Which are the ugliest countries of each continent?

Which are the ugliest countries of each continent?

Brazil is a great candidate.

Russia in Asia and Europe

Finland too


Sup Forums Basement Dwellers E-peen Standoff (flag edition)

North America - USA
South America - Peru
Europe - Finland
Rest - who cares


There are no things like "ugliest" and "prettiest" countries. Every country is beautiful.
You can judge the people living their, but the not the nature.
Ugliest countries by their population:
India, China, Russia, Belarus, USA

Why so much self loathing ;__;

UK, Russia, India, Peru

>All the Russian and Belarussian qts
>still they are ugly
ok. Herr Schmutz

North America - Mexico
South America - Peru
Europe - Balkan countries or Belarus
Asia - Kazakhstan
Australie - Australie
Africa - Nigeria

Not ugly by the looks, ugly by their behaviour and acting.

USA, Brazil, Poland, Tuvalu and North Korea

Ive never met Russian that would do me wrong, on the other hand when I was in my hometown near German border
yesterday I had to direct 4 cars of "New Germans" into the nearest brothels.

Are Germans the ugliest people then?

Belarus is beautiful

>North America - Mexico

bad meme


Whats wrong with Balkan countries?

His lack of knowledge of them.

North America and South America: Latin America. I know it's not a country but Latinos are the same in every Latin country: ugly, brown and stupid.

Europe: UK

Asia: Indians

We're poor as fuck and a lot of idiots (at least here)

In the Americas, white Americans are by far the ugliest. They look absolutely disgusting, have ugly pink skin, undefined features, are fat - just anything and everything ugly and barbaric.

t. Tyrone DeMarcus Washington

Even when they're not fat, they look horrendous.

This is the most average looking white american I can find. Why are they all so nauseating to look at?

To top it all off, they're just poor welfare leeches.


Severely low levels of intelligence, proved by the fact that they're poor and uneducated, even though they are handed every privilege.

Why are these monstrosities allowed?


Ukraine or Belarus
Saudi Arabia

North America: Haiti

Where are the Burgers?

same here

He honestly wouldn't look bad if it weren't for that stupid ass bowl cut

this guy is evolving into a God Emperor

t. Billy "The Shartman" Sharty-Mcshartson
>that pink skin
>the look of someone who tortures animals for fun

>not Mexico
>not Brazil

>north america:haiti
>south america:venezuela
>asia: afghanistan
There you go OP

Do they just keep walking and shopping like if nothing happened? Jesus this is unbelieveble





>africa: africa
>mexican education

i say that whole africa is shit mario understand the meme

Europe: Greece
South America: Peru
Africa: Botswana
Asia: China


my non white detector shows maximum activity


The USA has way more beautiful things to see compared to greenland and Canada. What are you talking about?

it exploded


Greenland sure but not Canada or Mexico. I thought they were talking about the people anyways.

whiter than you subhuman kek

Niggers and shit skins are much uglier Juan Jamal Muhammad Chang

There is no whiter you either are or you aren't
And you are not

>all people unironicly saying Belarus
Why? I could understand Russia, but why Belarus? It's like saying Lithuania is the ugliest country.

> It's like saying Lithuania is the ugliest country.
what's wrong with that?

North America - Cuba
South America - Bolivia
Europe - Russia
Asia - North Korea
Africa - DR Congo
Oceania - Australia
Antarctica - Antarctica

They're balkanized


I was going to say Greenland but it's not necesarily an ugly place, in fact is fairly scenic, but is very boring and not too much to do there.