Loan word

from Chinese:60%
from English:25%
from Portugese,Germany,Dutch.French:0.01%
other else are indigenous words.

Other urls found in this thread:

why is that scooter farting

have you never seen this effect in manga
it's rempresenting moving.

Finnic 40%
Germanic 40%
Baltic 10%
Slav 5%
Greek-Latin-English-Whatever the rest %

You are speaking high-level cucked lang as me.

isn't that usually represented by lines like this

that make me feel way slowly
pic one is more speedy.

We must pay 100 millions $ for lend lease

>from Chinese:60%
im not netouyo, but this sounds a lie and massive bullshit

seems you count everything as chinese, excluding western words

my chinese friend told me so.
dont have very profeccional knowledge.

>believing in chinese education more than japanese one

even though that your friend is innocent it comes from mostly CCP's propaganda.
his knowledge must be of it and bullshit from the media that are heavily biased toward CCP and Chinese ethnocentrism.

though before that, why did you even figure it out by yourself? you sound like a weirdly idiot

idiot? im student of Keio Uni.
Do you know it?


Going to a prestigious school doesn't mean you are smart

I dont think so.
and these percentages are just a one which is depending on my intuition and fragmentary knowledges.
Who came here discuss very deep academic things.He just dont get it.

the other guy is right about your chinese friend though
he's probably been indoctrinated and is pro-chinese, of course he would say something like that

are you new?. everyone doing so here because your shit language isnt available on this board
or if you are one of faggots in general, kill yourself

>keio uni
NOTHING of this proves the fact.

you are the most stupid non netouyo/2ch cunt ever on this board and a literally one of the easiest pushovers

they are actually braiwashed as shit, But dont like to see jap are denying it for some reason origin from irelevant things.They are obssesed with political things too much recently.fucking pathetic and irritate me.just.

You are depressed as fuck.I know a one got a depression as you.Your random dirty words are the typical symptom of depression.If you want to get someone's attention, dont use dirty word. cure your depression.I cheer you.頑張って!!!みんな応援してるから。

French: 80%
Latin: 15%
Greek: 5%
All others: 0%

Why is it called English again?



Mostly Latin, Greek and English, but i can't find a source.

>everything keio student tells to me is right
>pointed it out its doubtful and likely just another bs from chinese media/propaganda that isnt even rare
>suddenly buttblasted and calls someone one who has depression

what the fuck even happens to you

to begin with, do you even know about the meaning of "loan word"?

Seriously,You are speaking French.
Im indirectly brainwashed by Xi Jin Ping I guess.
I know euros are sharing words
how about a percentage of english especially in recent words like IT,Science words or relatively new idea from america.Here literally look like abandoned making new original word for these.
We are talking like プログラミング(programming)教育は全国の小中学校でも開始され、コンピュータ(computer)やタブレット(tablet)を使う授業が普及されつつある。

I dont want to have quarell with you because it's boring and nobody wants it,you know.I want to require you not to use these dirty words.It would irritate somebody sometimes.If you have a different opinion from me, just use some polite words.

60% of "loan words in Japanese" are from Chinese.

actually a lot of modern terms are from japan to china using kanji like bike and so forth

yeah because they have studied western stuff from japan
金融(finance)国家(nation) etc came from japanese.

b but Japan created Moe, Waifu, Fujo
>cuck successful

Japanese also invented various words and quite a few of them were exported to China since they didn't have these concept at all:

倫理 Ethics
哲学 Philosophy
経済 Economy
共産主義 Communism
民主主義 Democracy
人民 People
共和国 Republic

without these Japanese words, Chinese people cannot write their own country name 中華人民共和国 People's Republic of China LOL!

logically without kanji jaopanese cannot write at all


but there are still many words from china in japanese.

I think OP misunderstood his friend's statement like 60% of the entire Japanese language is constituted of words from China.
Keio used to be such a prestigious college, but it seems the student quality must have fallen drastically.

..bro, I got your back.

Really? I thought you were a student in a meme department of Waseda.

Where did alphabets come from?

from English:78.5%
from Japanese:6.5%
from Germanic,Italian,French:10.2%

I have a question.
Why you specially love coming to the threads built by Japanese and ruin it? I came here for talking with foreigners but not you, because im talking with japanese everyyear everymonth everyday everyhour everyminute everysecond.I guess you are too.

If it was funny i dont say bad things but it's boring and irritating people.

>this level of denialism


I always thought that English was mostly German but this chart seems to say otherwise.

the basis is still germanic but the vocab is french-latin

From the german, greek, italian, and... No more.

