So... basically the French just divided Netherland into two. Any possibility that they will reunite?

So... basically the French just divided Netherland into two. Any possibility that they will reunite?

Not before Belgium divides first. Wallonia and Flanders shouldn't be united into one country, different cultures.

Which part are you from? I read that Afrikaans language is more related to Flemish than Dutch. That's why Afrikaans speaker can't really understand Dutch but Dutch speakers can understand Afrikaans easily.

I'm from Flanders. It's related to Dutch in general, just a different accent. We can understand them quite well, I'm not sure about the other way around.

>I read that Afrikaans language is more related to Flemish than Dutch

someone has sold you some fresh bullshit, because afrikaans literally comes from a hollandic/zeelandish dialect. In most regards it has mostly hollanic features with some west flemish features thrown in.

Not that that matters to this day. I would not say that either flemish or dutch are anymore intelligible (because they are literally the same language)

Thank you for the info. My source is a youtube comment XD

No, the Southern Netherlands has existed for a lot longer as a separate entity than it was united with the north.

Bullshit. There are more cultural differences between Flanders and NL than between Flanders and Wallonia.

He's obviously a Flemish separatist. A very loud minority, but still a minority, about 10% of Flemings.

It's bullshit, it is more related to Holland.

Go pick potatos you retarded walloon. Not a seperatist at all, my comment doesn't imply that I'm one either so don't use it as a scapegoat to run away from a discussion you dumbfuck.

I don't know it it's possible to unite, but if we do Wallonia would probably be a country inside the kingdom of the Netherlands, just like Aruba, Curaçao and Saint-Martin, and Flanders would probably unite with the Netherlands. Walloons would keep their territory, language and government in that case then.

Ik ben Vlaming.
See everyone that disagrees with him must be a Walloon. He obviously spent too much time in /nederdraad/.

Anyway, nearby is a place that stores 1798 Belgian beers, there is absolutely no quality difference between Flemish and Walloons ones. You won't find that in the Netherlands.

You know that will never happen. The only reasonable idea would be a confederal BeNeLux with maximum authority for the regions, to Swiss model. But then we'd have to diss our royals.

France divided us, because they wanted to annex Belgium. The revolution was started by French students in Brussels

Get choked nu-male cuck

So what about the Southern Netherlands, Spanish Netherlands, Austrian Netherlands? Also there was an earlier failed Belgian revolution under the same colours at the end of Habsburg rule.

A very myopic view you have. BTW your "French" students were actually all local aristocrats, many of them Flemish nobility, like the count van/de Merode from Limburg. And the Rodenbach family from West-Flanders. French was the language of the nobility in those days, your nobility too, even the Russian nobles, that doesn't make them French.

>Any possibility that they will reunite?

I don't see why they can't reunite. Belgium and Holland started out as Catholic and Protestant but now they're both homosexual and Muslim.

>Belgium and Holland started out as Catholic and Protestant

I didn't know that


That was the reason why the UKN split after 15 years of existance. The Dutch king and the north were imposing a dominant protestant culture and the king was only interested in the north economically, the south (us) was repeatedly ignored and had no influence in his "united" Netherlands, while at the start we were guaranteed that there would be equal treatment of both religious spheres.

When king Willem imposed a tax on our beer (typical protestant no-fun-allowed mentality resulting in their small foamy beers meme of today) it was basically the last drop. He managed to fuck it up in a mere 15 years.

According to the Dutch we were the traitors because we should have remained silent and have bend over like good bottoms. They fail to see that it was their king who caused the UKN to fall apart. Perhaps they do not even realise this themselves, instead they choose to believe the simplistic falsehoods they spread about it today.

You're acting like a woman. Don't pull a Belgium.

>inside the kingdom of the Netherlands, just like Aruba, Curaçao and Saint-Martin, and Flanders would probably unite with the Netherlands.

Look at him and his imperialist dreams. The 1800s must be calling.

I can tell you with certainty that Istanbul is more likely to become Greek and Orthodox again, than Flanders will agree to become subjects of the Dutch Crown.

>protestant scum defending his cronies

>Le France-was-the-root-of-all-evil-back-then meme
Belgian revolution had been set by liberal students (many coming from nobility) because they got fed with being an annexed nation.

The hatred of the Dutch for everything French is actually a product of their dominant protestant culture (even though their country has many catholic regions).

You often hear them say to us (Flemings) that religion is a thing of the past and that there are no reasons that we shouldn't unite again, but they fail to see (or act like it) that that dominant religion over the years has created a very distinct culture that is very different and very present.

I'm Catholic myself and my ancestors were French too, but I do still dislike this France.


damn I really like the Belgian flag, all these Belgian posts ITT please my autism