>997 million EUR
isn't it like pennies to them?
997 million EUR
not recently, their profits for Q4 2017 are just 170 million - down 90%. They have a big legal battle with Apple and they won't appreciate dropping another billion on this
Yeah that's like $70 USD.
It's closer to $997 million being 70€ than the other way round. I for one am enjoying buying shit from the US recently.
$1 billion aren't pennies, for no company on earth they are
Amerifats BTFO'd.
kek, now do pounds
1€ = ~£0.87
Things are not looking good since brexit though, I remember the pound at 0.75
Damn feels fucking good to life in the european union
Nobody takes the EU seriously. Apparently it's also an antitrust violation to include a web browser with an operating system, or show shopping results next to search results.
lmao your country is literally 1/3 african niggers
I live in Hong Kong, nice try Abdul.
Don't take laws of regions you trade with seriously and have to pay about 1bl dollars fine, it does not sounds like good strategy.
I hate the EU. Bunch of anti-American neoliberals.
Why do americans enjoy getting fucked by big companies?
Why do Euros enjoy getting cucked by big government(which is much worse)?
>lets steal a billion dollars from the tech sector and give it to EU bureaucrats
Eurocucks will defend this
>Lets extort some money form a company what can they do ? not sell in the EU hhahaha
Why do murikans enjoy both dicks up their ass at the same time?
>iz bennies haha yurob XDDD
I don't know.
The best solution to these problems is a free market though.
What is the eu going to do with the money?
More gibs for refugees?
More money to fight "hate" on social media?
More money to support pro-eu parties in it's member states?
the best problem to these solutions is to execute (((free market))) cucks like yourself
has any company ever actually paid these fines?
Probably more money for healthcare; oh, but you dont know what that is as an american do you?
Clean water too; oh, you've never heard of it?
>cucked by big government
Truly is an american sentence if ever there was one. Completely lacking any self awareness. Just parroting ideological talking points.
>the best problem to these solutions is to execute (((free market))) cucks like yourself
Nah, the absolute best solution is to torture, suffocate and kill socialist wastes of life like yourself.
That and free helicopter rides. I hope you're prepared.
This entire post is embarrassing.
You have zero argument and are trying to sound profound.
Exactly what about my statement was wrong?
problably more franfurt parties
Why do yuros defend the EU and big government
I don't fucking get it.
Do they enjoy being poor?
>to include a web browser with an operating system, or show shopping results next to search results.
Both of those thing should be illegal, I'm glad the EU is putting a stick in the wheel of American companies because Americans themselves are too stupid to see how badly they get abused.
>people who want economic freedom and high living standards are cucks
>people who want to live like they do in Zimbabwe or Venezuela are not cucked
Leftist logic.
Free helicopter rides to anyone who abuses power.
That's 5% of their gross income.
>Both of those thing should be illegal
No they shouldn't.
What the fuck is wrong with you people?
How many more restrictions on everyday life do you want?
Why do you want the government to control every aspect of your lives?
holy shit just kys right fucking now
I'm fine with that.
How can anyone possibly think this way?
Why the implications?
I've never set foot outside Europe, I'm just concerned.
EU is slowly becoming a full on government rather than a union of countries and I don't like that idea.
Are you seriously defending shopping results next to search results? Is it because your brian is so much hooked on consumerism? Go ahead be a good goy and defend your corporate overlords who fuck you in the ass.
>Are you seriously defending shopping results next to search results?
Of course.
Why would I not defend freedom of speech?
Are you honestly this fucking stupid?
Also you have a problem with microsoft bundling a browser with their OS?
Do you have problem with people wearing the "wrong" clothing and saying the "wrong" things too you deluded fascist?
>Is it because your brian is so much hooked on consumerism?
My Brian? lol
I don't give a shit about "consumerism" and I don't see it as a problem like leftist wastes of life do.
>Go ahead be a good goy and defend your corporate overlords who fuck you in the ass.
LOL they're fucking me by suggesting I buy something?
Holy shit and you defend the state actually fucking you in the ass.
You people need a bullet in the head.
>Are you seriously defending shopping results next to search results?
Oh no, I needed to buy more toilet paper and google suggested where I could buy some in my area.
>the current state of neo-Sup Forums
>unironically being against freedom
>posts picture of stallman
Please leave.
Concentrations of power are fundamentally bad. Communism can't work because you need to concentrate power via violence to redistribute wealth away from those who don't want to share. This concentration of power is then abused. Control of this power becomes the game.
No matter the system, concentrations of power are bad. Monarchies, communism, 'American democracy', unchecked corporate power, whatever.
Because the American lacks any proper culture, his whole life is centered around consumerism and worship of brands. When confronted by this the American will shout "muh freedom". To him, freedom means getting fucked in the ass by mega corporations.
>Life in America is exclusively economic in structure and lacks depth.
>make an OS
>shipping it with a web browser you made is illegal
>people think this makes sense
>the government should dictate what culture is, not society itself
This is why you need a bullet.
