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Where did my change password option go?
What is the most secure android rom for my S4?
Asked in this /flt/ thread but got no responses
in the email account settings that are attached to your OS.
Someone give me a straight answer on this please.
So i'm currently running a dual monitor set up, and my second monitor keeps blinking randomly, almost as if it keeps trying to adjust the resolution on it or something. It's not fully turning off and on again because the power light stays on. Both monitors are 1440p so i'm unsure what is causing this issue or even how to fix it. They're both connected to my gpu through displayport cables.
Can anyone help me fix this?
I have a router that's not connected to a network. I want to have it "open", so people can connect, and then fuck with them somehow. Some routers automatically bring you to a website to login.
How can I do this? Do I need to somehow host a website on the router? Where would I store these files?
Nvidia works much better on linux than AMD. But the open source nvidia drivers are bad.
Any distro recommendations for a first timer?
Mint is the most comfy, ubuntu isn't bad since they dropped unity in favor of gnome.
As far as gpu drivers to is it better to use the open source drivers?
From a performance and stability perspective, hell nah.
I suspect I have a BIOS-infection.
Currently running Linux which should be safe from most shit, but I'm wondering if I'm infected on a BIOS-level. If my PC is so, how do I remove the infection without changing my battery?
Thank you very much for the help user, I'll get to it I suppose
Question, now that Kaspersky isn't allowed to be sold in the US, what other Anti-virus software is good to use?
Family got 'Webroot internet security', but I don't trust it enough. What are the alternatives that are better and safer?
Bitdefender is best for detections and being lightweight. Free version is good but it isn't great at whitelisting shit, and it gives you bare minimum options.
> isn't allowed to be sold in the US
What what?
I recently installed a few games through Lutris. Excuse me for non-professional words used and errors, but... yeah.
Turns out they got saved on my C drive. Is it any way possible that the games's files could become infected, and when I run them on Linux my system could end up infected?
Could you give the list of the bare minimum options? Does it get rid or block the viruses as soon as they come on or does it require a scan? (As in does it have real-time protection?)
> >Russians
No, I mean, it should've been disallowed only for govt facilities.
Is it cheating if for a project I follow a guide more or less and learn along the way and then put that project on my resume as an undergrad?
Does seeding torrents (without anyone actually downloading from you) affect online game performance?
Yeah it does real time. At one point it didn't have on-demand, but I think they added that. That's pretty much it. There's an option to turn off adds, and a separate program if you want browser security. Most shit AVs throw in is just to look good on the sales pitch anyway.
Alright so
>Got external HDD ages ago, external power + USB connection
>Stopped working after a long time, for no obvious reason
>Got bored, started (violently) taking it apart
>Started working again, for no obvious reason
>Used it a bit but been sitting in a cupboard for a long time now
>Trying it out again out of curiosity, not working
>Disk is actually visible (I did say I was violent) and not spinning
>Soft regular clicking, and disk is visibly shifting ever so slightly with each click
It's kind of like it doesn't have enough power to move, although the power connection is still physically okay.
I would remove the intermediary stuff and plug it into my PC, but currently I'm messing around with it and stuck on my laptop.
wat do?
FreeNAS or Owncloud?
I like syncing features like onedrive and drive. And the calender thingy in owncloud looks interesting. Thought?
No, unless you have hundreds of torrents seeding and you have a shitty modem/router.
Not really. But you at least should be able to explain how it works and why you did this and that.
Strange, From what I've heard from the family is that bestbuy doesn't stock them anymore. >GeekSquad.
The w10 had a hardware failure and they took it in for repairs/replacement.
That's good. Though is there any other software that you would suggest? I wish to have a good list of options.
What can I do with a rooted Android 5.0 tablet?
I got Clover and Adaway, which feels like the bare minimum.
one is a distro, the other is a web interface. you can use both.
Owncloud is just a service.
Is it tough to learn C# if you know JavaEE decently well? Potential employer gave me a take-home assignment entailing 3 different questions entailing writing C# code that prints to console. The logic is easy but I've never used the language.
Ok so freenas is the real deal gotcha.
Bestbuy were actually the first to drop kaspersky. Government came later. You can probably still get it at walmart and online if you want to show putin your art project.
Avast is the big other one, its gotten pretty solid detection rates since they ate AVG. MWB is pretty good too, although i'd just use it as an on demand complement to something else. Windows defender is fine for most people.
The rule of thumb is - if its not an assembly, not a functional programming (or it is but you know it) and not a meme langugae then its will be piss easy.
Cool, gotcha. Doesn't seem like a huge change thankfully -- using Visual Studio seems like a much bigger hurdle right now lol
How in the world do I undo the "canvas image fingerprint" thingy on firefox? I hit yes with the "remember my choice forever and ever". There's no way of undoing this that I can see.
At least tell me if The Click is a death signal.
I want to get a laptop that can run VR decently (Oculus specifically).
>inb4 get a desktop, I do have one, I also need a laptop.
