What kind of botnet technology is this and why am I addicted to using it?
What kind of botnet technology is this and why am I addicted to using it?
((they)) don't want you to clean your ears with them so you won't hear the UN troops coming to your door and confiscating your loli
>swabbing the waxy Jew
It's not good for your ears
are you me
I can't stop using this shit I'm going through a big box of them every few months
Damn, me too.
I'm afraid I'm pushing even more wax into my ear canal but it feels so good to see the orange stuff on the swabs when I'm finished with cleaning. Hnnngggghh
What are you guys talking about, it's obviously for cleaning your tech.
>putting these inside of your ears to clean them
I clean my dick hole with them
They're great if you like impacted ear wax
thats a big hole
>tipped with charge generators
For you.
just use one of those hand sized towel things, i forget what theyre called in english
You're not supposed to clean inside your ear canals with these. Your body automatically pushes ear wax outside so you only need to clean the entrance with your finger
Hand towels?
Do you guys wet them
I like dipping them in hot water it feels so good
Then eat it after so you're not wasting the valuable nutrients.
Stop and just enjoy the wax and realize it's better than bugs crawling in your ears.
That may be it and i may be retarded
It sucks when you get the cotton stuck and have to piss it out
use these
>putting a stick into a hole in order to clean it
It stuffs the dirt only deeper into the ear.
>not going through a box a day
>abusing ree as expression for regular anger
nigga this box has like 1,000 in it
i havent used one of these since i was like 7
Ironic when you realize that ree is used for autistic anger.
>not just using your pinky finger
you may mean a flannel user
This. You see that wax and feel clean. Next morning the same shit. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
>not going through a box an ear
Once a month a wash with 3% Hydrogen Peroxide. Feeling the wax bubble out is awesome.
a sticky note rolled up and made wet with your saliva so it wouldn't be so rough in ur ear
pic made me laff. 3.14/3.141592653589
I use those so much that my ear bleed.
Two weeks ago, I got my mum to bought me some ear spray and it's pretty good, my ears don't itch as much and I only use q tips to sponge the excess liquid now.
What to do when your inner ear gets itchy though?
I think it's a problem with wearing headphones for 6+ hours a day, ears get sweaty and itch, and I use these for scratching.
But then you've got earwax on your finger and have to go wash it off.
This. I also only use them that often because my ears itch like crazy after a long session
are you saying you put those things into your ears dry?
Use em after a shower, problem solved.
This. I use it to clean my cpu fan.