>not a single 1060, 1070,1070ti, 1080, 1080ti in stock at ANY retailers in USA
>not a single 1060, 1070,1070ti, 1080, 1080ti in stock at ANY retailers in USA
Buy one online?
Not only in the US bro. Fucking things are sold out everywhere.
Where are they going? Whos buying them?
I remember when I tryed to buy an RX 570 back in May and it was sold out for weeks everywhere
how are you THIS out of the loop?
Because once I bought my GPU i stopped looking at prices everyday. What did i miss
>what is cryptocurrency mining
>what did i miss
news, miners are buying everything. It's been this way for the past 3 years at least and it's fucking up prices and stock.
GPUs are sold out everywhere because of cryptocoin miners. Increased demand is causing GPU prices to double if not more.
So wait, if you have GPU you just run numbers all day? How much coin do you actually get out of that?
>3 years
The problem was contained to AMD cards before. Nvidia cards only started getting hit within the past month when bitcoin hit the mainstream media. Now mining is so common that nearly everyone under 40 at my work is either buying or mining their own cryptoshit, and I don't even work in tech.
Thank fucking god I bought a 1060 6GB from the EVGA site last summer.
It's all those artists building GPU renderfarms!
Fuck RedShift! or should I say RedSHIT!
Fucking nothing that's why shitters buy 200 GPUs and barely make more than their electricity bills
>not owning multiple already
retards stay retarded
Just grab yourself a Titan V, senpai. Or, as nvidia-smi calls it on Linux, a "graphics device"
> >not a single 1060, 1070,1070ti, 1080, 1080ti in stock at ANY retailers in USA
Good. Buy AMD.
It took a couple months to break even, and that was when buttcoins weren't crashing through the floor
Yep, Memory Express in Canada is bone dry on GPU stock, and they are having issues with ordering new ones.
They've also implemented a no back order policy and a one GPU per billing / shipping address policy as it's become so hard to get any of either GPUs (nVidia and AMD) delivered.
>tfw bought a 1080 for $700
Should've waited a week later to get a second hand from a miner.
A large portion of the GPUs aren't even making it over, but rather are being bought by the pallet in Asia, while what does make it over here is vacuumed up immediately.
This is actually a common practice, particularly in China, where chunks of shipments will be put up to auction block rather than sent on their way. It creates shortages, delays, and non-deliveries elsewhere, while someone makes their buck. I've dealt with it for years in other products, and it is an eternal source of headaches if you're not a big fish that can push back. In the case of GPUs, it's gone one step further -- they're not just looking to make a buck by flipping pallets, but they're being aggressively bought up for the mining farms over there.
>it is cheaper to buy a prebuilt to just to get the gpu
Is not the BTC the ones to blame for this, is the AMD and nvidia kikes, instead of competing with each other they just pact the prices and production so instead of making 400 and sell them for 5 they make 200 and sell them for 100
fuck crypto miners. Someone needs to throw them all in the trash.
It is also literally not btc. Bitcoin cannot be mined by gpus efficiently. Bitcoin is mined by asic miners now. Alt coins like ethereum and monero are what's being mined.
Looks like holding onto my 980 has paid off. When I got my 1080 last year, 980 cards were going for about $150 on ebay, if that. So i decided it wasnt worth the trouble to sell. Now I see some going for $250 to $300.
Mining with GTX 970 and R7 1700 gets me 3 euros per day at the cost of less than 1 euro per day in electricity over what I was using before mining.
Electricity here is 0.17 euros per kWh.
So yeah, I can see why there are people hoarding GPUs, not a bad investment if shit stays the same for half a year, but that's a fairly big if.
Want some?
Maybe you prefer amd? Its ok
>Can sell my 1070 for $100 more than its original price.
>Would net me a 1080 except they cost $300 more than they should.
Seriously fuck those neets.
Look at this from the manufacturers' point of view.
They *hate* it when their products are not on shelves. The amount they'd make by selling more cards dwarfs any markups because of short supply.
