Should i get one of these?
Should i get one of these?
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You cant use it as a youtube player (for the audio).
You need a third party account to make it a jukebox.
>willingly inserting your penis unprotected directly into the botnet
Do you really want something that's always listening and recording everything you say, user?
No get a homepod instead
You can at least ask it to pair bluetooth and play music out of that in whatever way you want.
its not out yet user.
Comes out in a few weeks
I want one, but fuck the price
>lights are multicolored during boot
>stay white at pretty much all other times
What is the fucking point of this, Google?
Depends what you want to do with it. I got the bigger one as a gift and I only really use it to play music while I clean.
You absolutely should get one.
>You absolutely should get one.
Should read:
>Good sir, you should absolutely be purchasing one of the fine Google Home devices.
Open bobs
>not concerned with surveillance
>get one
>find myself being polite with it
>often tell it thanks after it answers something for me
I turn mine off while i sleep, kek
Ikr, they're also red when the mic is off, but that's it
Kek same here
My wife does this same exact thing.
no u
wow really? feels like i got scammed cause i was asked what can this little shit do and i kinda oversold it for some reason
feels bad that i kinda convinced someone to purchase this little shit for the sole purpose of playing music according to them
What is it?
>Buy one
>Replace mic with 1/4" input jack
>Get Raspberry Pi
>Attach audio out to new Home Mini input jack
>Record yourself saying "OK Google"
>Splice it before recording of porno
>Play on repeat
>Leave running forever
Cuter, better, and open source!
It looks like a macaroon and looks really appetizing. Probably safer not to have it around the house, just in case.
no you need red to do that
honestly it sucks
this thing is absolutely fucking designated
just get an echo dot instead
plus you missed the BF deals
i only paid $20 for mine but it is still not worth it, it is fucking useless, the AI sucks
even if you say the name of a youtube video word for word even if you include "on" or "from" "name of youtube channel"
it will still play the wrong fucking video every single time
and 70% of the time you ask it to SHOW you a video it still says
"please be a good goy and sub to red to HEAR that on youtube"
fucking AI is so god damn retarde that it still think you want it to play youtube music on it instead of cast the youtube video to a CC even though you say SHOW me xxxx on youtube
also it is shit for smart home , it does not integrate well
and if you had GA on your phone it will default to the GH every single time there is no way to stop it , it is just pure shit just like every other google product and service
>no you need red to do that
Ask it to play and it will play music. Rip your cds into your Google music account and it can play any of them. Ask it to play and it will stream a mix of that artist and similar musicians (even if you don't have any of their music).
you should not be playing any kind of music on it, the speaker fucking sucks
you said Youtube though
and forget about doing what you just said
this is poo in loogle you are talking about
this feature of GPM has been broken for over a year now
you can make it work but it is such a pain in the ass it is not even worth it , you need to upload everything to GPM through desktop chrome
GPM plugin , you cant even do it from android device WTF!
and then after you upload it all GPM still will not play it
you need to create a playlist for every single song and name the playlist the same as the song /artist
and then maybe it will work ,this the only work around and it still gets confused and plays shit from the online library instead of your music , so yeah good luck with that
oh yeah the fucking POS does not even work with pandora either
i have pandora set as the default music service and i ask it to play one my pandor stations but it just plays music from pandora and not my curated station or it just says here is a xxxxx mix
it's fucking useless
So, what exactly these things do? Are they a standalone Version of the vocal assistant on smartphones?
Imagine telling Orwell that everybody just installed listening devices in their own home willingly.
spy on goyim
Cmon user, forreal
Why does anyone want to go around there house talking to themselves? Literally you are just talking out aloud to nobody.
Imagine someone looking into your house and they see this guy wandering around the kitchen going "hey google, how fast is an airplane?", "which is the fastest airplane?", "where is the nearest boeing factory?".
Imagine doing that every time you need to google something or change the music you are listening to.
*their house
don't bother if you are listening to music
on it , it's noise cancellation is non existent
if the volume is up it will not respond unless you scream at it
echo works much better in this reguard
>Are they a standalone Version of the vocal assistant on smartphones?
no they have no ESP like the echo
so if you have GA on your phone both the phone and the home will respond , if you tell it to call someone it will always default to the home and not to your phone and call will be on speaker and not on the phone and there is no way to change it , it is annoying AF
if you have GA on your phone and it is in the same room they both trigger and voice request always default to the speaker not the phone
So basically you use it to Google stuff and voice control?
yeah but just buy an echo instead
i have had echos for over a year i installed the google search and google home custom skills through AWS , (completely useless BTW)
the echo is much better for smart home control and more open source
you can add custom skill to it , i have not yet installed the custom youtube skill yet though, but ostensibly you can play youtube video on the echo without red , it uses a 3rd party as a buffer like dropbox loads the video to there then plays the audio through the echo
with the GH you have to pay for red , and if you have a CC
and just want it to cast YT video to the CC from youtube it gets confused 70% of the time and shills for red , "hey google ,SHOW me XXXX official music video on youtube"
GH : " i'm sorry buy you need to subscribe to red to HEAR that on youtube"
if by chance it does play a video it will be the wrong one , even if you specify the name of the youtube channel ,even if you say the video title word for word it will still play some obscure bullshit version of what you want
the other day it actually rick rolled me ,asked for a music video and it casted Rick Astley , the video title i requested didn't even sound like that
Oh but i dont Plan one, i really didnt know what purpose they served. I have no Smart object in the House, and i can just Google all i need. If something was able to fully control my pc on the other hand, i will buy it immediatly.
it is pretty much only good as a mediocre bluetooth speaker or you can group them for whole home wifi audio , but he AI is so shit it is kind of useless for voice control plus no noise cancellation so it can't hear good at all if music is playing but you can cast to it or to a group of them from android
so that is a plus , i have 3 and a CC audio and i can cast audio from my phone to all of them
also good for a wave /white noise machine
but so is the echo dot
>Imagine someone looking into your house and they see this guy wandering around the kitchen going
Wow I'm really concerned that this hypothetical normal person peeking through my curtains and watching me for an hour is going to think I'm a dweeb for asking my botnet pill how many ounces are in a kilogram and where in my city I can get a kilogram of tea.
Yes. I don't say anything bad. What are they gonna hear? They can listen to me beat my meat all day. As long as they provide a easy way to use google assistant in return.
or you live in an apartment and everybody can hear you say:
"hey googlebot, why is my anus dripping blood"
Straight up spyware. I'm gonna bet that these things will be gifted to you for free the next couple of years. Datamining is what they want.
Yes you fucking shill. Now stop being a fake ignorant retart. And by the way. The same thread was started instantly with this one. Stop punching this shit!
You mad user, i dont posses one of those, i dont care, i though they were stupid but seemed absurd to me that people bought them, useless as they are. Now im sure i cant easly ignore all of this. Kthxbye
It will fuck up your wifi network.
I only have 2 + Chromecast and my signal is constantly being dropped.
A simple Wireshark analysis shows these things are constantly pinging and sending data even when you're not doing anything.
I dunno about Amazon Echo though, I've heard it was better from a friend.
It's okay
But stay away from it if you live outside the US
it has already begun
Sure, mate.
And when you lose the neighbor boy's hockey puck in a local game of lake, you can use this pick instead!
I hate to go full rms but you're paying for a company to spy on you. Chances are you consented and agreed that they can do so at will.