Its time

its time

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staviš mixed feelings i onda preko toga išpartano like, pa znaš li šta znači mixed feelings magarče?


vois nas i mrzis nas mi smo ko neki bivsi momak

U ime ex yua ovaj tred je sada nas, dozvoljeno je govorit samo srpsko-hrvatski jezik

k-kad volim boku kotorsku a ne volim s*be u njoj

pa i jesmo
falis mi btw

daj templejt

every above kill it with fire brings joy to my life, thanks a bunch lads

Like all

ne brini pice mo lozu na moru ispod punog mjeseca do godine


Ocjenite moje

jel te bolilo kad si oznacio hrvatsku kao homeland? ha srbiću?

sta je hercegovno guzobolan si sto sam ti zacrvenio tvoju voljenu hercegovninu?

sto dislikas hercegovce bukvalno su hrvati

najgori moguci hrvati koji pricaju iskrivljeni hibridni jezik


>ajgori moguci hrvati koji pricaju iskrivljeni hibridni jezik

vjerojatno mu šef hercegovac

template ploks

Love you too mate

da, stvarno ih nisi nikad cuo kako pricaju? pricaju kao bosnjaci

hercegovno status: guzobolno

fuck off Morocco

Just recolor it u tw@

no u

>gleadjte me ne znam nista o jugoraspadskim ratovima pa cu oznacit sve jugo drzava crvene osim srbije jer su oni maknuli kebab!!!!!!!
gledajte ovu budalu ljudi, cak je i crnu goru stavio crvenu

ajme cuj ko Bosanci

u saved it over template, didnt you u stoopid sandnigger?

fuck you Morocco you haven't been important since Casablanca

ozbiljno te trigeralo to?

>implying I fell for le remove kebab meme

It's just they have the best nationalist songs mang

Qt president btw

nije me trigeralo nego mi je smijesno kako ne zna nista o nama ali misli da zna, stavio je srbiju zeleno a crnu goru crvenu


yes cute president

trigera me kad ljudi ovako oboje cijelu mapu sa prugama kao autisti, imas ljepo boje i izaberi si po jednu za svaku drzavu

No the Kolinda chick

fuck you Serbia i hate you're Turbo listening ass too

>turska samo narancasta

nije dovoljno ekspresivno za mene
kako drugačije da kažem da mi se sviđaju hrvati i hrvatska ali da mrzim ustaše?


ew you sick fuck you're better off with Vucic

Imas doslovno "mixed feelings"

wow rude Alja :^(

>jos ima ljudi koji misle da coco austin je kolinda


Holy shit Faeroe Island on a scale from 1 to 10 how inbreed are you? can you lay down with out swallowing you're tongue? do you have a favorite sheep?

pre sam to uradio bio pa je došlo do majmunisanja od strane hrvata i slovenaca gde sam optužen da sam vučićev bot

uostalom mixed feelings može da znači milion različitih stvari


Why hate the Montenegrin? is it the lazy thing?

istina ali mogu i te sare znacit vise stvari, kako smo mi trebali znat iz toga da volis hrvatsku ali mrzis ustase

ne zna sigurno ni sto je crna gora, vidis da je samo oznacio sve crvenije prema dolje


>everyone hates swedes as usual

it's fine

don't know how you can love our neighbouring countries since they are pretty much the same though, including niggers

ma debilno je ovo sve u svemu
na šta se uopšte odnose boje? na državu? na zemlju kao zemlju, prirodu i to? na narod? pa priroda je svugde lepa, a svako normalan o svakoj državi i svakom narodu ima mešovito mišljenje


you're too progressive for our taste

Why the insults, Abdulah?

ja ukljucujem sve sto ima veze sa narodom i drzavom, prirodu ne, jer to fkt nema smisla

if you knew anything about nordic countries you would dislike the others too then


ne znam, ne mogu tako kompleksna osećanja da aproksimiram na jednu boju, nisam autist
haj u pizdu

it's not a insult i genuinely read somewhere that a lot of you are inbreed and have a thing for sheep

aint average Finn not nearly as progressive as nordics?

isn't it rape in sweden to not use a condom?

i watch Swedish action movies and i don't like that its always a qt blonde girl with a nigger it upsets me

where are you from again?

We must go back

sweden is 10 000x worse

but finnish people have a funky language and memes


I love you, Týr

no its not faggot

i have never met or seen a homsexual or transgender in my entire life


>love athens
>hate peloponnese
why tho

sparta - athens war never 10get

why hate Laconia

Not more inbred than elsewhere in world. We always had thousands of breeding partners to choose from.
Sheep is the main source of meat.
Evil Finland

jbm ti mamu! .!.


how much dose weed go for their



what's with the dislike, pineapple?

shit i forgot, i actually like netherlands and took the template from someone else, i was a bit drunk and lazy

I'm guessing you're a serb?

There's no yellow in the index.

nemoj albaniju baš tako, ipak su u njoj stari srbski gradovi skadar i drač

Memes are literally everything these mouth breathing retards use to base their opinion on countries/politicians/whatever.
What else would you expect from a bunch of lowly NEETs?

neutral with us? don't act like you don't know us we we're in that storm together one time remember?

Like 25eur per gram of shit quality weed.

How do you people form all these opinions?
Do you just read about a certain country and follow its situation from your basements?

Or did you genuinely interact (live or via internet) with enough people from every country in Europe (or world, lol) to literally have an opinion on them?

t. Croatian

> gram
holy shit i can buy a new ps4 game for 2 grams

From people I've met and the places I've been to.

only ones i've been to

croatian, i just dislike albaqnians very much.
im neutral with bosnia because its very fucked up. there are nice people of every 3 nations but i guess there is still a lot of hatred, you can feel the tensions and i wouldnt want to live there. but otherwise i dont care much about the country so its a neutral

post vocaroo



>Butthurt cuck

So anyone that has a different opinion from you has to be a cuck?

you must be new here

Nethershits are extremely butthurt from us

It's hilarious