What do you think about computer programming being a mandatory class in school?
What do you think about computer programming being a mandatory class in school?
Pointless waste of money.
A class dedicated to teaching children how to install an operating system and drivers would've been infinitely more productive use of the money.
Current generation of young people are even more clueless than the old people and that's a feat since young people spend majority of their waking hours staring at shiny chinese goytoys.
>Pointless waste of money.
So like 90% of school
>everyone must learn programming
This meme needs to die ASAP.
It's a useful skill.
Think they started teaching programming as a part of mathematics in here. Might work out pretty well.
that gif is painful
use webm, its 2018
>in here
Where is "here"?
>current year and Sup Forums still doesn't support webms with sounds on all boards
It's not.
Its not for everyone.
I don't see my sister who works at Hotels Organizing pretty fucking big events using programming in any way.
Niggers will still fail at everything, no matter what you make them sit through.
>wanting sound
yeah no thanks
webp when
Yeah mate I totally cheer for Sup Forums to become even more twitter friendly
It should be mandatory, just like math.
Incorporating some of it into math like says some schools do seems like a good idea (hell didn't a lot of 80's-90's textbooks have BASIC type-in programs?), it's also a pretty good candidate for replacing middle school fluff classes.
I'm generally not a fan of teaching a ton of mandatory shit to kids as old as 14 instead of letting them decide what subjects interest them, but if we're already forcing them to learn useless shit, we might as well replace some of it with programming.
A class aimed at making them competent computer users would be more practical in theory, but kids don't give a shit about what they are forced to learn in school, so they would just forget all their tech knowledge right after the test. I feel like a programming class would be better at getting them to use google to solve their computer related issues because of it's higher difficulty, and it would expose the smarter kids to programming at a younger age.
No. Most kids don't get anything out of any mandatory class, let alone a mandatory programming class. If it's mandatory then the teacher will probably lower the standards of the curriculum so that enough students pass, giving students the false impression that they're good coders. This shit already happens with programming as a CS major class, it would only get worse with a mandatory class.
Actually true.
My sister made it through a Java programming class by having her boyfriend do her homework, but didn't know that you could view a website's source code by pressing "view source" in the browser right click menu.
Was she forced to take the class as a non-major student? I could understand if that's the case, even though it's still wrong.
I'm not sure why you think that a computer programming course would be a waste of money but teaching "installing software" would be a good way to spend money and a semester. This is not a subject, this is something that can be learned in under five minutes.
>school is pointless
>too smart for school meme
More beneficial than computer programming for high school students would be an introductory set theory course. Something like pure logic would not be as rewarding to learn or applicable to other areas. This would help dispel the current abhorrent trend of people saying "I am bad at math." It is shocking the amount of students who believe this, believe that they do not need to have knowledge of mathematics, and who operate without the slightest concern for intellectual and logical rigor. Yes, even students who study a "scientific" field feel this way. How I pity the poor comp sci student who cannot and does not want to wrap his head around even the most basic graph theory. Or the prospective neuroscience graduate student who stumbles through the math section of the general GRE.
Even though the majority of people will never need understanding of what makes a function bijective or how the set of natural numbers and the set of real numbers differ, the skills of synthesizing information, proof and disproof, and the ability the comfortably move between levels of abstraction is paramount to success in any area. Everything becomes better with a little math, especially comptuer science. No computer science course in high school could cover enough to give someone the tools to actually create something useful, but an introductory set theory course could surely provide any benefits you think comp sci gives, and much more.
What websites have a enough Java code in their source that one could cheat from?
>>school is pointless
>>too smart for school meme
The vast majority of school is either pointless or substandard, unless you're rich enough to get into a really good one.
He's probably confusing Java with Javascript.
I don't think programming should be mandatory since the people that wouldn't choose it anyway would probably forget everything right after the final exam. I do think there should be a mandatory general computer course that teaches students the basics of building/repairing computers, how to install drivers & operating systems, and other important stuff normies wouldn't be able to do.
Well, do you mean just programming and understanding of logical flows? Like boolean algebra and such. That is basic programing, and that should be in school math programs.
Now, learning a full programming language might not be effective and probably a waste of time.
As an mechanical/chemical/ electrical engineer you can be well off by just knowing the basics and use Matlab or Scilab.