When considering VR-compatibility, Is the only thing that's relevant what graphics card it has?
some scammers got my phone number from a guy at work (fairly sure)
it's the scam where a random number calls for 1 or 2 rings in the hopes you call back
has anybody figured out how to get their number off the list?
or how easy / much does it cost to rent out loads of those fake phone numbers?
>from a guy at work (fairly sure)
lmfao baby boomer detected
when you enter your phone number into a form for online services and websites they aggregate your info and sell it to marketing companies for pennies on the dollar
your coworker had nothing to do with this unless he's Chinese and lives in Guangzhou
Thanks. I'm trying to use the Windows resource monitor to find out if my seeding activity is too excessive for my pleb connection and setup. Am I safe if I'm well below 100% network utilization or should I watch out for anything else?
something like the platter/reader is out of alignment or something
google hard disk fail troubleshoot, there's a lot of resources
the actual advice here is you
get a new external disk
put your current disk in the freezer for a while (maybe even overnight)
plug it in
(run a directory listing to a text file)
copy everything to the new disk
use your old disk but treat like it's already dead
freezer trick is inconsistent, I've had a dead drive work for another year after the freezer and I've had ones that get no effects off the freezer
forgot sample image of resource monitor
>phone number into a form for online services and websites
I don't, retard millennial
the guy I'm talking about spends his days sucking Indian middle management dick to try and secure large deals a long way down the road
I started getting these calls right after I gave him my number, and the scam is well documented since at least 2014
> they aggregate your info and sell it to marketing companies for pennies on the dollar
yeah marketing companies, these aren't ads, they're literal scams, I would notice if an organisation that I was about to give my info to was dodgy
Well that's new to me, cheers.
It's not urgent or life-saving to get it working, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have expected it to last very long after what I did to it. I'd just find a drive of it's size useful for shifting stuff around/installing OS' etc.
Update in the /flt/ at some point as I want to know about this too.
did I hit a nerve about the baby boomer thing? if it's any consolation you're probably GenX
to answer your original question, you can block the numbers on your phone or with your carrier if they are persistent. scammers generally don't have cordial list management that you can opt-out of. if the numbers are spoofed and different every time, the only easy way out is changing your own number (not worth it imo)
Will do when I get back home
No, if you know Java getting some basic knowledge of C# is going to be trivially easy. You might not 'get' language features which Java doesn't have immediately but basically writing Java-style C# is easy as fuck, they are very, very similar.
You also need a decent CPU, but that shouldn't be an issue. For Oculus specifically you want to make sure you have enough USB 3.0 ports, especially if you want a roomscale (3 sensor) setup. It can be somewhat touchy/picky, especially the sensors and apparently people sometimes buy a separate PCIe cards to share the USB controller load.
I have a Z97 mobo with just the chipset USB 3 controller, it works perfectly fine with 3 sensors and the headset on USB3. The recommendation is headset on USB3, 2 sensors on USB3 and the last sensor on USB2 though. You'll want to make sure that the laptop you're getting physically has enough ports and that they play nice with Oculus since you can't exactly add another controller card on a laptop.
Is there a Sup Forums x for 8gag?
>changing your own number (not worth it imo)
yeah that's why it's such a cunt, thanks anyway
you hit a nerve by being a know-it-all with no actual use / intelligence
like even still after 2 of your posts I'm exactly where I started except frustrated, you haven't given me any new or useful information, a fucking 'no' would have been handier than this (I needed an angry rant though, thanks)
saying "baby boomer" and the apparent ease you have with handing out your phone number to god knows who and what also reminds me of the exact 'millennial' qualities I hate
a baby boomer would be like 65, and gen x would be around 40, and at this point I'm actually trying to work out how this was intended as an insult or even what you even intended by it
just some fucking words to you
I'm a millennial by the way, just not a fucking waste of space
Thoughts on the i3 8350k?
Actually hadn't though about the USB part, thanks!
Was thinking about
It's also the heaviest of the ones I've reviewed, which is a fairly good indicator of the quality of the cooling.
On a different note...
...I can almost bet my left nut that they'll reveal the oculus CV2 at a1070 minimum spec ~2 months after I place any order...
So I tried delidding my 6700K and I butchered the traces. Motherboard wouldn't post, would power up but it's a uATX with no error code LEDs or anything. Tried clearing CMOS several times, no luck. I bought a 7700K because I just wanted it working and move on. Just put it in today, and now it will power cycle once then not post. So did my damaged 6700K destroy my mobo? If so then did I also destroy the brand new 7700k? Where should I go from here? Do I RMA the 7700K and just move to a new platform or should I gamble with another z170m board and hope the 7700K is still good?
So what's up with projectors lately? Is there a technology that doesn't burn out bulbs? Are short-throw ones worse than normal throw ones in terms of PQ?
Is there a plugin/script that covers the entire area around currently active video like pic related?
Can someone point me to a software that lets me record my desktop that doesn't have viruses, try to get me to buy a full version and no download coupled with adware?
no, but the dev is mad enough about captchav2 that he's considering porting it iirc
use OBS
FOSS is the only non-shitty free software
everything else is either making money through malware, ads, or sales
I have both the ASUS DSL-AC68U and the RT-AC68U. One is a router and modem, the other is just the router.
