What the fuck happened to Intel?

>In a statement, Intel spokesman Navin Shenoy said it had been investigating why the earlier patches caused "higher-than-expected reboots and other unpredictable system behaviour".
>Lyft engineer Matt Klein said it had seen a 20% slowdown when its servers were swapping a lot of data back and forth.
>Intel's investigation into what caused the patches to make computers unstable has now led it to advise people to stop applying those updates
So not only did Intel fuck up with Meltdown, but their patches also messed up a ton of systems. How is this one company so incompetent? Is it even worth it to upgrade your own computers with intel crapware anymore?

Other urls found in this thread:


Why isn't everyone just backing the fuck off, and going with Google's fix for this shit? Retpoline, or whatever the hell it's called.

Except no major companies have incorporated that fix into updates yet. Most people just went with the original update while shit companies like microsoft just forced it.

I fucking love free software.
Retpolines aren't ideal but we know it works.
Hope the windows/ intel world enjoys their free dicking.

What exactly is the deal with a retpoline?

Intel is basically sinking right now, and chinkshit is getting ready to fire the final torpedo.

So, is this true? From what I hear, Retpoline needs to be implemented not only at the Kernel level, but also in every application that you run. So in other words, not only do Microsoft, Linux, and Poop Pounder OS, have to patch their systems, but every application from here on in, will need to as well? Sounds like a nightmare.

For free software: Easy
Add it to the app, recompile with gcc or clang flags, and set the repo out.

Windows is fucked by craming a shim in at the kernel layer to just fix it all in one go, courtesy of intel's team.

If you have Retpolines in your kernel it just prevents kernel calls from peeking at your full memory.
Applications can still peek at the userspace.

Only problem is it drops I/O performance with the patch.
XFS progs is gonna hurt I can feel it already.

I guess its time to build your own cpus like this guy at magic-1.org/. Can't trust this botnet anymore.

So for hobbyists and enthusiasts, is it worth the upgrade? Upgrading Linux distros isn't a problem, but Windows 10 loves to bundle all their shit together in updates. Is this patch worth it or no? Please help, anons

I'll go out on a limb and say just keep taking the updates. At least your ass will be covered until somebody comes up with a long term solution.

Ok. Out of all my computers, I'm only worried about my laptop right now. It's pretty new but has an Intel chip (my other newer desktop uses AMD). The laptop manufacturer has not released any firmware updates either. I would perform the Windows update, but the last time I used that crap, it messed up my partitions, and after fixing all that, I couldn't run some programs. Is there anyway to only get security updates on Windows 10? I don't have LTSB, but have an Enterprise CBB I got for free. Really appreciate it if any user can help.

It’s funny how Intel’s reputation went from old IBM tier to old AMD tier in less then a year.

Think this will tank the prices of Intel CPUs? Looking to upgrade soon.

weve moved on past the idea that our data and systems are safe.
We now embrace malware and hold no value in our data.

Investing in marketing and anti-competitive business practices will only take you so far and for so long.

Prepare for the year of (rightfully so) AMD domination.

>B-But S-Shintel is t-the b-best. V-vidya is b-barely effected!

Jokes on them, I never installed their shitty gimping patches in the first place

>Intel officially became the most JUST company of the USA
>Shit started to hit them nonstop

Use a real operating system?

To be fair, wouldn't Intel have to say that, since they have to encourage people to stay within warranty?