>tfw reactOS now has native tray balloon support
What are you still doing with Windows, Sup Forums?
Tfw reactOS now has native tray balloon support
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The absolute madmen actually did it
Linux BTFO
No one uses windows because of tray balloons, people use it because of programs that only work on windows mong.
Honestly I don't see a reason so use reactos since wine exists
Give me one shred of evidence this OS is more than just a proof of concept made by bored devs
Check your PM.
>Not playing games inside tray balloons
Get a load of this pleb
How much of ReactOS is reverse-engineered as in reconstructed by looking at the disassembly?
ReactOS is WineOS
It can use drivers mean for Windows right?
too bad they don't focus their efforts on the good parts of Windows
Legally, 0%. Practically, >1%
Howmuch do you think MIcrosoft is worried about this?
zero percent
Their userbase really does resemble Terry's "Herd of nigger cattle"
No fucking clue.
But they should be.
Wine and reactOS are developing geometrically.
They cannot release lock in features fast enough to keep these madmen out.
>Microsoft has not made public statements about Wine. However, the Microsoft Update software will block updates to Microsoft applications running in Wine. On February 16, 2005, Ivan Leo Puoti discovered that Microsoft had started checking the Windows Registry for the Wine configuration key and would block the Windows Update for any component.[105] As Puoti noted, "It's also the first time Microsoft acknowledges the existence of Wine.
Increasingly worried I guess
I thought that disassembling a program is actually legal in Europe
Windows is developed faster. They will never catch up. Nor are they trying to, this is for legacy software that Microsoft won't support any more
Imagine actually believing this
It's Windows with none, nada, zero, zilch botnet.
It's perfect.
>It's Windows
>It's perfect
uwot m800
>Botnet in the last 5 years is the only problem Windows has ever had
>tfw russians actually waste time on propaganda here
Maybe they'll be worried the day it reaches Windows XP level of stability and software support.
Well, it's taken them twenty years to get this far, so in another twenty?
Will we even use desktop PCs then?
Funny thing is that ReactOS is stable as 95, you can not run it over 2 hours without seeing a BSOD
The real issue is they only just moved it over to github like 4ish months ago. Since they have seen a massive growth in people working on it. I un-ironically believe Windows will be dead or mostly dead within ten years which is when I imagine this will be ready for mass adoption. However at that point I think super corporate user friendly version of linux will have taken over the market share making ReactOS kind of pointless.
>not installing drivers through wine
I'll use this when it gets an AERO theme.
Can I use this shit to play games? Because that's the only reason I run Windows, or even have a computer that costs more than $400.
Forget about it
>not relishing the superior Classic theme
> making ReactOS kind of pointless
I should clarify that it will still be super useful for stuff like GPU Passthrough. Unless WINE can end up giving flawless native support for all programs. In that case it might really be pointless at that point.
I installed this in a vm but wifi won't work at all. I can connect but can't load any websites. What do I do?
Who needs unsupported BSODy shit, when you can use KernelPanic shit?
I remember that one, good old XP days.
>won't even boot on my 32-bit Core2 ThickBad from 2006
That's why I still use Winshit XP without networking on it. For everything else I just use Linux.
Gnome 3 BTFO.
Question, how hard is VM on the CPU? Is it worse than WINE hammering it when trying to pass of DX9 as OpenGL?
Don't bother with Wine. By the time changes to actual performance are made, it will have been already merged into ReactOS. If you want the free Windows experience, just use ReactOS, don't waste your time with Linux.
I'm not sure why, but this got me to laugh way too hard.
It's not stable enough for day to day use. Reading through the thread, I saw one user compare it to Windows 95 in terms of stability. It's a hell of a lot worse than that, and it doesn't even work right in QEMU or VirtualBox for me using Windows 98, 2k, and XP settings. It's mostly graphical errors when I try to set the resolution higher than 800x600. There's also zero driver compatibility from what I can see, and it just doesn't boot on real hardware made after 2005 (I don't have anything older than that with Intel x86). I haven't been able to try out any programs because I can't get it to recognize the network adapters in VMs and I've tried quite a few. There's no drag and drop, and any virtual disks I try to attach won't let me copy software from them, which is also stupid. The icons and default themes are also ugly as fuck and make using it all that much more painful. I use Windows XP and 2000 daily in virtual machines for retro games and old software and React OS is nowhere near these.
When it's compatible with most 32-bit Windows software (including drivers) made before 2010, can be used on real hardware, and is somewhat stable, then I'll switch to it.
Not at all.
Shut up, libshit.
I've seen people use some XP themes with it, like the glossy Embedded/POS-Ready 2009 theme. Image related.
not in "oy vey mode" yet
more like "moshe come here and look at this" mode
who would have thought windows 2000 with gnome tango icons would look so comfy
>The icons and default themes are also ugly as fuck
take that back motherfucker
>doesn't boot on real hardware
you can get the amd turion dell latitude that is the testing device reactos devs use from amazon for about $120-190
its a piece of shit, but people use powermacs all the time
16 bit dos games
>take that back motherfucker
Not until you pay for my chemotherapy, faggot. That fuck ugly UI gave my like 30 kinds of rectal cancer.
>you can get the amd turion dell latitude that is the testing device reactos devs use
Any device that was made more than a decade ago should be able to boot this thing. Why are there no drivers? I've seen some pretty piss poor software/hardware support and some bad installation hoops to jump through, like early versions of Windows or trying to install 90s Linux on off the shelf 90s hardware, or trying to reinstall IRIX on an SGI machine, but React OS just doesn't work on anything and barely works in a virtual system. I mean come the fuck on man, not even support for used ThinkPads after 20 years? What the hell?
