Ok I finished my software license

Ok I finished my software license.

What do you think Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:



Github will report you to the police if you try and use that on their site

that's incredibly racist

>emotional terrorism groups
oh boy all the nazis will love showing off how emotionally fragile they are

pls open up a pull request to a major JS library changing the license to this

point 3 is bad

there should be no compromises




Go back to your containment board


>alt-right is like islam
>bitches love islam
>therefore bitches should love the alt-right
really makes you drink

Is GPL compatible?
Can I modify and redistribute your software under other license without problems?

4) no gurls allowed (no, not even you mum pls stop)

>see facebook link
>post reddit icon

>emotional terrorism

>bitches love islam

>Is GPL compatible?
No, I'm pretty sure #1 qualifies as an extra condition under GPL


You'll have your license stripped by bots.

It's the edgy teenager license (ETL)

I like the license. But #1 isnt clear enough, there should be a longer list of things not allowed.

Isn't there a software license that explicitly bars anybody with Israeli citizenship from using the associated software? I forget what it's called.


wtf is that? hilterdidnothingwrong.exe?

Dumb namefag.

Why would the police care exactly?

>what are hate crimes?

Chances are OP does not live in a communist country and saying things is not considered a hate crime.


Bitch I wrote bash

Could you put up an easily copyable version up somewhere?

>hate crimes

What shithole do you live in

Here in the UK, one guy got arrested for calling black rioters "monkeys", and they weren't even posting under their real name, so the police actually put some effort into tracking them down.


Since when is feminism an organization?

Every time I see a thread like this, I see just how far neo-Sup Forums has progressed. Oh well, back to lain I suppose.

>Sup Forums

>t. fat communist pedophile fat

horseshoe theory and its derivatives are reductionist stupidity for two kinds of people: liars and those with sub 90 IQ

How did the soyboy thing was created?

All stupid memery aside, soy products contain female hormones that are messing with a significant portion of male humans. Most common symptom caused is men behave like women without actually being gay.

And who invented that meme?

>All stupid memery aside
>proceeds to post an unsubstantiated stupid meme

or any of the other newfag containment boards
whichever one spawned you

welcome to Sup Forums

if the activity of the flavinoids is lower than that of estrogen, perhaps it acts as a sort of natty SERM?


Not a meme unfortunately, there is a large overlap between men acting like a women and consuming soy products in a significant portion of men.

HOWEVER it could be indirectly causing men to do this by means of cultural brainwashing. Those who drink soy products tend to flock together with feminine ideals and "save the planet, buy organic" kind of thing which is feminine.


every thought about leaving the shithole you occupy for a nation that actually believes in freedoms? you know, the right the be as (((righteous))) are demonic you want to be?

No. See 10.1016/j.fertnstert.2009.04.038

All of you going ape over this license make kike-gassing Nazis look reasonable.

A fucking meme license won't do shit unless >MUH FEELINGS. LOL. Dumb nigger cattle.

r8 my CoC

Non organic food is filled with estrogen, just as bad as soy.

Last time I visited /trash/ people there was anti Sup Forums

If you wanted to do something like this you should probably not mention specific group associations but rather specific principles.
Are you delusional? Have you read the thread? Almost nobody is even reacting strongly to this.

Wow so edgy

Your right. Every soy in here is just trying too hard to be a clever cunt about it and are little passive aggressive bitches. Thanks for clearing that up.

is that so?

>nothing to do with long term psychological effects

Anyway let's say it's all BS and soy does nothing to men. There is still a cultural connection to it as most of the soy product consumers have the feminine "save the planet, buy organic" mindset.

Right which points to the above being true. Some products just stick to a certain groups of individuals like lice. Homosexuals use apple products, hispanics buy goya products, asians buy that rooster sauce, blacks eat metric tons of fried chicken, ect ect.

Yes, I laughed it off as a meme at first but then I started noticing my male coworkers at work who drank soy and brought in "organic" food. They would chatter at our cafeteria like women, chatter stuff women normally chatter about, ect.

It's either the soy or the people surrounding soy m8.

Saying that a license isn't effective isn't passive aggression it's a very direct method of criticism.
I seriously don't understand why you'd use this while trying to be taken seriously. It just alienates others from you. You don't belong here.
You don't even know how to be correct. Why do you think a technology forum as plagued by CS as Sup Forums is is the place for you?
It doesn't even make sense as a political excursion. You can find way better surface area elsewhere.

