What do normies even use smartphones for?
What do normies even use smartphones for?
selfies, twitter and angry birds
browsing web
Posting on Sup Forums while taking a dumb.
Get out of my head
Hopefully in the next 5 years - everything.
As soon as there will be a breakthrough in battery technology corps will be able to cram more computing power into their goytoys and smartphones with a docking station to convert them to a desktop will be viable alternative for 90% of computer users.
I don't think normies will ever be able to grasp this concept
but how do you make sure that the cpu would not be so hot that the case melts?
Texting and browsing Facebook while watching a movie they picked out on Netflix, then asking me what happened in the movie because I happen to be on the couch with them
throttle it
It will be extremely attractive to them.
Especially if the software would allow for instancing so one device could've been used for work productivity and for private """productivity""" and keep the data separated.
Put yourself in the pants of a normie. You wake up, grab your PDA, go to work, plug your PDA into the docking station at work (hopefully within the next two decades this shit will be standarized), your PDA recognised you're at work, opens your work productivity session. You finish wageslaving at Merchant Guild Inc., you take your PDA, go back home, plug it into the docking station at home, your private session opens and you can start consuming content with advertisement interrupts like the Chosen Tribe wanted you to.
you tell me
>your PDA recognised you're at work, opens your work productivity session.
I don't think people will want to work at places where they have to provide the supplies. Unless this is all being paid for by Merchant Build Inc. and they want you to work 24/7 even at home.
Why would a normie want a docking station / desk / monitor instead of a laptop?
>What do normies even use smartphones for?
Posting on Sup Forums
>I don't think people will want to work at places where they have to provide the supplies. Unless this is all being paid for by Merchant Build Inc. and they want you to work 24/7 even at home.
BYOD is pretty much a standard everywhere outside of corps with strict anti-corporate-espionage policies.
But is it mandatory anywhere?
-that shitty swipeleft dating app I don't remember the name of
I have no idea, most likely not.
But the idea becomes viable since it means using a device you already own, already have and can stuff in your pocket.
Not a computer you need at least a bag with a charger to carry back and forth.
And it's not entirely you having to supply anything. The concept I typed still requires the company you work for to provide the docking station and all the accessories. You're just carrying the computing power and the data.
Damn you're unimaginative.
Meme browsing
Talking to significant other
Staying in touch with friends and family
Getting laid
Instagram and social networks
Consuming audio and video media (spotify/youtube)
>Damn you're unimaginative.
It seems too much like one of those ideas on how people think the future will work ... but doesn't. Like 3d printing
>you work for to provide the docking station and all the accessories
So a 5 dollar piece of plastic with something like bluetooth or usb and the cheaper things they already provide while you need to spend hundreds
>So a 5 dollar piece of plastic with something like bluetooth or usb and the cheaper things they already provide while you need to spend hundreds
You already have the device in your fucking pocket whether you're employed or not due to your unsatiable need to stare at facebook all day and consume shitty youtube videos.
>So a 5 dollar piece of plastic with something like bluetooth or usb and the cheaper things they already provide while you need to spend hundreds
Yeah, 5 dollars worth of plastic with 50 dollars worth of controllers and connectors plus another 300 dollars for a display and 20 dollars worth of keyboard, mouse plus whatever dollars worth of accessories required for you to do the job.
Christ you're fucking retarded.
>300 dollars for a display and 20 dollars worth of keyboard, mouse plus whatever dollars worth of accessories required for you to do the job.
So literally what they already provide as I mentioned.
It will probably just act as a USB hub. Why use anything else if you're limited by the usb bandwidth of the device
>Christ you're fucking retarded.
I'm not the person with this idea :^)
>significant other
What's this then
your setup has so much potential and you decide to use ubuntu
Maybe he has a job.
It's Ubuntu Convergence.
If i posted Windows Continuum I'd be called out for shilling Currysoft.
If i posted Samsung DeX i'd be called out for being a samsung shill.
I hoped posting Ubuntu Convergence would make for a less inflammatory choice.
Apparently not, guess you should never underestimate the brandwhoriness of neo-Sup Forums.
i mean i use arch for my work computer and the company is fine with it, not to mention i've automated most everything i need to do, but whatever i guess
>It will probably just act as a USB hub. Why use anything else if you're limited by the usb bandwidth of the device
Why do you act like USB is the only possible option for enabling such paradigm?
