Is intel going full retard?

Is intel going full retard?

Between that and their shit IHS/TIM...

Are they overdue for a product recall ?

Imagine having to recall millions of CPUs...

Other urls found in this thread:

nothing is going to be done because the people who have the ability to change it (consumers) just don't care

>Imagine having to recall millions of CPUs...
Most newer laptops have soldered CPUs, those won't be going anywhere.

No, they're not generous enough to recall anything and their fanboys are loyal as hell to them.

Well going by the affected product list tons of Xeons are affected and people buying those certainly usually aren't your average Joe.

I expect lawsuits from datacenters and other industrial organizations.

yes we know they are (((them))) but still at some point something's gotta give.

Nope, they still haven't paid the 1.2b anti-trust fine.

Don't affect me so I don't care, Intel is leader #1 in green energy and single thread IPC

You seem to be the leader in brain damage yet nobody's buying you.

they busy developing patches with holes on them for NSA convenience.

Intel: the worlds #1 leader in green heaters

If you aren't running a server farm this isn't a problem. Just don't patch and go forward with life, or quiver autismally in corner because your tendies recipe might be leaked one day.

There will be no recall. You know it and I know it.

This is happening for the same reason Intel tried to smuggle in a bunch of obfuscated code into the Linux kernel: They are trying to stealth patch a vulnerability beyond the three types known.

i will just take a check for the cost of the entire unit then

Won't go anywhere. Intel never advertised that their CPUs were unhackable since no CPU is. They're offering a free mitigation for anyone who wants to install it. Nobody has to.

Didn't they purposefully omit the vulnerability?

On Sun, Jan 21, 2018 at 12:28 PM, David Woodhouse wrote:
> On Sun, 2018-01-21 at 11:34 -0800, Linus Torvalds wrote:
>> All of this is pure garbage.
>> Is Intel really planning on making this shit architectural? Has
>> anybody talked to them and told them they are f*cking insane?
>> Please, any Intel engineers here - talk to your managers.
> If the alternative was a two-decade product recall and giving everyone
> free CPUs, I'm not sure it was entirely insane.

Yes, they've been hiding it for 20 years.

Strange this story is not at the top of Sup Forums, It has been around since yesterday.

The Le JOOOOOOOOOOOOOO poster has to sleep sometime.

>don't worry guys, it only allows you to read kernel memory, nothing serious!

My fucking i7 2600k is useless now.
Shit runs at base clock of 1.6ghz and turbo clocks at 2.02ghz but only when it's on full usage.
Tried going into bios changing ratio and bclk, nothing, nothing helps, nothing works. Asus AI Suite 2 died since windows 10 update for meltdown.
I don't fucking know what to do and this is driving me insane knowing that this pc still has so much to give and now it's being rendered as useless as a 200$ notebook for facebook and emails. Can barely run any decent games anymore.

oy vey goyim, don't be patching those holes!

install gentoo

Guys look at this shit, Linus is going crazy on Intel:

Intel a shit.

Audibly kek'd

The IDF have come out in force on Sup Forums. They've been on high alert for nearly a year by this point but they've been offered time and a half since late november to ensure everything goes as planned. This latest wave even has them working saturdays.

It's nothing, guys

>MS applying this same shitty intel patches even to AMD processors which fucks them up too

Windows and intel are the cancer that killed quality computers.

They had 6 fucking months to fix this shit.

I only have AMD for the last 15 years, but I now do have some sympathy for Intel fags.

yeah got to fix the one the goyim found

a side channel that can read 100Kb/s of privileged kernel memory is not a problem......


>i5 2500k oc'd to 4.7
>not installing patches because not a cuck

They however advertised their CPUs as the most secure.

I need to fill all of the holes of this thing.

Meanwhile OpenBSD team continues to fix Intel's fuck up despite only receiving the info when it became public.

>Also, Intel is saying their new microcodes sucks and people should wait a little.

And looks like Red Hat just got this memo

I agree with this. I don't run anything on my computer I don't trust. If it is executing code then I already consider myself fucked.

I just picked up an i7 8700k. I'm feeling sexy.

hey rabbi, watcha doing?


Of course you are - nobody who is about to get fucked wants to feel like they didn't want it, thats called rape and is illegal.

Long time intel user here, this was the last straw for me, I could deal with the fact that intel stifled CPU tech advancements since SandyBridge, I could turn the other cheek in regards to the IME/AMT fiasco, but Specdown is the final straw. It's AMD all the way from here on, and the same goes for Nvidia and their equally heeb-like bullshit.

Just disable the patches dummy, you can even do it in Windows

Kek, fuck Intel. Going AMD very soon.

He's a hero and a genius. How will Linux survive without him?

Intel would benefit from being stripped to about half of it's current marketshare.

ngl i'm hoping if they recall (which they won't) their pseudo-monopoly will end and more research will be put into CPU production outside of the big two.