The problem is that ramping up production is a huge gamble on their part. There would be a huge capital outlay to open more production lines, and right now the massive demand of cards is solely based on the cryptocurrency market. If mining ceases to be profitable, miners will flood the market with cards that are now useless to them, and AMD/Nvidia will be left holding the bag, so to speak.
Sell now buy later
>3 euros per day at the cost of less than 1 euro per day in electricity after buying 2 GPUs
Wow, you must be rich
I'm seriously asking myself everyday just who these dumbasses think are going to be buying their used GPUs... It's not hard to determine if someone is a miner dumping cards from their ebay sell history. No one's buying these beat down ass cards when it comes time to sell unless its like 60% off. They better be calculating this shit as sunken cost. I'm pretty sure Nvidya and AyyyMD would be happy to hear that as it is the reality.
bros i live in an apartment where electric and rent is covered in one lump sum every month. should I use this to do some BTC mining?
Not everyone is as well versed in computer hardware as the people on this board.
Tons of people will be going to build "muh gaymen rig" and see cheap GPUs on ebay, and not even think twice before ordering.
Also, ignoring the used GPU market, if AMD/Nvidia ramp up production, and demand disappears, they will be left with tons more cards than traditional GPU customers.
Basically it's because this whole crypto thing is liable to implode at any moment.
Tether can't keep BTC above 10k forever, eventually they collapse and every single card bought in the last few years is dumped onto the market at dirt prices. 4x 1080ti here I come!
>after buying 2 GPUs
R7 1700 is a CPU.
What I'm saying is, a GPU that cost $300 before this crypto bubble gets you $50 profit per month.
If you can get some GPUs at non-retarded prices, this shit will pay for itself fairly soon.
Depends on how much power you draw.
The landlord will notice if you start running a full rig 24/7. Could lead to higher rent and/or loss of benefits.
shit thats a good point. he lives on the floor below me, i wouldnt really want to piss him off
Bitch, everyone moved to ASICs for mining three years ago. Nobody is mining on a graphics card these days
you can gradually start raising power draw(leave stuff of) and see where he notices, with some moderate tweaking you can make your power draw quite a bit lower
No one is mining bitcoin on graphics cards.
There's a whole zoo of other cryptocurrencies that you can mine with both CPUs and GPUs, and it's the reason why GPUs are impossible to get right now.
Altcoins my dude.
>not just buying a 1050 and doing a cheap refurbished build.
If you need more then 1080p 60fps to game, you are a graphics whore and are perpetuating the
>muh PC gayming is too expensive!!
>got a GTX 1060 6GB for less than 300€ as soon as it came out in my country
>reviewers and tech wizards pushed the RX 480 like crazy back then, saying that it was much better than the 1060
>people now cry about cryptominers now
>in the meanwhile I can still play all my fav games at 144fps on a Full HD 144Hz screen
Wanna know what even more hilarious?
Even after the buttcoin bubble pops, you will still buy their second hand 1080ti for a jacked up price because years of thirsty gaymers are going to keep the prices sky high.
I didn't even know they did this
i thought personal mining was out of the question at this point with how difficult it is, why are people still buying GPUs?
>people who bought an RX 480 back then can double their money if they'll sell their card
yep they're sure unhappy about buying their card
The same scenario happened in 2013 and the so called second hand card dumping literally never happened, it's just price gouging
just fucking wait and buy Volta later
Never happened? Mate I've got HD7970 for 40 bucks
I don't know dude, I'm super happy with my GTX 1060 now. Why would I have to sell it?
An already old card that was out of production for months by the time BTC exploded, the only card that saw it's production go up were Hawaii based cards
This is what the average cryptominer looks like.
He's actually employed at McDonalds, but he wears a suit when "entrepreneuring" in public.
You're a dumbass, the guy buying the GPU's is BEHIND the counter.
