Alright Sup Forums

Alright Sup Forums

I am doggie paddling into the world of crypto-mining after a year of just buying and selling coins on coinbase. I don't want to buy a new rig just for this singular purpose simply because I am a freelance IT fag and have parts all over the place.

The best parts I have on hand are a Athlon x4-860K, with a GTX 750TI Gpu. I can put in 16GB of DDR3 ram as well.

Is this setup alright for mining litecoin? I searched google, and can't find good software for debian linux.

Have fun making your $0.02 a month user.

It's pretty good famalam.

your setup is the equivalent to showing up on the beaches of normandy with a pellet gun and short shorts

Seems worth it user

You mean,

for you to make a profit my guess is no unless you aren't paying for your electricity then you could potentially make some amount of something

Mining profits are down atm
ROI is 6+ months

Ive been looking for a week now to find a gtx 1080 for remotely close to msrp like

>I can put in 16GB of DDR3 ram as well
you dont need to put in that much, Just 1 stick of ddr4 ram will do

ooh even has liquid cooling

How fast internet do you need to mine crypto, and how many TB a month?

>Cup tips over

Not much.
I think the entire Etherium blockchain was about 40gb last time I checked.

Mine a more volatile coin and then sell that for the coins you want.

I guess just don't get involved with Tether coin since that shit is a scam and they've been propping up the price of bitcoin for a pump and dump.

They claim each coin is backed by 1 USD but there are no credible audits of their money reserves and they're registered in the cayman islands

Good luck since Tether is the default 'dollar' on most exchanges since banks want nothing to do with crypto exchanges.

Tether is owned by the same three people as bitfinex and they buy bitcoin with their own issued currency that they claim is backed by USD which nobody with two brain cells to rub together believes.

Hell the only reason anybody knows that T ether is owned by the same people as the bitfinex is because it was leaked in the paradise papers.





Does that cooler actually work?

that thing is more ancient than my grandma's pussy, there is no point, it is a relic.

The cup of water