So, Sup Forums...would you put your a robot body?

So, Sup Forums...would you put your a robot body?

No health issues, extra thinking power , more strengh and all the other possible benefits.

no, too many addictions.

If I I had 40 year old body probably. I guess I would have to pay for matenace and rego right?

Of course. If I can live forever.
inb4 moralfags trying to explain why it's a bad thing

>of corse then i can be imvinceable compuder!

hold the fort frends

*unplugs you*

ha ha now you are unpluged i win ! bye robit

you can, until
>something happened :(

yes absolutely.

Sure, why not.
Id rather not have to deal with cancer or heart disease that ends up being the cause of death of the majority of people recently.

you still can get a

brain cancer

You're not the boss of nyanbot user!

Nah I'm good, don't want to spend anymore time on this rock than I have to.

That depends on the capabilities of the robot body

Could consider it if it works and is at least somewhat socially acceptable (triggering a moralfag or two is a bonus).

No. Never.
I want to die when my time comes.

I would gain the power of 4 gorillas!

wew lad, cant wait to be perpetually depressed.

The strength of five gorillas... But why so small?

>transfer brain into cyberbody
>massive hardware flaw gets discovered
>can’t upgrade because ripping the old brain interface out would kill you
>a software workaround gets released but you loose 50% of your fine motor control

Yeah, nah.

"5 to 25%"

> not wanting to inject heroin directly to your brain

too many addictions he said....

What for?

Would be interesting...

if i'd inject anything it'd be LSD.
I'd still miss the act of smoking.

I just hope it's possible before I'm ded.

man just that robocop aesthetic and the thought of being a cyborg chasing junk (nuke) to kill your pain ... incredible

No. I'd put robots in my body though

Nah. Don't want to be remotely highjacked and forced to think thoughts that aren't mine by fleshbags. Plus how would I complete a captcha?

With buzzsaw hands! BZZZZZZZZ!

What's the point? Your brain still wears out at one point and a metal body ain't that nice.

I most certainly would.

I would be the cutest cake robot.

I already did it via vr

Yes, I'm sure plugging my brain into the botnet is a great idea


Sure! What could possibly go wrong?

I'd rather die

I should find some way to do this. Even if the body isn't a cake or loli.