Right now the idea is not even at the "early adopter" stage since we have neither the hardware nor the software to enable it as a viable alternative to what we currently have.
>I'm not the person with this idea :^)
Too bad you're also not the person with the slightest bit of imagination.
>it's yet another obnoxious attention-whoring archnigger focuses on petty irrelevant bullshit episode
fuck me and later you people cry to heavens about the silly stereotype attached to you.
What do non-normies even use smartphones for?
Unironic question. I literally only make calls and visit a game once a day to collect the auto-farmed resources. Occasionally I get a snap from my buddy or I send one to him, but I really do hate Snapchat as a platform.
I emulate games.
Fair enough
I'm pretty sure he uses ubuntu only because no other distro is capable of offering a usable experience in phone mode right now.
What you use your desktop for, NEET
can you imagine being this fucking stupid?
2fa and blockfolio
for calls and texts i use my curve 9320
We prefer being called abnormies
>I don't think people will want to work at places where they have to provide the supplies.
Virtually every normie already has a smartphone, only a very small number of people would actually have to get a new device, and I'm pretty sure workplaces would provide computers for the few who don't want to use their phones/don't have one.
>Why would a normie want a docking station / desk / monitor instead of a laptop?
Using a docking station is comfier than using a laptop, and using their phones for everything would save them from having to buy multiple devices and having to carry bulky laptops.
The real problem is that they would have to plug their phones into random untrusted USB devices, and that smartphones would come with trash like android so you'd have to go through the trouble of installing linux on your phone which may or may not void the warranty.
How do I become a normie?
>Using a docking station is comfier than using a laptop
You're not thinking like a normie here
Normies like complaining about their shitty touchpads, so they would probably like using an actual keyboard and mouse, and of course they love big screens. The reason normos don't plug a bunch of external shit into their laptops when they get home is that they wouldn't want to deal with plugging in a bunch of cables, but they would probably like it if they only had to plug one USB cable into their phones.
also if you REALLY wanted to, you could use arch and optimize it for a phone
It's Tinder ; and you forgot Snapfag.
t. Brother of a normie
How are any of these things entertaining?
Facebook, whatsapp, texting, calls, twitter, instagram, candy crush, netflix, youtube, taking pictures and videos, etc.
Honestly they probably get more use out of their device than I do
What does anyone use a smartphone for?
kys polboy
Angry birds
never been on pol, sorry virgin gamer
please go away
Social media, youtube and playing the newest nintendo game release for about a week before deciding they don't like it.
The problem is already solved; we have desktop virtualization so workers can log in on their personal device (of choice) from home, or come in to the office and access their virtual desktop via thin clients and terminals
The device people use will become an all-in-one to replace tablets/laptops/cells, but I am thinking we are looking at more than 5 years for anyone with a need for serious horsepower from their workstation, or that can even handle a stable VDI session/VPN
What will come more quickly is total adoption by nearly every business of desktop virtualization technology
candy crush
I could tell it was pretentious archnigger, by even the first stupid post.
>/fit/ apps to track my gains
>phone posting
>botnet music
>sleep tracking
This thread is kinda retarded.
>paying through your nose just so your glorified tetris can shovel some ads into your face on insta
one day it will be me scamming all the normies, one day ...
same thing everyone uses macs for, spotify and facebook
>web browser
>music player
>communication device
>reading the news
>personal assistant
at least that's what I do with mine
phonepost on Sup Forums
facebook machines
holy shit, I like how people were always complaining about newfags post gamergate, but trump let in way more edgy teens. That explains why every thread has to derail into a debate about race realism
besides browsing on a crippled device, and most normies don't even have adblock, all of those are available on a dumb phone
>all of those are available on a dumb phone
yeah but not as conveniently as on a smartphone. I don't want to torrent albums individually and load them onto a shitty phone with a hissy DAC.
I want to pay $10/mo and listen to as much music as I want without worrying about it. Smartphones are about convenience, not sheer ability.
how is copying a bunch of files more inconvenient than signing up for a service?
>angry birds
not even, most people use fb messages, snapchat, etc
>posting on a Cameroonian trombone imageboard
You people are trying too hard to fit in.
