/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread

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c++ is the greatest language of all time


lil help please?

You are brainlet and here is why: TA gives trader all the necessary information about current situation of the stock. It doesn't predict future, it's not a magical crystal-ball. It can't tell you the future price of the stock, but what it can tell you, is how well the stock is doing right now, and based on that you can make the assumption that it will continue behaving the way it behave. It's obviously better than just investing randomly and relying on luck.

>It's obviously better than just investing randomly and relying on luck.
Wow, that sure is a high bar to clear!

How do I write programs to run in CP/M 80/86 V 2.0 on a DEC rainbow 100?

As if you have some better system to propose.

void *x = calloc(1, sizeof(int));
x = realloc(x, 2 * sizeof(int));

Is x initialized to 0 or not motherfucker?

you will lose money either way, this has been proven for over 50 years now
the only people who profit are the ones at the top who make money by manipulating the markets or having insider information

after db.insert(user1.Name);


hmm. now it won't even build

What does it take to decompile an x86 Windows program and recompile it on Linux?

an immense amount of time
so much time, in fact, that it would be faster to just write the software from scratch in a high level language

Are prepared mysql statements in php cached between pages? I need to execute a query once on a page, so unless the prepared query gets cached somehow i would get no benefit using a prepared statement for just one database query

So you're telling me there's a chance?

Why not just run it with wine?

Except it doesn't do any of that, it provides random noise that essentially just follows the stock price going up and down. Just do basic back testing on any TA and you'll find it's bullshit.

Also in this current climate you literally just buy calls and profit. If you see a dip buy more calls and wait a few days for your profit.

sure it's possible,
a lot of the assembly will be copy/pasteable unless the program is heavily OS specific (like entirely composed of windows API)
the only question is why waste the time doing it

>Also in this current climate you literally just buy calls and profit. If you see a dip buy more calls and wait a few days for your profit.
unless you're investing in bitcoin

You're going to have to go through the assembly and find the windows system calls and replace them with linux ones, which is going to be hard as hell. Then you also have to assume there's nothing else in the code that's written specifically for Windows or you'll have to change that as well. Then there's going to be a bunch of other crap that probably pops up too.

Because I'm a masochist.
But aren't they all documented and therefore able to do write a program to ultimately deal with all that?

crypto you can at least baghold, but seriously options are the way to make money right now, buy options 3 months out and you're practically guaranteed to make money, if you want to be greedier just buy them with closer expiration dates. It's funny all these people that cream themselves over crypto gains when options are way more volatile and go up even quicker than crypto, getting a 10x is pretty easy with options. Hell right now I'd buy some spy/qqq OTM options for next week and I bet they'll 10x after Google/Amazon/msft report.


You can always try and see what happens. Is this something you wrote and want to just try this or a 3rd party app?

If its the later try compiling some simple hello world program on windows and look what it takes to get it to run on linux, then add more and repeat, you'll quickly see if it's going to be too much of a head ache or not on a full program.

what is THE BEST single monitor serious programmers?

Well, I didn't write anything yet, but if a used visual studio, I don't want to do double the work.

>tfw nobody visits my github or gives a shit about any open soars code i released out there
>tfw all that work for free and nobody cares
>tfw when using like a bathroom and then going back to my pc there is this weird odor around the pc
>tfw realize it's coming from me
>tfw becoming one of those weird smelling people who smell even if they shower all the time

great, so now i'm truly a failure in every aspect of life imaginable
i'm seriously considering just ending it
if the afterlife exists and even if it's shit, it must be better that this hell

>doing work
>for FREE
the jews made you do this, didn't they

>use Rust while violating this code

>treating your own developers like children and acting like a moral authority

Soyboys will defend this

working on learning django. Coming from functional programming, it's painful to let my brain rot with all this class-based crap

once you get the smell, it never EVER goes away. Enjoy it for the rest of your short life you starless shitcommitter

Post your GitHub, user

But as long s they produce I don't care

I want to write a C++ compiler for the z80. There's a billion books on writing compilers, is there one that's considered a standard?

dragon book

This one? Cover looks a little tacky even by 2006 standards.

Don't write a C++ compiler if you value your sanity. Just grab an existing llvm backend for z80 and hook it up to clang.

Don't judge a book by its cover mydude. Just look at the index. It's over 1000 pages long and covers everything you need theoretically... with examples

you might want to consider just doing a z80 llvm backend. writing and end-to-end C++ compiler is a huge undertaking

It looks like shit, let's be honest.

Borrowed a pdf off the internet. Contents look pretty good, I'll give it a go.

So I finally figured out the IB PSAR Calculation.

Here is the code below if anyone is interested:

public double m_ep { get; set; }
public double m_prev_ep { get; set; }
public double m_acc { get; set; }
public double m_acc_prev { get; set; }
public double m_acc_upper { get; set; }
public double m_psar_next { get; set; }
public double m_psar_prev { get; set; }
public double m_psar { get; set; }
public bool m_trend_up { get; set; }
public bool m_prev_trend_up { get; set; }
public int m_no_auto_incr { get; set; }

OOP everyone.

That's just C#/

software engineers generally aren't exactly known for having an eye for aesthetics (but, rather, for autistic utilitarianism). most websites for libraries were eyesores until pretty recently, but now with site templates/generators and bootstrap and whatnot it's finally starting to become less common, only because the required effort has decreased enough that it falls into "might as well" territory for more people

>C++ compiler
Abandon hope.

