Any one self taught with a job?

Has anyone got a job being self taught Specifically speaking in web dev, but any other experience would be helpful too.

Currently am stuck sending literal 100s of resumes, no responses back.

I have a BS in IT, but everything I picked up on my own is what got me the job. The paper is just to pass prereqs.

What should I do to help land a job with the same BS?

You better be self employed if you’re just self taught. No one will take your resumé seriously without a degree.

Kind of in this situation right now.
Got the fact that I'm being a schoolboy to get into the interview process. Spat out g tier memes and got into helldesk
Trying to get out of helldesk with a diploma and studying for the ccna

Self taught PHP and front end developer. Plus python for scripts integrating shit or whatever. (Use powershell and bash now)

Did web development for 2 years + freelance on side.
Now I have been a software developer for 2 years. About to rewrite my CV and look to move into something more challenging.

Be able to network. Seriously if you can actually hold a halfway decent non-autistic conversation you will land a comfy gig.

t. MIS major with a comfy programming/consulting job for a fintech company

- good troubleshooting skills
- can program & script reasonably well, proficient in a language you are comfortable with, familiar with some others
- good with standard set of utilities on most linux distributions

I have had someone say looking to trying that React program, but it doesn't really seem all that special to me.

What program language should I start learning more of since I am really only fine with C# and some SQL stuff.

>What program language should I start learning more of since I am really only fine with C# and MySQL stuff.
Depends on what you want to do, there's a bunch of answers to that.

Personally I feel if you have a handle on bash + python/ruby or something similar you have a good foundation, if you're ok with with something more involved such as Java, Go, C# etc you're fine. Just be flexible. Knowing SQL in general is a good skill to have, lots of jobs involve it or something similar to it.

Again, it entirely depends on your role and responsibilities so it's a pretty vague question to answer.

React is a front end framework for web development. React native is the same but for phone apps or a desktop programs via electron.

If you want to pick that up, JavaScript is a good start.
JS might be a good thing to learn anyway with the way things are going.

C# is a decent base, you should be able to get a job with that. Branch out to a bit of java. I have send a bunch of jobs where they are moving from java to c# or reverse.

Also, having some experience with config management is good, puppet, salt, ansible, chef are all choices and have pros/cons. All operate differently but do the same thing: try to maintain and enforce a desired state. Knowing them makes standing up and maintaining the state of a large number of machines substantially easier.

Thank you for the advice. I have just been hoping for some nice entry level IT job like a help desk or anything to get my foot in the door since I need to help my family out with a good paying job.

What I would like to try and do is a database focused job if possible.

Where are you based?

I could probably get you in to the place I work, start on maybe 21k as an entry level Dev.

Better than nothing and get experience. Use an in house language with a custom compiler. Pretty easy gig. I'm a bit bored after 2 years and the only thing that keeps me going is breaking the compiler then fixing the issue and working on vscode extensions for the team so we aren't looked into netbeans no more.

OP you clearly need to realize that if you send 100s of resumes without any reply then your resume is shit.

The moment I changed my resume I started getting a lot of replies.

I'm a self-taught sysadmin and everywhere I worked required some kind of college degree, only places where you will have trouble are big corporate companies but you don't want to work there anyway if you're any good.

If you have 3 years of experience, apply to places where they ask for 5.

I'm based on the outer west side of Houston.

Oh yea na, I'm in the UK haha.

That's alright, long shot anyways on a place like this haha. But with what you said, I guess I should just try for a entry level dev job on top of any possible help desk jobs.

Foot in the door and experience will count for a lot. Get an entry level and work your way up, if after a year and half/2 years there's no progression and training opportunity, move on.

Literally this for me as well. Also preparing for the interviews is crucial.

I recommend moving towards SA, in the meantime you can learn powershell and python to stand out from the pack.

Definitely something wrong about your resume, does it have the keywords to match the job offers?

I started in help desk at my university as a student worker, as much as people laugh about it, it does help you prove that you are capable of holding a job, which means a lot on paper. It sucks, but it can help you get started, just make sure to find a way out as soon as possible, it's not a career.

>What I would like to try and do is a database focused job if possible.
You can absolutely find jobs centered around this. I sit across from DBAs and until today was on the team with them (now teams split between SQL / NoSQL focused stores). If you can get to the point where you can optimize slow queries, operationally stand up proper replication chains, with backups, proper redundancy, know what to setup and how to monitor instances you'll be set for sure.

That's primarily what one of my other coworkers did largely before he left for Netflix. Even though he was on our side of the team dealing with ES, he worked quite a bit with the API team. He'd optimize queries that were used on the DBs, find a way to get the same results, but in a more effective and quicker way. He also stood up monitoring/dashboards and slow query logging using anemometer which let the entire ops/dev departments identify slow queries much quicker in a human readable way.

So yes, absolutely keep pursuing SQL if that interests you, people that can do even a 1/3 of that well are valuable.

Yeah, they're good keywords to have in a resume and it's more valuable than vanilla SA.
Landed a Puppet job with ansible experience, knowledge of one will generally open doors for jobs with the other ones

I'm already decent with powershell and virtualizing all my problems.

But what cert should I aim for so I get more leverage on HR

I'm on the other side. I've got a degree in a non tech field and my job will pay for my masters. I wanna get an MS in CS. Worth?

Yeah, honestly a bunch of technologies are like that. If you know one, you're likely aware of the others and can pick them up pretty well.

sysadmin yea
I'd recommend RHCSA

Good. who wants to be a cog anyway. Not to mention the debt.

Any reason sysadmin over network engineering? I'm down for collecting all the certs anyways

Industry trend privileges versatile individuals over people who are only really good at one thing. System administration (aim for small~mid-size companies) can help you gain quickly a wide area of skill, which you'll be able to leverage on to move towards more sought-after roles such as devops.
Ultimately you should do what makes you happy in your career, but make sure to consider the direction IT is going (such as automation) and stay ahead of the curve.

Currently in a coding bootcamp in austin, really just did it out of the blue. I will definitely say I have learned a ton in the last six months but it is really hard to imagine walking into an interview and being able to pull anything even remotely hard out of my ass. Google is my life line. I figure I will get in somewhere and just keep learning and practicing. And then one day 5 years from now I will be working on a start up and what not. Review your resume and maybe try a few cheap online courses to expand on that tool set bud. Idk what else to say as I will most likely be in that same boat soon.

I am but it was a lateral move. I worked at a place where I tested programmable logic controllers and showed an interest in programming.

Are these at least somewhat real? Those are basically "I made a website once".

How do you get motivated to self-learn? I feel like that's a bigger obstacle for me right now.

motivation never comes
you just do it, even if it's boring