muh other sekrit klub


As an FYI: except for images, I can post perfectly fine on /vg/. But Sup Forums and /qa/ (and I think /fit/) get the absurd post delays.

So that's why i couldn't post on /ck/ earlier today?

Sup Forums has suffered worse outages in the past, newfags. Whole days of the site being completely gone. This is nothing.

I was wondering if only I have problems with Sup Forums because /vg/ is working fine. Good to see everyone is fucked.

So that's why posting here is so fucking trash.


Anyone actually run the code? I don't want to spend the time setting up an account.