>inb arab.

Most Arabic words are not loans, if not duplicity, while the German loans have no duplications. For example Almohada is a duplicity of cojin, but guerra (From the german) don´t have duplicity.

>irritating people.
irritating you only.
you open a thread on an anonymous board and complaining because you don't hear what you wanted to hear? Grow up.

Why do cunteyes suck at English sooooo fucking bad.
Even the Arabs and South Americans here have pretty perfect English, and most of the Arabs usually know French too.
So please tell me, why are chinks gooks nips so fucking retarded.

>Sino-Japanese vocabulary or kango (Japanese: 漢語?, "Han words") refers to that portion of the Japanese vocabulary that originated in Chinese or has been created from elements borrowed from Chinese. Some grammatical structures and sentence patterns can also be identified as Sino-Japanese. Sino-Japanese vocabulary is referred to in Japanese as kango (漢語), meaning 'Chinese words'. Kango is one of three broad categories into which the Japanese vocabulary is divided. The others are native Japanese vocabulary (yamato kotoba) and borrowings from other, mainly Western languages (gairaigo). It is estimated that approximately 60% of the words contained in a modern Japanese dictionary are kango,[1] and they comprise about 18% of words used in speech.[a]

If you count all your vocabulary equally, then it's that, but going by most common words, things look different.
BTW we have shit tons of Latin, French and Greek loanwords too, but other than in English, they generally only kick in on formal/technical speech levels here

For Arabs speaking French, you can probably find the answer in their history.
And probably a lot about the reason why we suck at English is also explained by our history too.

I mean the Arabs already speak Arab and French (and whatever other special snowflake language like Berber Aramaic Hebrew or whatever), and their posters on Sup Forums still speak English infinitely better than cunteyes.
That makes no fucking sense to me.

Is the IQ stuff just a meme after all?

From French 30%
From Latin 40%
Misc. 25%
Native Aenglisc Words: 5%

Do you equate language skills with intelligence? I don't.

Yeh obviously it's very correlated you dumb gook.
Hell I forgot even fucking ASEAN monkeys have infinitely better English than you.
You know just one fucking language and you still can't learn English?
You gooks are a lost cause.

Meh, French are generally very bad at English, we are quite bad too but Dutch and Nordicks excel at it, so I'd say it's cultural

Talking about Sup Forums only.
No one sucks as bad as rice niggers.
Maybe subsaharan Africans are as bad but they rarely if ever post, so they're irrelevant.

Literally everyone else is better than gook subhumans though.

After being here for about 3 years, I noticed it's exclusively Nip flags that do so. Korean and the rare PRC and Taiwan posters have acceptable levels, furthermore I suspect >80% of Jap flag posts to be English teachers and proxys anyway who will use that certain broken English intentionally in a meme-ish manner (with the very few authentic Jap posters jumping in on the bandwagon), but that's just my theory

>French: 80%
>Latin: 15%
But french IS a latin language, it makes no sense.

I'd like to see you trying to speak Japanese...
I think you just don't realize how fundamentally different Japanese and English are.

How come people don't assume that Korean and Taiwanese posters here are also English teachers?


It's probably the hardest major language for native Indo-European speakers to learn. Japanese were unfortunately born into the world dominated by Indo-European languages, so I guess they'll always suck at this.

Yeah for >95% of the lexicon French is Latin, but they do have a few Celtic and Old Frankish loanwords here and there too
Thanks to weeabooism and the nature of the board (descending from 2ch), Jap flag has a very high "prestige" on these boards, so it's much more sought after than Korean and Chinese ones

And also our schools teach us English for us to pass entrance exams and read academic papers for higher education.
Although it's changing, conversational English has been very undervalued.

The hardest part of their language is the honour system and memorising kanjis though, but phonologically it's very simple, (so a bit like Spanish which has very easy to learn sounds - only 5 vowels, very hard thing is the trilled "r" though - but ridiculous grammar)

Japanese doesn't sound too difficult, too bad most of Europe started speaking some Indian language

>The hardest part of their language is the honour system
user, please.

Yeah, so phonology is the only easy part of learning Japanese.

Well that's what I've been told, not a weeb myself and not learning it, so I wouldn't know
German honour system only has the distinction of "du" and "Sie" in the second person (historically there had been two more levels - "er" for servants and "Ihr" for nobility, but this is obsolote now)

I can understand french pretty fuckkin' well for only studying it for 3 years in high school.