Go live in North Korea.
If you don't think that's bad you are too underage to know what happened with the Internet Explorer monopoly.
Even the American goverment was against this not just the EU.
This antitrust case was bullshit from the fucking get go.
It's incredible anyone can defend this case.
Microsoft is shit, but in this example the did nothing wrong.
The government's charges were always baseless. The plaintiffs first argued that Microsoft held a monopoly in operating systems (a near 90% market share) and that they had leveraged that market power into the browser market to crush Netscape. But the government's market share numbers were grossly inaccurate. To arrive at a so-called monopoly market share, the trial court accepted a definition of the relevant market ("single user desktop PCs that use an Intel-compatible chip") that conveniently excluded all of the computers and networking software made by Microsoft's major rivals such as Apple, Sun, Novell, and a host of other companies. In addition, counting only licensed systems allowed Judge Jackson to exclude arbitrarily all of the operating systems sold at retail, those downloaded from the Web, and all "naked" computers shipped without any operating system installed at all. These factual errors narrowed severely the actual competitive market and simply turned Microsoft into the "monopolist" the government required for its antitrust violation. If market share is meaningful at all in antitrust analysis (extremely doubtful), Microsoft's actual share of any realistic relevant market was less than 70% and not enough for any monopoly designation.
It's all a big scam to keep the pull peddlers rich.
You just proved his point, Amerifat. He talks about culture, not government, yet you know not the difference.
Do you really think Stallman approves shopping results next to search results?
No idiot.
Culture is organic and comes from society.
He wants the state to mandate culture, which is retarded
If he doesn't then all his talk about freedom is extremely hypocritical.
>it's also an antitrust violation to include a web browser with an operating system
Let me guess: a "reliable source" told you that?
stallman is a fat disgusting jew that eats dead skin off his foot in public
fuck anything he believes
Inb4 Qualcomm just ceases operations in Europe, and refuse to pay fine
Can't extradite a company
>the trial court accepted a definition of the relevant market ("single user desktop PCs that use an Intel-compatible chip") that conveniently excluded all of the computers and networking software made by Microsoft's major rivals such as Apple, Sun, Novell, and a host of other companies.
Because the case concerned the consumer market, where companies like Sun didn't tread and companies like Apple were irrelevant. The bulk of the web was by and large serving people from single-user desktop systems at home and work, not servers or development workstations.
Who gives a shit?
Microsoft should have never been prosecuted for this.
99% of antitrust cases are bullshit.
People who support this shit are literal cucks.
Seems pretty dumb to drop out of a 800 million people, market.
If Union Pacific took over 90% of American railways and then leveraged that advantage, would you give them a pass because they're not operating any bullet trains in Japan?
That's about the same argument you're making for Microsoft in this case, whether the act of including a web browser of your own design with your operating system system constitutes antitrust or not, you cannot dismiss the stranglehold they had on their core markets. Microsoft was and is very much an effective monopoly in single-user desktops, which are not servers, workstations or embedded systems.
>If Union Pacific took over 90% of American railways and then leveraged that advantage, would you give them a pass because they're not operating any bullet trains in Japan?
They wouldn't have.
The microsoft thing was obviously going to be extremely temporary because it's software.
Antitrust laws are fucking bullshit.
Standard oil was never a monopoly and by the time they got broken up, the market had reduced their market share down to 60% or so.
>Microsoft was and is very much an effective monopoly in single-user desktops, which are not servers, workstations or embedded systems.
No they weren't and they obviously got outcompeted.
Give it to the eurocrats as bonus. Nothing the eu does helps the people living in the eu.
inb4 muh mises
The standard oil story of them getting broken up when they only had 60%~ market share is already well known. Look it up.
>literally the largest market for their products
>hururrrrrr lets just drop it XDDD
If they pay it unlike Intel they will earn some respect
>The microsoft thing was obviously going to be extremely temporary
>No they weren't and they obviously got outcompeted.
...exactly what kind of constructed reality are you posting this bullshit from?
>is already well known
Not a burger. But let me quote you then
>by the time they got broken up, the market had reduced their market share down to 60% or so.
>by the time they got broken up
I like your logic. If I commit any crime, I can't be declared guilty if by the time I'm in court I already turned into an upstanding citizen
>lel gubbermint always = bad and free murket = gud
is not an argument. As such, you get non-arguments in response to non-arguments.
>The fine represents 4.9% of Qualcomm's turnover for 2017
It's literally nothing
you clearly have no clue how the EU works. EU states have signficantly more autonomy than US states and can "secede" whenever as opposed to the US. Who is getting cucked by big government again?
>eu improves competition by separating platforms from apps
>this guy thinks it's somehow restricting my everyday life
let me guess, you also think the police come to check my pillowcase to see whether it adheres to EU standards
>take monies from capitalistfuck foreign company
>give it to rebuild polan and other countries fucked by communism
>polan is fed up by muslem and wants EU to remove kebab
went better than expected