Did they ever make a CPU that's completely orange? Think about it for a second - a completely orange CPU. Wouldn't that be awesome? You know you would buy an orange CPU immediately if it existed.
Did they ever make a CPU that's completely orange? Think about it for a second - a completely orange CPU...
No thanks
great thread
no cause if a cpu gets hot it becomes orange so if the cpu is already orange it will just get hotter.
They should rather make the cpu from the opposite of orange; pink.
What you need is a CPU that gets a red aura when turbo boosting and goes golden when you use all its cores. (Also gets sparks when using all the hyperthreading cores.)
I thought the opposite to orange was baby blue?
Buy a black CPU. It'll run faster.
>Not purple
>silver feet
Not even fully black
If it was fully black it would steal your motherboard.
We buy Nikes sometimes.
Blue is hotter than orange
Wrong again
They should just build the system memory right into the CPU.
A thread died for this
I hope it was a apple shilling thread.
sure thing fella
If blue is hotter then how come the Sun is orange?
Yes, i9s turn that color after 5 minutes of use.
Compared to other stars, our sun is relatively cold.
Name one blue star that is hotter than the sun
>implying we have clear pictures of stars
I bit hard
Blue is definitively stronger than yellow or red, but grey is stronger than blue, or even blue and red combined.
If they use Orange amps and cabinets then they are probably worth their cover charge.
Regulus A is about 12000K while the Sun is only 5700K
CPU's are green by default because they knew everyone in the future can make green gains with crypto
Truly visionaries
>CPU's are green by default
Eh? They're bronze color by default.
>you know you would buy an orange CPU immediately if it existed
Damn right. Then I would apply some thermal paste, mount my heatsink and fan, close up the case, and never look at the CPU again.
I would absolutely buy an orange CPU, but it would even be better if I could get it in 90's translucent plastic.
No, the first CPU was blue.
What are you? Dutch?
how about translucent orange like the lego chainsaws
>>>the absolute state of Sup Forums
Implications were implied
only when the police bustdown your door
the 4004 was mostly orange, actually
Thats gold...
gold/copper is orange
gold and copper are their own distinct colors, neither of which is orange.
only if you're really anal about it
Copper is more brown and gold is more yellow. Neither is especially orangey.
What a silly thread. Thanks for the laughs guys
we should be allowed to hang people like you
This all depends on percentages and oxidization
>implying Zero doesn't know about your CPU stash
Did we get word when the new season is being released.
... new season?
The absolute something something
Gr8 idea m8. I'd buy an orange CPU. Hell, if I had an orange CPU, I'd be showing it to all babes who come to visit, they'll sure be amazed.
>mfw America's Central Presidential Unit is orange
The more violet the processor is, the more powerful wave it emits. More powerful than violet is ultraviolet then Roentgen waves (X) and gamma. Therefore the most powerful processor would emit gamma rays. Wouldn't it be nice if your computer gave you cancer? Or turned you into Hulk by chance.
The sun is white. You can prove that with any glass prisim and a sheet of white paper. If it was orange, the light from it would be orange.
Get the fuck outta here, Linus.
It has to be sometime after Oudou (third recap movie) is released in May.
The news has been out for like a year
holy fuck they could call it "orange edition"
If you are going to shitpost at least put some effort into it.