Why would you want a keyboard on a tablet?

Why would you want a keyboard on a tablet?
Doesn't that directly negate the idea of what a tablet is supposed to be for?

If tablet is for painful typing experience, then yes keyboard would defeat its purpose

You're not supposed to be writing term papers or taking notes on a tablet, though. That's not what a tablet is for. You do that on a laptop.

But what if it was BOTH

>a single device that acts as both a laptop and a tablet simultaneously
then you end up with a shitty laptop and a shitty tablet

A tablet is absolutely for that, you turd. It's just a thin, touch screen computer. A clip on keyboard makes it viable as a replacement for a full laptop at minimal cost and infinitely more portability.
>b-b-b-but what about MY use case!
You're not everybody dipshit, 98% of people and college students only need to take notes (Perfect with a stylus+tablet) or write papers (Perfect with a keyboard+tablet)

>I'm stuck in 2008 and still think tablets are like netbooks

But what if I don't want to carry my laptop.

A laptop has an x86 power hungry processor, with an annoying fan that whirs up and down.
Typing notes takes virtually 0 processor power, you don't need that shit. You can do it on a computer from the 70s. It's the ideal device for notetaking.
It's also great for casual web browsing which is also not processor intensive. Those things are greatly enhanced by a keyboard.

I use pen and paper for notetaking for the record. But I have more use for a tablet with keyboard than a laptop right now.

>That's not what a tablet is for. You do that on a laptop.

A laptop is a full size full scale full power desktop OS like-for-like replacement.

Why the fuck do you need all that power to run a text editor or libre office.

People buy tablets because iOS and Android are easier for normies to use than OSX and Windows.

Specifically they know how to install new "apps" but they don't know how to install software on OSX or Windows.

Tablet with keyboard and mouse is the ultimate normie machine.
Alternatively they could just buy a laptop with GNU/Linux but whatever.

>A tablet is absolutely for that, you turd. It's just a thin, touch screen computer. A clip on keyboard makes it viable as a replacement for a full laptop at minimal cost and infinitely more portability.
A tablet is only for doing things that you wouldn't prefer to do on your phone but also wouldn't want to wake up a big-ass laptop for; i.e. reading, watching videos, normie shit like that.
Who the hell would want to spend hours tapping away at tiny lil tablet case keys on an origami sleeve?

>Why the fuck do you need all that power to run a text editor or libre office.
Why the fuck would you want to put together a slideshow on an iPad?

You're a fucking retard. I know college students who type out all their essays on their fucking iphones, welcome to the future, home of the multipurpose device. You don't need to carry a dedicated PMP player, Gameboy, Cell Phone, PDA, Laptop, and Books anymore. You can have all that and more on a single device.
Tablets are way more than enough for 99% of people, because all 99% of people do is watch videos, type shit, and play mobile games. Stop being an idiot.

>A laptop has an x86 power hungry processor, with an annoying fan that whirs up and down.
Not all laptops. The 12-inch MacBook is silent and thin. I'd still rather use that over an iPad for a school assignment, especially since you can have multiple windows open at once instead of a shitty split-screen view.
There are lots of compact Windows laptops as well that do the job just as well.

>A laptop has an x86 power hungry processor, with an annoying fan that whirs up and down.

What kind of shitbook did you buy?

Something like an X250 doesn't spin up unnecessarily and you get >14 hours battery life.

>I know college students who type out all their essays on their fucking iphones
yuck, not helping your case

Nobody said you needed all those dedicated devices. Just why not use the tablet for its original intent?

My case is that your perceived use case is not the actual use case.
Which that directly proves.

Because its original intent is to be a portable touchscreen computing device, which it is.
And that device has word processing and office capabilities, as well as stylus notetaking capabilities, so it absolutely 1000% makes sense for people to use it for writing papers and taking notes and shit.

It's for whatever you want to use it for, you moron.

Steve would not have stood for this.

>When all you have is a hammer, everything is a nail
>We all have hammers now

then again, he probably wouldn't have stood either way.

*uses phone as a skateboard*
"That's not how you're supposed to--"

>Devices can only be for single uses! STOP USING THINGS IN WAYS THAT I WOULDN'T!
10 years ago everybody on Sup Forums was shitting their fucking pants over netbooks because there was finally a super-portable laptop with reasonably usable keyboards, usurping UMPCs.
Now tablets with the same portability but better form factors come around with attachable keyboards and suddenly it's "wrong wrong wrong"

>Take bucket
>Put water into it

That's because normal people buy tablets, because they're efficient and useful.

It doesn't really make sense to use a keyboard with a tablet since the entire reason of their existence is to ditch the keyboard in the first place.

That was never the point, the point was to create a portable touchscreen computing device.
It just so happens we've come full circle to where they're high quality enough with developed enough software that a detachable keyboard now makes perfect sense for people who don't need a full laptop

Except now you get the best of both worlds. You have a tablet that can function as a laptop if you want it to. Theres nothing wrong with that.