>cultural connection to it as most of the soy product consumers have the feminine "save the planet, buy organic" mindset

I'll give you that, but those who drink the phytoestrogen koolaid aren't only making weird dietary restrictions for themselves, but also pushing the anti-intellectualism that's everywhere on the far left and right.

I'd say the far-right's general aversion to the scientific method is a lot more concerning.

You have male coworkers who behave like that? Get a new job. You're as bad as your associates by associating.
>but I'm just a truck driver in a warehouse I don't have options
Then make yourself some fucking options lazy fuck.

Nah, I am all in the right. The meme-right license is annoying feely twats who've got a million things to say about their low-t political views and I am pointing it out. If the "enlightened" techies here really were too above the memes, then they would have not fed op (you)s.

Pretty much m8, there's an eerie growing mob full of dipshits that appeal to emotion and pseudo science in both wings.

>I'd say the far-right's general aversion to the scientific method is a lot more concerning.
Could be, yes.

I think the aversion to scientific testing of things is poisoning men left and right. These days you're either labeled a soyboy or a nazi.

Not gonna be easy when these people are spreading everywhere.

>not gonna be easy
Not if you are, as I hyperbolically stated, a truck driver.
But there's none in sight where I am. I'm in software. And considering certain other aspects prominent in the public eye for our field it's where I expect to find people like this.

So still, get a real job. Galvanize yourself a little instead of shitposting on Sup Forums.

0/10, not an open source licence. If I can't spread my nazi-code with the community, there's no point. Dropped.

Already do, not at liberty to say what it is even here anonymously™.

Anyway I believe ignorance will kill us all in the end, just when we achieve something great.

Embarrassing... I hope you are being ironic, OP.


Fuck you moot, Sup Forums was a mistake.
Instead of containing those idiots it became a big magnet for morons swarming from the outside and now every board is overflowing with that shit.
Jesus what a retarded idea that was.

HAHAHAHHAAH holy fuck countries without freedom of speech are fucking hilarious. Have fun allowing your government decide what you are allowed to think and say you useless soyboy.

>hate speech
>free speech
Pick one and only one.

>using a dead imageboard full of LARPing 16 year olds and a bunch of edgy trannies

Not so different to this place, then.

Unfortunately you'll never write any software that anyone will give a shit about, so nobody will see your license.

>tfw you miss when Nazi and racism stuff on Sup Forums was just done to be edgy and funny instead of being the product of butthurt and insecurity while being laced with embarrassing e-activism user IZ LEEJUN 2.0 nonsense

From the makers of "We Warned You", here comes "Serves You Right"

Post it in a pastebin I'll use it later

I'll never use your software, is what I think.

>going more than 2 layers deep in trolling
Jesus this is getting out of hand

Okay let's just clear it up now

>Jews control the media
>Israel is a terrorist state
>There is no area in which men have it better than women
>In fact men have it worse in almost every aspect of life
>Multiculturalism and the various left-wing policies that come with it are anti-white
>Feminism is a hate group
>Most online communities are already infiltrated and controlled by astroturfers aka paid posters
>The communities and movements that set out to help the public and actually make life better are quickly co-opted, taken over, and redirected by the wealthy to prevent people from organizing
>Things will only get worse for the poor
>The FBI, CIA, and NSA are some of the most powerful state-funded terrorist organizations to have ever existed
>99% of the people who support gun control simply don't know any better
>The other 1% know exactly what they're doing and want only to disarm the public so they can have more power
>The vast majority of what is shown on mainstream media, YouTube "trending", and the front page of Reddit is propaganda
>99% of the people who think climate change is a myth simply don't know any better
>The other 1% know exactly what they're doing and want only to profit from government subsidies and crush energy competition

Let's see...

>The vast majority of industries are almost or completely monopolized (food, broadband internet, computer memory/CPUs/GPUs/storage, vehicles, clothing, media - Disney owns ~40% of all media created in the US, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals)
>Corporations and the wealthy people that own them don't just not care about you, they actively hate you
>Automation is going to destroy 40-80% of all existing jobs today, within the next 10-20 years


>Once automation is complete, we are left with 3 choices
>Provide for the poor
>Let the poor die
>Actively kill the poor

I'll let you guess which one is most likely.

my girlfriendwife taiga is cute

you desperately need an education