Windows 2000 users btfo. How will they ever recover.
Windows 3.x games actually dont work right now
Last I checked disassembling binaries was fine, but using what knowledge you gained to build a clone was not. Whiteroom is still fine, of course.
Year of the ReactOS shitboxes when?
Never since it only runs in VMs
Hey, my friend installed bios updates through wine when they weren't avaiable for linux.
It sounds like reactOS Is an autism distro, so if you simulate classic Windows explorer you don't get icon thumbnails.
It's just missing
The developers are trying to copy windows server 2003
yeah, 13 years later they almost in panic.
How is anyone even supposed to use this? Even if they finished it, by that time no hardware with XP compatible drivers actually exist so nobody can use that thing.
It werks fine in virtualbox + any host OS.
>Never since it only runs in VMs
People run it in VMs only to be on safe side and purely out of inertia. It;s quite stable outside of VM these days, so people doing it through VMs nowadays is nothing more than just superstition and paranoia.
ReactOS is not a distributive of anything. It's a completely new, absolutely self-sustained, utterly written from scratch OS. It's not Unix, it's not Unix-like, it's not BSD, it's not Windows. ReactOS is ReactOS.
>quite stable outside of VM these days
I tried booting it on like 5 laptops, all I got were BSODs
Found your problem.
Nice memeing, but even the reference ReactOS development system is a dell laptop
can i play heros of might and magic dark messiah on it? cause i cant do so on windows 10
If you want the free Windows experience ignore Wine and ignore ReactOS and run Windows. It's free so who fucking cares except confused spergtards? That's what VMs are for.
You can run many OS. I do. Comfy, convenient, free. Isolate them or not as you wish.
Can I play the latest triple A videogaems on it?
Skyrim was already shown to be running with no issues other than speed due to lack of optimizations. Half Life 2 also runs fully. All ReactOS needs now is just optimizations.
Skyrim is 6 years old and runs on an ancient engine, and HL2 is older than most of Sup Forums.
Doom would probably be a decent benchmark game, or games that people play currently like PUBG or Overwatch. Even games that Linux was denied after devs announced support and just never delivered like The Witcher 3 and Street Fighter V
fuck NT. someone should port the react UI over to freedos.
The absolute madman
>speed due to lack of optimizations
>doesn't even have graphics driver yet
can it run my DAWs?
while wine is not an emulator it basically is an emulator
>I loaded a save which I made on Windows
>I loaded a save which I made on Windows
>I loaded a save which I made on Windows
>I loaded a save which I made on Windows
>I loaded a save which I made on Windows
>Skyrim is 6 years old and runs on an ancient engine, and HL2 is older than most of Sup Forums
The point is - ReactOS already almost fully works with DirectX 9. Half Life 2 and Skyrim are DirectX 9. Meaning that highly likely absolute majority of DirectX 9 games can be run in ReactOS now. And DirectX 10/11 support is coming soon.
>doesn't even have graphics driver yet
what a fucked up world we live in
Not everyone is a Unix-like fanatic, NT has its advantages
very cinematic framerate
is reactos vulnerable to win32 viruses?
viruses don't develop too well if their host dies every other hour on its own
It's not a win32/64 system. It's not a windows at all. It's not even Unix, Unix-like, or BSD. It only MIMICKS Windows visually and by support of it's proprietary features, like DirectX, but aside from that it's absolutely it's own thing. This is basically equivalent of what Linux creation was in comparison to BSD and Windows back in the days. This will be standalone system. A new player on the field.
a virus is a piece of software
if it can run windows software
it could run a virus
Nice meme, but it's bullshit
It's pretty much a complete clone of windows NT with the same pitfalls
I struggle to think of any.
>autism = the post
It implements windows api and behavior so tell me wtf it's not an NT-like os.
They share many libraries.
Am I retarded? I always though ReactOS was an attempt to support Windows API calls. It didn’t implement WINE, it was a totally separate project.
>as stable as XP
Kek, the absolute fucking kid who started using Xp after SP2 detected, kill self dumbfuck
this shit doesnt even see the hard disk in my VM its broken as shit i got it to connect to the internet but the built browser doestn even display webpages
Why would they do that except for a few specials cases? They just need to implement the WINAPI. Allmost everything has official or unofficial public doc out there.
It only mimics that behavior, all code is essentially run through internal compilers that are way differently written than the "usual" stuff. ReactOS runs on completely it's own, unique, ReactOS-specific code. It just so happens that this code also allows to interpret nad run Micro$hit's, Linux's, Unix's, and other platforms' code, almost straight out, with no long-step emulation or any other shit which can greatly increase latency and etc.
>I always though ReactOS was an attempt to support Windows API calls
It wasn't the goal, but during the development process that just happened naturally due to how ReactOS's own unique code is structured to begin with.
Is it possible to run reactOS MSPaint.exe in Wine on Linux?
>Development began in 1996, as a Windows 95 clone project, and was continued as ReactOS in 1998, with the incremental addition of features of later Windows versions.
>The main goal of the ReactOS project is to provide an operating system which is binary compatible with Windows...
Are you sure you are not retarded?
You are retarded here, son.
It's true that AT THE BEGINNING it was a "Russian clone of Windows" project, but after they were contacted by Micro$hit and were threaded for legal action in court, they completely removed any and all (down to last byte, down to last sign) chunks of Windows-like code from it and absolutely reworked OS from scratch, making it 100% impossible to sue or C&D them as ReactOS's code at this current time is 100% unique and does NOT copy any other OS that's currently available out there.