>best of both worlds.
No, now you get a laptop that doesn't really function very well as a tablet at all (Surface), a laptop that really shouldn't even be used as a tablet in the first place (every flippy Windows laptop ever) and a tablet that doesn't really function very well as a laptop (iPad).
It's nothing but compromises as far as the eye can see.

No, the point was to create a halfway point between mobility and power. Not just to create a moderately portable computer. That was already accomplished with the laptop.

>No, the point was to create a halfway point between mobility and power.
Which it is, and so an optional keyboard makes perfect sense.

Except for when you're not trying to use it as a full fledged laptop, in which case its perfect.

I'm convinced everybody in this thread hasn't used any modern tablet, or is content lugging around their 17" 10lb gaming laptops everywhere.

I use my iPad Pro at college daily and I take all of my notes and start writing most of my essays on it.

>Except for when you're not trying to use it as a full fledged laptop, in which case its perfect.
K. Have fun using more than two apps at once. Oh wait

Ah, thank you for confirming my suspicions. You HAVENT used a modern tablet.
Even shitty android tablets have been able to multitask for years now.

>or is content lugging around their 17" 10lb gaming laptops everywhere.
Laptops don't have to be so absurdly giant, though. There are lots of thin, light, quiet notebooks that can do every 'laptop' task a tablet can do but much better. Because they were built for it.

>Even shitty Android tablets have been able to multitask for years now.
Except not really. Split screen doesn't count as 'multitasking'. It's a shitty, gimped version of it, sure, but not the same.

À tablet with a stylus is great for notes.

The only downside to a Surface or Surface Pro style tablet is the weight. It's about 30% heavier than the equivalent iPad. Still about the weight of an iPad 2, so very usable as a tablet.
Other than that it comes down to what software you want to use. iOS is far superior as a tablet OS, but Windows 10 gives you far more versatility and allows you to have only one device that does everything.

Yes and those laptops are only marginally better than a tablet with a keyboard, and it makes no sense to have two laptops.
Tablet+keyboard for on-the-go notes or word processing or emails, laptop for sitting down and doing large amounts of work.

Once again, thank you for confirming my suspicions.

that's can't be very comfortable.

See, that's much more understandable than a keyboard.

>thank you for confirming my suspicions.
Not an argument. You're literally just saying, "yeah, I was right."

>what a tablet is supposed to be for
watching youtube while taking a shit?

>and it makes no sense to have two laptops.
I agree. So why not just have a tablet sans keyboard and a laptop?

Because if you're going somewhere that you don't need the full capabilities of your laptop, but you still need to write some things like responding to emails or writing a paper then it makes sense to have a detachable keyboard for your tablet.
You're acting like it's permanently affixed to the device, you can just not have it attached when you don't need it, and it saves you a hell of a lot of space over carrying an entire laptop instead

Yeah but you're acting like typing on a large screen is literally Hitler.
Virtual keyboards have become increasingly ergonomic; they can split in half for your thumbs, recognize gestures and shit like that. There's really no reason to use a $160 accessory if all you're going to do is fire off a quick email.

If all you're doing is one, single email, then yeah, obviously.
That is also very obviously not the kind of person who would likely use a detachable keyboard.
Virtual keyboards are a lot better than they used to be but they are NOTHING compared to even a shitty keyboard

>compared to even a shitty keyboard
I think you're wildly underestimating just how shitty some keyboard cases can be. I've seen keyboard cases that connect via Bluetooth with latency so bad it's kind of funny. You need to recharge them. I've seen cases with keys so small you end up making more mistakes than you ever would've by just tapping on the screen.
I know, not all cases and covers are like that. Some connect magnetically, and some have really nice keys, but make no mistake, there are lots of keyboards for tablets that are significantly worse than just tapping away on the display.

Not for extended use.
I can tell you this because my work required me to use them when I was doing field work for awhile before I made them buy actually useful attachments, and even the buggy, crappy, floppy keyboards were better than dealing with autocorrect and tapping on the screen instead of typing naturally.
Virtual keyboards are no good for any kind of extended use, they're fine for sending IMs or writing one, maybe two emails, but the second you go beyond that anybody will tell you using even shit keyboards is infinitely preferable.

Hello Richie Matty boi

Never felt it was uncomfortable honestly, display is at the right angle and the keyboard case is pretty good
plus I’ve been doing this since high school, starting with an iPad mini and a Bluetooth keyboard

It's still not as light / cheap as a lot of tablets. If you only need web browser and word it's not worth the investment into an ultra slim laptop when you can have a tablet for both use with and without a keyboard.
Not everyone is as autistic as Sup Forums

That said I still don't really get the point of tablets.
I know it has things like being small or whatever. But after you put a case on it and everything is essentially as big as a MacBook or whatever they're called, but with less battery life, less power, and no keyboard. For the small portable things that don't need a keyboard or whatever why not just use your phone?

>Being allowed an ipad in class in highschool
So you're still in highschool then?

>But after you put a case on it and everything is essentially as big as a MacBook
u fokin wot m8

I graduated 3 years ago, junior in college now. I was allowed to use an iPad to take notes ^_^

Idk the small ass laptops. They're thing enough nowadays a decent sized tablet is barely smaller. You don't have to deal with the keyboard when it's unfolded. But now you're either holding it or have some other stand.