>t. Normie
I use it for Sup Forums, Reddit, Facebook, Wikipedia, News, Music, Scheduling, GPS, Electronic ID, Tickets, Banking, Searching, Ordering Food/Items, Youtubs, and as an Alarm Clock. Never ever played a single game on it.
almost all of these + texting/WA + Tinder + CouchSurfing
its just the new word for normalfag nerd
Sending and receiving nudes
Stop spying on me
Oh god, thanks for reminding me
>Facebook messenger is better, because you can search memes on it!
>they're all one-second gifs of Tyra Banks nodding
>snap chatting them making a funny face and saying "bored," then going back to being bored
I hate that shit
>girl wants me to have a snapchat account for god knows what reason
>try to make an account
>they block rooted phones with xposed
fucking worthless man
Stob violating my brivacy
lxde of course :)
to communicate with other humans, i think
you tell me, OP
Feisboog :DDDDD
>find a song/band/album you like
>wait until you get home
>download it
>plug your phone in
>copy the files over
>find a song/band/album you like
>hit play
Cluelessly being suckered into dark patterns employed by sociopathic tech giants to get their endorphin hits by poking shit on shitbook and twitter
The dock thing will never take off due to economics.
In either case, your expenditure for the display/keyboard/mouse will be the same, meaning you're only saving the desktop unit itself. And even a very modest $200 to $300 office box will be an order of magnitude more powerful and have 10x the storage of a $800 to $1000 phone. The potential benefits of document sharing between environments can also be accomplished through simple cloud computing.
And I say all this as someone who shares your irrational fondness for the idea. Really, at some emotional level I love it too, but cheap powerful boxes are just too practical.
Is this a serious question?
hey that's basically what I do on my smart phone plus add playing Gta san andreas to pass the time when I'm waiting for something
>download endless music to your device for free in whatever format and quality you desire
>surf your library without hiccups for free
>signup for a virgin service without a real chance to read let or understand the terms you sign
>hand over all your personal data to be datamined and leaked in the future, including your card numbers
>hold back your vomit over paying obscene money to the middleman
>forced to use some shitty drm app, not even owning the music
>probably the only feature working offline is the tracking and ads
Sup Forums is mainstream, get over it
all you listed is browsing and GPS. If you like browsing that much, consider using a full featured device with a screen fit for the purpose and see how much you like the experience
this, but dark patterns are just euphemism for people being stupid in general
>download endless music to your device for free in whatever format and quality you desire
translate: steal
>surf your library without hiccups for free
"""hiccups free"""
I listen to way too much music to torrent all of it. It's too painstaking. I'd rather just tap "add to library" and it instantly appears there. Plus I can listen to it anywhere, on any device, automatically without needing to use any cables.
>signup for a virgin service without a real chance to read let or understand the terms you sign
oh no, however will I use Spotify, one of the most popular music streaming services in history, without looking like a VIRGIN! :O
>hand over all your personal data to be datamined and leaked in the future, including your card numbers
as if that isn't already happening everywhere else
>hold back your vomit over paying obscene money to the middleman
where the fuck do you live where $10/mo is an obscene amount of money? wtf
>forced to use some shitty drm app, not even owning the music
only legit drawback
>probably the only feature working offline is the tracking and ads
Incorrect. You can save songs, playlists and entire albums offline if you have enough space
You're being ridiculous.
Torrents actually offer less privacy, first of all. Go to iknowwhatyoudownload.com for proof. Sometimes it even works through VPNs.
Secondly, there's no risk of getting fined or arrested for streaming.
Thirdly, $10 for unlimited music is really not that expensive at all, especially not vomit-inducing.
Fourth, streaming is straight-up more convenient in day-to-day activity, and like 90% of the library is in lossless FLAC or ALAC. So quality is not an issue.
The ONLY reason to torrent is if you can't find the album anywhere else. Only reason.
Whatsapp is good for the group chat functionality it offers. Then again its nothing revolutionary
Texting on a dumb phone is hell.
tactile feedback > touch screen
swyping/voice recognition > both
also physical keyboards suck. you can't replace a physical keyboard if there's anything you don't like about it
why are you buying keyboards you don't like?
I'm not. That's why I don't use physical keyboards. :^)