Is it better to keep the one with the modem, or to have the router so that I can use a third party router firmware?
what do you mean by this?
I meant to say, thank you.
how can i connect a hard drive to a laptop to quickly transfer some data from it? can i use a sata to usb adapter or is there something else needed for power?
>anything under an i5
Does the LG G5 have a history of burning out SD cards or have I just been unlucky?
2.5 HDD yes. 3.5, also yes, but you need one that supports 3.5 drives, usually with an external power source.
how do I select only part of this string with a regex pattern: 'A' 'B' 'C' 'D'
I need to print D removing the '
Hi, I got an HIFI sound system to the TV, but I can't remotely control it, I have to stand up and turn the volume down or up. Is there any way to control it? It doesn't have a controller
arigato based user
you probably need to learn regex to actually do what you want, or else explain yourself better, but here you go anyway
search for
^'.' '.' '.' '(.*?)'$
replace with
takes a lot of fiddling, testing, and competence to get some regex working properly
I'd highly recommend learning it btw, I felt like a fucking god when I started getting the hang of it, it was like when I found out you can add flour to fucking anything vaguely moist and get a dough/batter, just godlike skills
if it doesn't have a remote it probably wont be able to have a remote
check the manual / specs for IR or anything that sounds useful
actually fuck that google "[model number] remote control"
your tv probably has some volume regulation on it anyway, just find a reasonable range on the hifi and leave it be
If I have an amplifier for headphones and want to use my motherboard's audio as the source, where do I plug it in my PC?
the audio port connected to the motherboard?
My laptop can't seem to connect to a specific network. Other devices connect just fine with normal speed.
Whenever I try to connect from my laptop it connects for a fraction of a second then immediately resets the WiFi adapter and disconnects me with a 'can't connect to this network' message. For the fraction of a second I can ping the server in the Internet.
Windows 10, Dell xps 13
'feh' '--bg-scale' '--randomize' '/home/nick/Pictures/background/sunrise/06.png'
this is a legit sample. I need to print only the file path to chain a pair of scripts but regex defeated me once again
The only weird compatibility thing I can think of is that to play LA Noire VR you need a 1070+ or Vega (IIRC) and you can't have an AMD CPU + GPU thanks to driver overhead. So literally, Intel + Nvidia, Intel + AMD or AMD + Nvidia are supported.
how are you running the regex?
any method where I could emulate it on my end?
there's a shitload of environment based gotchas with regex
search for
^'(.*?)' '(.*?)' '(.*?)' '(.*?)'$
(assuming spacebars between quotes, and no escaped quotes (\'))
replace with
Pulseaudio can't access my home directory, and apparently this prevents it from playing audio. I'm on Manjaro.
So the green jack on it?
quick n dirty
sudo chmod 755 /home/faggot
didn't work
heres the error
E: [pulseaudio] core-util.c: Home directory not accessible: Permission denied
if you always want the last entry in the list you could simply use
In vim, you can type any number after :q and it still works. So :q is the same as :q29482374. Why the fuck does this work?
sudo chown -R youruser /home/youruser? Might be retarded, idk.
cat .fehbg | grep -e "^.*'([^']*)'$"
am I doing something wrong here?
Nope. Would my home directory being on an NTFS drive be an issue? I want to get a dual boot setup, thats why its NTFS.
>Run Windows 7/8.1 in VirtualBox VM.
>Run Windows Update.
>Restart VM.
>Screen is now black.
>Kill VM and restart many times.
>Screen is still black.
How do I fix this? I've had to delete and rebuild this VM 5 times in the last year, it's completely random.
Must have umatrix/ublock rules?
I used a program that would re-log me back in session if I gave it my account password. I uninstalled the program, but the option/thing to make me log back in upon computer restart is still there.
Even if I change the password, it appears like it failed to log in and I have to type it manually.
Where's the script or whatever that is doing this? I want it to stop trying to log me back in at startup.
try looking in task schedules
real dumb question inc
I have a 2011 machine thats served its purpose
I need to replace everything, but I already have 16 of ram and those are pretty expensive by themselves
any way I can buy a prebuilt that doesnt include ram?
also first time posting on Sup Forums im a complete idiot on technology so I appreciate any help
where should I look for good audio amp? dac? I already have headphones but want hi-fi
Isn't NTFS only readable and writable by windows?
Does anyone know how to play a low resolution game in fullscreen on a high resolution monitor without blurry upscaling? Specifically in Wine
sudo pulseaudio
grep -E "'([^']*)'$"
haha, and that's still not even it
echo "'feh' '--bg-scale' '--randomize' '/home/nick/Pictures/background/sunrise/06.png'" | grep -E "'([^']*)'$"
you're going to have to use sed, give me a second, I'm also assuming that the file is one line long, might make a difference might not
i'm not familiar with grep but after looking at documentation online, its default is to return the entire line that matches the regex
it has no functionality to return only particular capture groups, although the -o option will return only the part of the line that matches the regex
so probably you will have to use the -o option in combination with lookahead and lookbehind syntax (the content in the lookahead is not returned as part of the matched string)
cat .fehbg | grep -o -e "(?