>It is the year 2027
>All national currency, whether it be yen or dollar is worth its weight in dirt
>Bitcoin and its ilk have usurped them, ravaging the economy and removing any motivation from the working class
>Rig-less men and women starve on the street, begging the early adopters that pass by for a single GPU, just a 1030 or even a 770, to feed their family
>The miner brushes off his silken finery and scoffs, "Get away from me, gaymer", spitting on the starving man who had never seen a Mario in his life
>Year 2028
>Volta has finally released
>There are riots in the street
>Over half the human population is melted down for chips
>With their sacrifice Nvidia is able to produce 10,000 cards
>All of which are bought by 3 men
>The world falls to ash, most humans have long since starved to death
>Miners, after sapping a city's entire power grid move to the next, allowing nature to retake the concrete husk
>Dust and bones litter the streets
>Within months humanity may go extinct
>From the silence a single voice is heard
>"Just wait for Gilgamesh"
Glad I bought mine last year
and a secret security curly Q ear piece.
cryptocurrency was a mistake
>Manufacturers hate when the value of their product increases and the cost of producing it decreases.
The buy high sell low meme is fucking really a thing. Holy shit.
Well, it’s Amazon. So at the very least you could probably complain about this in chat and get prime for free for a month.
I bought a vega fe for 700 on newegg recently. They are marked up to 1000 again and sell for way more on ebay. I wew laddes pretty hard. I was waiting for a vega 64 but all of the nowinstock.net alerts I get are for 1300+ now and I'm glad I got what I did.
>being this out of the loop
i'm actually jealous. What is the last thing you remember?
I invested in BTC in june, didnt look at it for 7 months, cashed out $$ in December and put some back in after the drop the other week. I was on /biz/ and they dont talk about GPUs so I have no idea
I bought a 1060 second hand from a miner. The guy was a fedora personified, had an obscure linux distro i can't remember and the most unaesthetic setup you can imagine, dusty mini itx board on the desk, no case and a dell monitor from 2005. Got a good deal but it sucks that people are getting cucked out by plebs mining for botnet points.
press print screen you imbecile.
>b-but it p-prints money, user
Time to buy a console, faggot
Everyone told me it was a silly idea when I bought two watercooled 1080 TIs. I still think they were probably right.
I've gotten back about 1200 euro so far through mining, while having paid about 850 euro for each, so I suppose I was lucky.
Friendly reminded that all console makers are quietly rolling out a wifi mapping firmware update to increase ad targeting
No high-resolution VGA Support on 10 series cards, no thanks.
>95% of all GPU’s produced within the last year are sitting in some warehouse making video game money
Current shortages are due to the chinese stopping production because of chinese new year. Stopped working starting now and the stocks you see available are 2017 batch, wait until march you get stock orders and april to full restock and then get fucked by miners. Your fault that production is relied to one country, kek.
P.s Asian asian.
got a 1060 6Gb for MSRP last week
on Reddit
you can call me a fag all you want, but I'm a fag with a card I didn't pay an arm and a leg for
Top kek.
giv link 2 thred.
i feel bad. have a (You)
What is the best to move with a gtx 970? I never bothered.
^this right here.
I sold my 480 during the Crypto rush of last summer. I doubled my money and got a new 1080 for $400 (Best Buy).
Holy fuck I just died
nigga this aint soylent green
Jesus Christ my sides.
Video memory is a major bottleneck for new games.
>pushing almost 2gb in memory on 4k overwatch
Why don't Nvidia and AYYMD just release dedicated crypto cards that are optimized for that? yes i'm a brainlet btw so please explain why they don't or won't after telling me i'm stupid
Overwatch isn't exactly taxing.
You may as well be bragging about your CSGO performance.
lmao. i got a 1050 before this shit went haywire. Just play all the games you haven't played yet on your steam library. this culture of wanting more and more isn't something you want to get attached to. And no I am not a miner, never will be. I hope they crash and burn because there are legitimate uses for high end gpus.
Also, I say we should make a campaign to make everyone aware of this issue of gpu's being hogged by stupid minerfags. Don't buy gpu's from people that look like miners because in all honesty their cards are probably garbage after being raped for fantasy coins.
>not getting 800fps in CSGO
baka user
They did, they're all perpetually sold out and they draw production away from other cards anyway.