So this is the end of phoneposting

So this is the end of phoneposting

>what is changing it to the new captcha

Fucking noob just change to v2

But it sucks


How horrible.


ReCaptcha or whatever the new requirement is works on my phone

just buy a pass already. I got mines as a gift from a friend from /vg/

How do I make 4chanx and umatrix play nice? I keep getting captcha errors.

>Not using v2 since launch on mobile
lol wat a fag

>from a friend from /vg/

desu the one in the devbuild is somewhat better than on stable

Phone posters leave REEEEE

I figured it out. It was the referrer spoofing. I always forget to try disabling that.

Works on my machine.

clover or death

Sup Forums has been text only since the phonefaggot normie invasion circa ~2011 because phonefaggots are far more unlikely to accompany their posts with pics than desktop/laptop fags for reasons that should be obvious (extra actions to upload pics demotivating the act, lack of proper pic overview due to shitty visual ergonomics on smaller screens, memory being preferred for music rather than pictures, etc.)

Which is why it would be a good thing to ban all phonecancer by detecting device specific software access.
It would massively free up bandwidth on the site, increase its quality as an imageboard, loosen up server traffic, and thus enable lessening posting limitations also pulling up the site quality, also pull down the site maintenance cost.
Also 90% of Indian Internet users mainly access via phones, which means banning phonepoos equates to banning the majority of poos from accessing the site and stinking it up.



Never used to phonepost but non legacy captcha literally don't work on my machine while I don't even need to fill them out on my phone.

>pass ran out in october
>still no capchas
I dunno how floens did this, but this is the best 20 bucks I've saved



Switch to the better chan. 8c only needs 1 (((captcha))) per 24h.


didn't work

or did it