This is literally the fastest web browser that I have ever used...
How did they manage to accomplish this Sup Forumsizmos?
Also general Firefox discuvssion thread.
This is literally the fastest web browser that I have ever used...
How did they manage to accomplish this Sup Forumsizmos?
Also general Firefox discuvssion thread.
>t. Mozilla payed shill
On Sup Forums liking anything makes you a paid shill
>firecuck cuntum
I don't like it because it killed Vimperator :(
I know there are alternatives, but they suck.
I use Chrome because being in a botnet gives me a sense of purpose and belonging
>I use Chrome because being in a botnet gives me a sense of purpose and belonging
I personally find it horrible. While it is slightly faster, after leaving the computer overnight, it consumes all the available memory, and slows down to a crawl. The previous version was better in terms of large number of tabs usability.
I leave my PC on for days at a time and this doesn't happen to me on either my desktop or laptop. I also put them to sleep mode and on wakeup nothing happens.
Guess I'm just lucky.
>microphone still not working on windows version
>try chrome
>works like a charm
Fuck sake, Mozzila!
>microphone doesn't work on windows
You did somethings wrong, it works on my PC, it asks for permission though, so maybe you have it disabled.
>slower than chrome
>leaks a billion GB of ram per second even with just 5 tabs open
Fuck off msjwilla shill.
Not everyone who likes what you don't like is a shill and upgrade your toaster
>Mozilla Foundation == Mozilla Corporation
>t. Mozilla payed shill #2
Finally switched to FF57 about 2 weeks ago, still can't find a proper open source rss reader.
Brief is slow as fuck when updating and doesn't seem to work with youtube links (and also I can't manually add feeds..?), Feedbro has a "custom license" that just says "Feedbro is free to use.", and newsfox doesn't work anymore.
Anyone have alternatives? Or what do you guys use to keep up with news/content? Do you just open/refresh pages all the time?
Also wtf is the point of the "dak theme". LIterally just changes the top bar and custimize site, everytime you open a new tab you burn your eyes out.
>enable mic
>firefox asks for permission
>still not working
If only they would rework their engine to be more similar to the old one, in terms of managing open tabs...
I'm running good ol' v54 and am happy af.
Fuck this "update 4 security" shit, it's not like there would be serious security flaws discovered.
>everytime you open a new tab you burn your eyes out
Try putting this into your userContent.css. I don't remember if this is the full line, but it should change your loading color to a darker grey:
@-moz-document domain("about:newtab") { body{background-color: #161A1E !important;} }
You can edit pretty most of how FF57 looks with css editing. There's a full dark theme that you can install, I'm using it now.
>How did they manage to accomplish this Sup Forumsizmos?
Diversity power.
this shit browser still doesn't save your windows volume thing (pic related)
shit resets all the time
The word youre trying to use is paid you retarded faggot