I forgot to skrew this in am i fucked?

I forgot to skrew this in am i fucked?


lol bye bye

you aren't supposed to screw that in


Are you referring to the spring looking screw on the smaller heatsink? If so, that's a tension screw. It's already tightened to where it needs to be when you get it from the manufacturer. Gently put a screwdriver in and turn until it doesn't move if you think it's not tightened

I heavily recommend not messing with it.

Prepare for Housefire Edition $OP

>asrock is shit
where did this absolute meme come from?

Asus shills

The CPU cooler, or the northbridge heatsink?

Any low end board is sh*t. Judging at the size of the chipset heatsink, we can safely deduce that OP is running a low end board.

I have an asrock board. I think the placement for the fan pins is retarded.
The pins labeled for CPU fan are at the outer edge, while the pins in the center of the board, closest to the CPU, are labelled as a set of case fan pins.
Just seems kind of silly.

i had the cheapest fucking asrock am3 (like $30 new) board running a 960T at 4GHz no problem
for 5 years

you are the exception



>stock heatsink

Not like it's gonna make a huge difference anyway

>Not like it's gonna make a huge difference anyway
does on my Ryzen

Yeah. Ryzen. With an Intel stock heatsink.


Still miles better than Gigashite.
>buy a new gigatrash mobo
>bios was made by literal retards, nothing is labeled, settings that should have dropdowns instead have arcane textboxes
>can't insert GPU, gigafaggot thought putting in a piece of ricer plastic is more important, have to take out the whole board to unscrew and remove it
>integrated audio screeches like there's no tomorrow

Never again

So what are some consistently good motherboard manufacturers?

Asus and Asrock.

I still use my Asus board for my AMD system but the bios is missing basic features like disabling individual SATA ports. Also Asrock is cheap shit almost as bad as MSI.

use woodscrews

me and the like 7 people I know and the 4 other asrock boards I've used

Fuck Gigabyte mobos
>disassemble pc to clean up
>put it back together
>no startup
No fucking clue why tried everything so far either has to be mobo or cpu but there is no reason for it to be the cpu

I'm gathering that all motherboard manufacturers are shit. I might get an Asus next time, though, because I'm not entirely happy with Asrock (it's good enough, though).