I had a compilers class in university and it was the book we used, and I remember reading around and its the go to book for intro to compilers. It's really good with how it explains grammars and languages.

Look into cross-compilation. This also means you want to dev on Linux, because cross-compiling from Windows is a pain and a half, excluding very specific prepackaged scenarios, like Android.

Note: You should have at least 390 previous bars to get the PSAR synchronized.

not good C#. those should probably be private variables and then only the ones which actually need to be accessed from outside the class should have corresponding public getters with better names. they probably shouldn't have public setters either, unless setting them is specifically a part of the public interface of the class and the class would remain in a valid/correct state after setting any given one

No. Don't use PHP. Use a persistent backend server with a persistent connection to the DB.
Unless you hyper shill your software on reddit, hackernews and whatnot, it will generally take at least a year of development until some hobby project is recognized by people.
This. Setters on classes defeat their purpose of state encapsulation. Internal state should only be mutated through methods, that actually perform something. If you need POD, C# has structs.

>If you need POD, C# has structs.
Stop using C# like it's C++.

A C compiler for C/PM?

every time
this is why most people use SO instead of Sup Forums nowadays

Some people just bundle a cut down version of wine into their application if they need a linux build

>fat tranny SJW starts talking shit about you because you're a white straight male
>report xer for violating the CoC
>freak gets kicked out of the project

I can't see how this is a problem.

Stop using C# like it's Java.

C# is Java++. Using it like Java, or indeed just using Java, is preferable.

By that logic you should use C++ like C.

Using C++ as C with RAII, and without all generic and OOP bullshit is the best

You can't stop me, Microsoft

>as C with RAII
That's not C, hence my point.

You clearly don't know how the real world works:
>fat tranny SJW starts talking shit about you because you're a white straight male
>report xer for violating the CoC
>HR is also pink haired 400lb SJW
>HR makes you take a sensitivity training course

I'll gladly take all the generic bullshit over RAII.

RAII is broken. You only need RAII if you have exceptions and you only need exceptions if you have ctors, so you only need exceptions if you have RAII.
There's a cyclic dependency here. You're doing it wrong.

is there any lisp, besides common lisp, that isn't a fucking tower of babel?

So you are some god that never reads uninitialized memory or leaks anything?


what is valgrind

What the happened with Gmane? Is their dataset archived somewhere?

imagine being so retarded you consider writing init(&foo); and close(&foo) to be a challenge

Rust doesn't have conventional exceptions and constructors, yet uses RAII extensively. Not wasting your time checking if you closed a file in all 5 exit points of a function makes things lot easier.

Why do people say this? Does lisp have the features of all languages?

Valgrind only guarantees no leaks, if you systematically go through all possible branches in your program at runtime. Sure, you can do that in your fizzbuzz, but it's a bigger problem in actual software.
It's a point of failure, if you have allocations, that happen only in some branches. Less points of failure lead to less chances of memory errors. But, as said, that's not a problem in any fizzbuzz implementation.

Rust RAII is definitely better for the reasons you described, but the topic of RAII was raised in the context of C++.

>all 5 exit points of a function
stop writing spaghetti code, nigger. But if you must, this is an appropriate use case for goto.

most obvious example is Scheme, the community is fragmented into 9872345987 different implementations, standards and probably dialects too.
>autisming over r4rs, r5rs, r6rs and r7rs
> ecraven.github.io/r7rs-benchmarks/
>mit-scheme/sicp is apparently a dialect of scheme
and so on

will give it a look, thanks

>still using single exit point policy
>preffering goto to RAII
Are you an NSA agent working on promoting harmful programming practices in hope to create more security holes?

help us op please, is it from some anime?

So, how do I into smooth interpolation when my points are not uniformly spaced?

>he doesn't take a careful look at his code


Google says it's this girl: animefeet.wikia.com/wiki/Hiro_Tsukiyama

Putting braces on all if statements would have prevented this.

>his code base is so small he can afford to review it carefully after each minor change

I hate religious jews

>goto is evil because you can type it twice after an if statement
>return is not because this doesn't happen

it's the atheistic jews you need to worry about

A true masterpiece of an anime.

this. im scared of things like that so i put braces on every if. also it looks better that way

how often is she displayed in the anime? i would only watch it for the girl

she's the main character, so pretty often i guess?

>Less points of failure lead to less chances of memory errors
Enabling exceptions is what leads to memory errors, because. RAII is a crutch to deal with the fact that exceptions make anticipating all possible code paths completely impractical. The reason modern sepplesfags push for RAII and consider malloc/new a sin is because it is absurdly impractical to free every bare pointer if any function you call can throw an exception and tear you out of the current scope.

If you don't have exceptions, there's no need for RAII. Every return statement can be happily replaced with a goto cleanup statement. Behavior is predictable, explicit, and flexible. And now you are able to capture status codes from each of those close functions.

delete ptr;

so in php 7 i have several similar functions like


is there some way to group them together so i don't have to use such disgusting names and can instead have something comfy like
I don't want to put them into a separate class they are only used in that one class and in relation to it

How is that an improvement?

I was being sarcastic. The movie is somehow even worse than the clusterfuck of a prequel. She appears a bunch, but any time tech things happen, it's very infuriating. Stuff like bruteforcing electronic locks through NFC with smartphones, typing with hands and feet on 2 keyboards simultaneously and hacking computers by ricing fonts in the terminal of a POSIX-compliant Windows Vista machine.

shoo pajeet

Why are you paying this much attention to detail. It's fucking anime of all things.