Have you tried it yet? If we're just talking about typing, it's a lot lighter and more convenient than a laptop. I'm sure you could probably get a much cheaper netbook or something that's really light, but then it probably won't have a touch screen, which believe it or not a lot of people value highly, for example digital artists.

Christ that's sad. How horrific is your handwriting?

>The small ass laptops
Like what?

>A decent sized tablet is barely smaller
They're significantly smaller
Detachable keyboards either detach entirely and go *into your bag where you had your tablet* or are PART of the stand.
There are no laptops of the same form factor as a tablet with a keyboard, unless you get some piece of shit chink netbook

It’s pretty bad, but I didn’t take notes on an iPad so I could read my notes. It just helped me stay better organized and frankly its faster than trying to write everything by hand before the professor moves on to the next slide

I take it you didn't take many math classes

I graduated with honors and with 42 college credits. I obviously didn’t use a keyboard for taking notes in math, are you retarded?

We have tablet form factor laptops now. Didn't use to get it either, until my parents bought a Surface Pro 2. Might as well have the keyboard removable if all the hardware is behind the screen.
Doesn't even have to be a tablet to be a "tablet" anymore, full hinge laptops with the hardware still in the base are widespread at this point

Full windows tablets are not even that expensive anymore, and you're assured to get a nice, glossy IPS panel with it, which is by no means a given on laptops, even expensive ones.

I would love a Raven Ridge 2500U windows tablet myself.

This is absolutely some sort of normie meme.

Given the choice between a laptop or a tablet that can have a shitty keyboard attached to it, I'd take a laptop every single time.

Keyboard cases only make sense in a world where you own both and don't want to carry both around, and for some reason you'd prefer to carry the tablet.

People who use tablets with keyboard cases as their primary device are full retard.

Are you seriously trying to brag about getting honors in highschool?

Esl please leave, obviously mentioning it served to point out that I took a lot of math classes ^_^ why do neet foreigners equate statements with bragging


>I took alg2 in highschool i'm so smert
No but seriously, if your handwriting is dogshit then you obviously didn't get very far in mathematics. It ironically requires better-than-average penmanship.

I took calculus :3

I have a windows tablet. A Chuwi Hi13.
It's cheap (£280-300), it has a N3450 and intel HD 500, 4gb ram and a 13.5 inch 3000x2000 IPS screen. It's quite weak but it's very usable with some OS tweaks.
It spends most of it's time in a keyboard dock and I use it like a laptop (trackpad isn't great I must admit but it's useable enough, on a desk I can use this £1 wireless chinese mouse that works perfectly with it). It's actually a very solid keyboard. Very responsive and nice to type on. The tablet magnetically locks onto it and it takes a very deliberate amount of force to pull it out.
The advantages it has over a traditional laptop despite it being a little top heavy is that:
>Doesn't need active cooling. And any heat is on the top of the unit. Meaning no burnt laps. It's almost always cold to hold.
> No fan noise. No fan to worry about blocking with your knee.
>It's very slim. It easily fits into any standard laptop sleeve and case with plenty of room to spare for accessories and stuff.
>I can take the screen off whenever I want to. I can mount it backwards and use the keyboard dock as a tablet stand. Or I can just sit on the sofa and watch videos on it or read manga or comics on it. Keyboard even inverts completely if I wanted it to be chunky to hold.
>Usually lasts longer. Average Maximum battery life on full charge is 5 and a half hours. Most modern laptops struggle to get 2 or 3 hours, especially if they are are higher end ones. (I could probably get more if I downclocked it)
> Has power delivery so charges incredibly quickly as well.

The advantages over other tablets:
>It can run more software. So much more it's absurd.
>I can customise shit in windows easier than I can in android and IOS
>I can add more full powered usb ports with a hub with PD support.
>I can use an external blu ray drive to watch movies on it or easily plug in a USB drive or HDD.
>I can game stream stuff from other game consoles or PCs onto it much easier too.

Congratulations, you memorized derivative rules and chain rule.

>13" tablet
Nigga what the fuck

I went through the calculus series and did discrete mathematics with shitty handwriting.

math majors are always such angry babies—sad

I guarantee you your handwriting is significantly better than the average persons at this point, even if it still looks like shit.

I'm a CS major, if you didn't take up through at least vector calculus and basic linear algebra your school and program are shit.

hello pajeet

I'm a big guy.


Try harder

Please stop getting mad on Sup Forums, it’s really pathetic rasheed
CS majors are either pajeets or talentless code monkeys. If you were smart you would’ve done EE but you probably want to make video games or something LOL

If I wanted to do EE I would've done a 1 year vocational certificate and joined a journeymanship, you're a glorified electrician.

My major isn’t EE either, sorry pajeet but stay mad

>t. lit major

Wrong again ^_^ wow I must’ve really cut deep with that code monkey comment

Enjoy being a barista the rest of your life

>if you’re not a code monkey you’ll be a barista
The absolute state of delusional pajeets