German isn't really a problem. But moreso than french. Some Italian words are essentially english words. Idk, whatever senpai, it's a pseudo-romantic language what do you want from me.

I'll say 25% French, 15% German and the rest is just English.

>very hard thing is the trilled "r"

I physically can't do it fun fact. I really, completely can't.

We make our "R" with the throat (uvular), like the French do
Only some dialect speakers like Bavarians can roll it (aveloar) like Slavs and Latins do

25% from english? I don't berieve it

Arabic is harder for English speakers I remember. Requires more hours than Japanese.
Stop making up excuses.

I don't want people to study Japanese...
I want Japan to be left alone so that we can stay unique enough to produce manga and JAV that surprise the world...

That just counts all the words available to an English speaking person, which runs into the millions. The most commonly used words and what children learn when young are mostly Germanic.

Arabic (and Hebrew)'s hardest part is the alphabet, all squiggly lines that all look exactly the same, and don't even show vowels

No, I understand, it's pretty hard. I mean, why is a
Gerrrrman complaining about that?
>/r/ has a number of possible realizations:
>Voiced apical coronal trill/tap
>Voiced uvular trill
Hope I'm not missing something here, I don't know German at all

42% norse
30% german
9% latin
6% french
1% english

The reason for learning English is just because of a school exams,but we aren't interested in English.

we aren't very good at writing and speaking because the school exams are reading and listening

we don't use English in our daily lives at all

The "honor-system" basically boils down to honorific choice plus 敬語 usage (keigo, essentially "formal language"), you can get used to both very easily.
Have you ever heard about how Chinese grammar is really straight forward, but when it comes to phonology it's difficult as hell, because all the tones and so on? Japanese is essentially the other way around. The grammar in itself is completely alien-like to westerners, ideas are expressed in a completely different manner. Pronunciation is really simple though.

here, nevermind.

irritating not only me obviously, this thread was obviously just for fun not for your """""""academic study"""""". relax plz, my friend.
I tell you."正論(general argument)" is the normal, boring thing that anybody can tell. your next step is enjoying our "the discussion based on our original feeling"

I've noticed this when in my videogames they say "reich" with a throaty R, and I didn't expect it.

Is it just a saxon/westphalian thing?

>seriously, you are speaking french.

I love this meme. It's like saying the Italians are speaking Latin.

Yeah an alphabet is surely much harder than a gajilllion signs Hans. Sure sure.
Why is everyone gung ho on defending gooks. And I don't see why Japanese should be harder than any ASEAN language either. Fucking weaboos.

>from english: 25%

Woah mama
That really chuffles my chortles

Thanks Japan! Please import more English words! I like Engrish!

Nice list m8. Here's another.

Well, it's very regional, also depends on age group. I'm in a dark purple area in pic here but still my grandma rolls the "r" perfectly with the tongue, I can't do that any more
I could do the tap as in Spanish "pero", but not the trill as in "perro"

You think Brazilians or Moroccans or Indonesians use English in real life you dumb gook? No one outside Anglo countries speaks English irl.

>l-look, dickens used mostly old english vocab, w-were totally not crypto french!


Because should be half shaded, as "be" = germanic root

Best ones are when they are Indo-European cognates, like "Bruch" vs "Fraktur" (first one is common term, second one medicinal)

>it's another French poster who thinks greentexting is a proper way to argue

I said 25% but it is not correct actually, actually in several direction of discussion it will surpass 80% of using English words, especially IT or some new things.
I uncouciously defended our dignity but our lang is being invaded by your language!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can go all day mate.

Sorry to offend your ego investments, but English is not "crytpo-French".

It's okay, because you say them funny instead of how we say them, so we can't understand it anyways but it sounds cool

Meh when I made the chart I didn't want it to look to complicated. First thought about giving "people" an extra colour, because while it derives from Latin "populus", it's not of PIE origin but most likely Etruscan
This can lead to funny flase cogantes. For example our "Feuer" looks a lot like French "eu" but they are not related at all, while our word comes from PIE, the French one derives from Latin "focus" which also has Etruscan root

have you never listened to animu? the amount of English loanwords is frankly astounding. Japanese prior to Western contact must have really been an extremely poor language.

*French "feu"
My keyboard sucks

Thank you very much for your lecture on how to enjoy Sup Forums.
I am not sure which post of mine was about my "academic study", but it's totally unnecessary to reply to me with your "original feeling" because I don't care about your feeling.

The grammar is completely different, The use of two languages is confusing.

So those who are interested in English is very well.